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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. What are your thoughts on bringing home the salad from a restaurant meal? I had a yummy caesar salad last night, only took like 3 bites and left it because I thought it would be too soggy to eat the next day. Now I'm day-dreaming over how good that salad was LOL. I guess if the salad doesn't have dressing on it, it would probably be okay.
  2. sleevesearch

    I smell funny.

    I had switched to prescription/generic Prevacid in October, and I never encountered any body odor issues.
  3. sleevesearch

    Oh no, Oh no no no no no

    GIve your body time to adjust, quit weighing your self every day. Once a week at most. Good Luck!
  4. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    45min pilates using my total gym as my reformer. Felt real good, intense stretches and core exercises. Got my 3 month labs today, and everything is in normal range, except B12. Was way over '>2000'; normal range is <211. So i'm going to quit that supplement.
  5. In an effort to try to curb my hunger pangs, I talked to my doc today, and decided to switch from prescription prevacid to protonix. Won't start them for another week, but I hope it works.
  6. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    I got 30 min in on the stationary bike today. Off topic: NSV - being able to throw all my clothes into the dryer and not worry about anything shrinking too much For as long as I can remember, I've always had to hang dry my jeans or some of my sweats for fear that they would be too tight to wear.
  7. I AM HUNGRY TOO!!! I don't think my PPI is working (prescription generic prevacid). For the past month, I've been losing/gaining the same 3 lbs. A couple of days ago I went back to tracking my food and found that I'm eating 1200-1500 cals per day, and only exercising 3-4 times a week. Probably not enough exercise. This hunger/empty feeling I get is every couple of hours, and if I wait too long, I get nauseous and I eat too fast and that doesn't feel good in the tummy. Popping gaviscon inbetween meals helps alittle but not completely. I just don't want to be hungry! At all! I have feelings of disappointment and regret, that for the rest of my life I will always be struggling with food because of this hunger. I do go back to my PCP tomorrow to get my lab results and will discuss the PPI with them and probably try a different one. Just not feeling to hopeful that there's an alternative out there for me.
  8. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    55min walk/jog today. Freezing outside, but at least I got out there with the dog before the wind picked up.
  9. sleevesearch

    Self-pay in U.S. question

    I don't know if this is the correct forum to place this question, but does anyone know, when you self-pay in the U.S., are you still required to meet minimum requirements to qualify for the surgery? You know the BMI, co-morbidites, psyc, pre-diet, etc... From the research I've been doing, seems Mexico doesn't require these things. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
  10. sleevesearch

    18 month post-sleeve check in

    Awesome! Congrats! Such an inspiration!
  11. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    Took yesterday off from exercise. But got out there today with a brisk 40 min walk. The dog demanded it
  12. sleevesearch

    Is Palin NUTS????

    More pointedly, the Obama's are NOT even overweight!!!
  13. sleevesearch

    Is Palin NUTS????

    This statement is EMBARRASSING!!!! OMG!
  14. sleevesearch

    Oh no, Oh no no no no no

    How many calories were you eating when you lost a pound per week (before surgery)? Maybe you should go back to that range now. I still think 800 is too little, I think your body is in starvation mode and won't let go of the weight. VSG is only altering our stomach's not our metabolism's.
  15. sleevesearch

    Requesting your 2 cents on eating FATS

    For me, after VSG, I chose to go back to full fat cheese products, as they are more satisfying and I'm eating so little at each meal that I would rather be satisfied than be concerned about fat/calories. And for me, having to cut carbs, fat, sugar, calories etc, is why I could never keep the weight off, it was miserable. I want my food to taste good and feel good, I need to be satisfied. So I pretty much eat whatever I want, I have learned after VSG, that my tummy is happier with Proteins and veggies, so I choose those first, before any junk. Junk food is not as appealing as it was before surgery. I drink full half/half in my coffee, snack on nuts, cottage cheese for bkfst, turkey/ham or tuna for lunch, and maybe the same for dinner or I might heat something up (Soup or beans/cheese).
  16. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    30 min stationary bike, 10 min core
  17. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    I shoveled snow for about 35min this morning, had to get out my very steep frozen driveway to have my 3-month labs taken. So fasting overnight...then 35 min cardio/arms...then 2 hour drive to travel 9 miles to the lab, turned into a major headache and hunger. I've been home for about 2 hours now, coffeed up, eaten, read the paper, ibuprofen.....still have the headache. Nap time!
  18. sleevesearch

    Need to get serious about exercise, AGAIN.

    This thread is a real motivator. I want to join in! Looking forward to reporting back in and reading everyone's results
  19. sleevesearch

    Blarg up 3 lbs?

    All of us who've been on diets in the past (before VSG), what was the average calorie intake to lose weight? For most, probably 1200-1500 cals a day to LOSE weight. So now that we all have smaller stomachs, why is 1000 cals too much? Shouldn't the same math apply? We should all be able to lose on 1200 cals per day..... I understand that with a smaller stomach, it is easier to eat less than 1000 cals per day, without feeling hunger, like we would have previously, but still the metabolic math should be the same and we should be able to lose on the 1200 per day. Now for this issue, it is probably attributed to sodium, carbs and such. I think your weight will come off when you get back to your normal eating habit. Just my 2cents
  20. sleevesearch

    Shiraitaki Noodles?

    Hungry Girl loves these noodles. I tried them once and didn't like the texture. She says the key is to drying them very well before adding them to your recipe. She has tons of recipes, check her out at http://www.hungry-girl.com/ She sends a daily email with lots of good tips and recipes, and you can also like her on FB.
  21. sleevesearch

    Delicious Pinto Beans!

    Sounds yummy!
  22. sleevesearch

    Calcium Citrate

    At Vitamin Cottage (Natural Grocers), I've found a chocolate chewable. Its 'Rainbow Light calcium citrate Chocolate Chewable' - 3 wafers = 1000mg The wafers are the powdery kind (not the chewy chocolate kind). But they don't taste bad, they remind me of old fashioned candy. I keep some in my purse, so when I'm out running around, I can still get them in. I usually eat 1 wafer, 3x day. Let us know what you decide!
  23. sleevesearch

    Sleeed last night

    You can have fibroids removed (hysterectomy is not the only solution). I had mine removed 6 years ago, and the surgeon only removed the ones attached to the outside of the uterus. Now I think the ones on the inside have grown and I will probably opt for a hysterectomy when the time comes (I'm sick and tired of having my period) :drama:
  24. sleevesearch

    August sleevers progress

    8/28, down 28 lbs
  25. I emailed her weeks ago, never got a response....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
