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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. sleevesearch

    Had to laugh - bypass in a PILL!!??!!?!?!?

    It's similar to that Full Bar product.
  2. sleevesearch

    Rapid emptying

    Or the hunger is really acid reflux. What you describe happens to me daily. I've been taking the gaviscon chewables to assuage the hunger. It works for a bit. (I quit my actual PPI)
  3. sleevesearch

    Hip bones hip bones, themmm hip bones

    Not sure this is related, but it might be something you can try... A couple of weeks ago, I was taking a Pilates class and we were laying on our side and I had a sharp pain at my hip while I was lay on that side. We switched sides and the pain appeared on the other side as well. To the point where i could not do the exercise. The instructor said I need to stretch my IT-Band muscle. It's the muscle the goes down the side of your leg from your hip all the way down. I looked it up on You Tube and found several examples and different ways to stretch this muscle. This may not be your issue, but it might alleviate pain in that area.
  4. From my brief perusal of this site, it appears to me that the author seeks out only the negative aspects of WLS. And she speaks to her audience as though no one does any research and that they are completely ignorant to the risks and complications. A glass half empty kinda person...
  5. sleevesearch

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    I really want to visit the Keys, but I just can't do it on Mothers Day. My loss. Would more people commit, if we did it in Sept? (the next availability for KeyPirate)
  6. sleevesearch

    should I go on a diet

    I think before I started a program, I would track my food intake for a couple a weeks. Just to really see what my nutritional intake was. You might be able to see some discrepancies by doing this and make adjustments on your own. I might have to follow my own advice pretty soon, as I'm am losing very slowly as well. About a half a pound per week. Yes, better than nothing, but really not what I thought VSG would do for me.
  7. sleevesearch

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    I am considering going, but did anybody actually look at 2011 calendar? May 8th is Mother's day, Sunday, 9-10 are Monday-Tuesday. Now, while Sunday-Tuesday are my regular days off and it would make it easier for me to go on these days, most 'regular' folks don't. I also have a concern leaving my Mom on M-Day, she doesn't have anybody else around. Is there any possibilty to push this out to 15th-17th or 22nd-24th? Is anyone concerned about the Sun - Tue days?
  8. sleevesearch

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    Hi Kaehl! I hear ya! Give the omeprazole at least two weeks to take full effect. And the gavison should provide temporary relief. For the past couple of weeks I've been taking apple cider vinegar (there was another thread discussing all the benefits) and it actually has been helping my hunger/acid issues. It's not 100%, but it is noticeable enough that I'm not really taking the gaviscon anymore. For the vinegar, I've been diluting it in Water adding splenda and heating it up (like a tea), it doesn't taste that great but the relief is worth it. I also found on google that they make apple cider vinegar pills, so I may try to find some of those and see how they work. Below, I've listed the various PPI's and how they did for me: active ingredient - esomeprazole magnesium (i.e nexium) - didn't do diddly squat active ingredient - omeprazole (i.e. Prilosec) - only tried for a week, seemed like same ingredient as nexium and still didn't do anything for my hunger. active ingredient - lansoprazole (i.e. Prevacid) - I've been on for couple of months and it has helped alittle but not constant. I also didn't know that this is an H2 blocker not a PPI, per my PA (I don't really remember the difference) active ingredient - pantoprazole sodium (i.e. Protonix) - best so far, but still not 100% relief. I hope you find what works for you!
  9. I feel the same coops, today was my weigh in day, and I stayed the same this week. My exercise routine halted due to a sinus infection, so I'm hoping thats all it is. But still my loss for the past month is still only 3.3 lbs. <<<very slow loser here! At least it's not a gain
  10. Looks like they're back!
  11. Problem with VST in general, is that you get no forum assistance when you ask a question. Except from others on here who have learned as they go. But actual, official technical assistance doesn't exist here. So, I figure either those two sections are just gone for good, or they will just reappear with no explanation.
  12. sleevesearch

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Help! I'm trying to do this, two days in a row now and I feel sick when it hits my stomach. 1st day drank it straight, UGH! BLECHK! Was nauseous for a couple of hours and couldn't get rid of the smell. Today, I'm trying it like a tea with splenda, its better, kinda like hot apple cider. But still makes me feel a bit nauseous in my tummy. And I can't drink it very fast, and I just want it to be over with. Maybe its an acquired taste, I really want to give it a chance to work on my body, primarily for the acid issues I have, and of course all the other health benefits. Anyone have any suggestions?
  13. sleevesearch

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    I'm gonna try it!
  14. sleevesearch

    Do you sleep hunger free?

    Keep in mind that 'hunger' is completely different after surgery. Most don't have it anymore. There are some of us that do, but mostly as a result of acid reflux that presents its symptoms as a 'hunger' type feeling. There is another thread called 'Hungry Sleevers' where folks discuss the feelings of hunger, that may help you understand better. With all that said, yes, I get hungry in the middle of the night, not every night, and I ignore it. I also battle this little demon during the day. My hunger issues are not the norm here with most VSGers.
  15. Don't you have to pay to use WW tracking system? What does it provide that the free ones don't? I use Daily Plate at Livestrong.com. It provides complete nutrition info and they have gazillions of name brand items and it makes it so easy to add what you've eaten. They also provide you your calorie guidelines based on what you input and you can log your exercise and it adjusts the calories based on your level of effort. Just curious. P.S. - I'm not tracking every day. I just do it when I think I'm having food issues. I was in a stall for about a month, but things seem to have started moving again.
  16. sleevesearch

    Zumba anyone?

    I tried zumba at my gym also, I didn't like the speed. The movements were too fast for my enjoyment. Cardio Kick-boxing is more my speed.
  17. When I see myself in the mirror, I do notice the changes, and getting smaller clothes really makes me notice the changes in me (into a 12 now). BUT, when I've seen recent pictures of myself, I still see the fat girl, I think I look the same as at my fattest. I hate getting my pic taken, and I would like to get over that.
  18. sleevesearch

    Serious doubts after visit with surgeon (long)

    Your doctor isn't God, and he provided you his opinion. You don't have to agree with his opinion. You've done your own research and should form your own conclusions. I happen to think he is wrong and that VSG will be the #1 WLS at some point in the future. Get a new surgeon, and do what is right for you!
  19. Sleeve 4 Me, not so fast! LOL! You and I were sleeved one day apart and I'm behind you, so I guess I may be the slowest loser so far - 1st month = 17.7 lbs - 2nd month = 6.3 lbs - 3rd month = 4.2 lbs - 4th month = 1 lbs I'm starting to dread each weekly weigh in, since I have no idea if I will be up or down.
  20. sleevesearch

    My very first every NSVs

    CONGRATULATIONS! (Happy Dance!)
  21. sleevesearch

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    Well, my advice would be to take the gaviscon when you get hungry but you don't think its time for you to be hungry. In my situation, I've been taking it within about an hour after eating (sometimes in 30 min). It's weird, there are times when I can still feel all the food is in my stomach and yet I get hunger pangs. The gaviscon/tums settles it all down. Alot of times my liquids cause the hunger to come on strong, gaviscon helps then as well. Let us know how it works for you.
  22. sleevesearch

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    Hi HetKF, My understanding is that prevacid is a PPI which is an acid preventer, meaning it is supposed to prevent over acid production (which for us hungry sleevers, doesn't seem to be working). And gaviscon is an acid reducer, meaning it reduces the acids that are in your tummy right now, that why we feel relief almost immediately.
  23. sleevesearch

    Hungry Gastric Sleevers!

    Meangene, I think you will benefit from the gaviscon chewables. I use those, as well as tums (my store is out of gaviscon). And I do get relief for a short time (any relief is welcome). There are times I just plain forget about taking my tums because I have a hard time relating my hunger to an acid reducer. But I am trying to be more diligent with it, as I do get some results from it. Let us know how it works for you!
  24. sleevesearch

    Sleever's Rendezvous...?

    I would be interested in the Keys as well, except the bridges terrify me. But if I'm not driving then I can probably make it. This summer is debatable for me, as my 30yr high school reunion is mid July and I'm not sure I can get out of not going.
  25. sleevesearch

    Forum assistance

    Thanks Tiff, I did that last week and still no response.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
