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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. I don't live in TX, but I do volunteer for an organization that drive seniors to doctors appts. Maybe there is that sort of service in your area, or check with local churches.
  2. sleevesearch

    Stomach Acid?

    I have tried it, and felt that it DID do some good. My problem is that that flavor is so strong that I now have an aversion to it and just can't drink it (even diluted in water/splenda). I did stop taking my PPI and only use chewable gaviscon now and only occasionally. There was another thread on here about the ACV, with all the various health attributes, you should search it out, was really helpful information.
  3. sleevesearch


  4. sleevesearch

    So tired of cold food...

  5. sleevesearch


    I think its a little pill that dissolves under the tongue, if I remember correctly. I know for sure its not injections. Good luck!
  6. Don't feel bad, I'm 7 months out and have a total loss of 38.5 lbs. But I'm a low BMI'er.... Seems like this last 20 lbs are going to take years to lose....
  7. sleevesearch


    I was on wellbutrin last year when I decided to have VSG. I didn't notice it do anything for me, it was prescribed for weight loss and mood. I got off it after VSG. For sex drive you should consider testosterone instead, my girlfriend takes it but she is quite a bit older than you, but she raves about it.
  8. What made me feel okay about going, was the location of Dr. Aceves. I could not find any stories of violence for Mexicali. I knew I did not want to go to Juarez (based on what's going on there). I'm not sure what town your doctors are in, but that is something you can google to learn about.
  9. sleevesearch

    Hunger Pains?

    Chewable Gaviscon is allowed (over Tums). It helps me... (the PPIs did not help me) . Good Luck!
  10. Are you on a PPI? After my VSG, I still got extreme hunger, even after I had already eaten and my little pouch was full. I was distressed, because I was hungry ALL the time. My doc and the support here said it was 'false' hunger caused by acid production. Yes, I do have restriction, so that is helping me not gain weight, but the weight loss has been very slow. I am now 7 months out and my hunger has dissipated in the last 1.5 months, but during months 2 - 5 the hunger was driving me crazy. Hopefully the acid production is adjusting itself. The only thing that really helped me was chewable Gaviscon. It quelled the hunger pangs, filled the imaginary void in my tummy. So maybe you just need to give your body more time to heal and adapt. And try an acid reducer or preventer (PPI)
  11. sleevesearch


    Kelly, The BIG difference is the restriction. There is absolutely no way you can eat the same amounts post-surgery than you did pre-surgery. That alone will allow you to lose weight. Now the challenging thing is, you can eat, fill up your little pouch, and then still feel hungry - that is what happened to me. That is why I use the chewable gaviscon during these times. It helped quell the hunger feelings. It was worse early on from 2 - 5 months and I was quite distressed about it, thinking I was going to feel that way for the rest of my life. Now 7 months out, it happens ALOT less, I think my body is healing and acid production is adapting. I think I've only chewed on gaviscon once this month. Good Luck! Maybe you will be in the majority around here and your hunger will be eliminated with this surgery. One never knows, as we are all different.
  12. sleevesearch


    Maybe the nexium isn't working for you, for this particular problem, severe hunger. I used to have it 'occasionally' pre-VSG but my doctor could never tell me why. Then I had the surgery and the severe hunger feelings got worse, and the doc said it was acid. None of the PPI's helped either. Chewable gaviscon is the only thing so far the quells the feeling some, not totally. So yes, after VSG you can still be hungry.
  13. sleevesearch

    Prilosec OTC

    I took the nexium mups, they didn't help, I tried several OTC products they didn't help. I tried 3 more prescription products they barely helped at all. I decide to stop taking all PPI, only use chewable Gaviscon when needed. And it seems I need it less and less. My acid issues were strictly around my 'false' hunger. I've never had burning issues in my tummy or throat. I think my hunger issues are starting to resolve on its own, maybe with healing. (I'm 7 months out) Anyways, all that said, I have 4 un-opened boxes of nexium mups, if anyone is interested, send me a PM. I would only want what I paid for them and $5 for postage.
  14. I hated greek yogurt (and barely could tolerate regular yogurt) pre - surgery. Now I love greek yogurt! I buy plain and mix in my own sweetners (splenda, sugar-free jam, once I tried SF hot chocolate powder) all of it has been pretty good. I also add crushed nuts and/or whey Protein crisps for additional texture. One time I accidently bought full fat greek yogurt, IT WAS SOOOO GOOD, super duper creamy (less tart)! Just didn't like all the fat grams in each serving, something like 23 gr. I have noticed alot of taste bud changes since surgery, all for the better, healthy foods taste and feel better.
  15. sleevesearch

    Going to be sleeved on May 17

    Congratulations on taking your life, your future into your own hands! It is a challenging road ahead but very worth it in the long run.
  16. sleevesearch

    Post-Op Hunger Poll

    Hunger still exists.
  17. sleevesearch

    Out of control

    I deal with hunger issues as well, but am trying to address them as an acid reflux issue. Are you on a PPI? Or taking gaviscon? I find when I get the out-of-control hunger feelings, chewing on a couple of gaviscon and some Water makes it go away for at least an hour.
  18. sleevesearch

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    I found apple cider vinegar tablets for sale online. I bought the GNC brand. I really felt they worked well, but I got an allergic reaction from the cayenne and/or ginger that was included in the tablet. They worked well enough that I stopped taking my PPI, and only use gaviscon when necessary (usually no more than twice a day). Now I stopped taking the tablets to clear up the allergy, but I think I will try the tablets again, but a different brand without the added ingredients. 'American Health' makes one without the added spices.
  19. sleevesearch

    View New Content link down

    Well, something is obviously wrong with my Safari browser. So I downloaded Firefox and with this browser I am able to successfully use the 'View New Content' link.
  20. The 'View New Content' link doesn't work for me. Anyone else? I get the following message: Error 404: File Not Found The requested page is not found. This may happen due to the following reasons: Page or file is outdated, renamed, moved, or does not exist. You typed the address incorrectly, like http://www.example.com/pgae.html instead of http://www.example.com/page.html Please contact your webmaster if you are not sure what goes wrong. I am on a MAC and use Safari for my web browser.
  21. sleevesearch

    View New Content link down

    The link is not working for me. I give up. VST is just to cumbersome and hard to get around. Good bye.
  22. sleevesearch

    View New Content link down

    I clicked on the link you provided above and got this error: Error 404: File Not Found The requested page is not found. This may happen due to the following reasons: Page or file is outdated, renamed, moved, or does not exist. You typed the address incorrectly, like http://www.example.com/pgae.html instead of http://www.example.com/page.html Please contact your webmaster if you are not sure what goes wrong. P.S. - I'm on a MAC, using Safari for my brower.
  23. sleevesearch

    tax deduction

    I use turbo tax and i deducted surgery, hotel and airfare. (Hope I don't get audited)
  24. sleevesearch

    Can we take tums post op????

    I've read on this board that the Calcium carbonate (in Tums) in the tummy can lead to worse acid reflux, which 'regular' use of Tums can cause. I use gaviscon instead (which is what my doc recommended) (I may not have been quoting the issue exactly, but the end result is that Tums can cause worse acid reflux after prolonged use)
  25. sleevesearch

    Had to laugh - bypass in a PILL!!??!!?!?!?

    No, I've never tried it. I saw it for sale at Bed,Bath and Beyond.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
