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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by sleevesearch

  1. sleevesearch

    Life Insurance After Vsg

    I am applying for additional life insurance coverage thru my employer and have to fill out a medical history. I had my VSG in 2010, in Mexico. My PCP here in the states knows about it, and it would be noted in my medical records here. And I am thinking, as I write this, that I have no choice but to include it in my medical history for the life insurance. I just feel that putting Mexico on the application that I will get denied for the coverage (the form requires Dr/city/state). I don't know....maybe just being fearful of prejudice..... Has anyone else experienced this? What would you do? Thanks!
  2. There have been a few posts lately talking about hunger, and the majority you hear about are the sleevers that never feel hungry anymore. Well there seems to be some of us that are HUNGRY. My personal frustration with my hunger is that I feel it all the time, even after I eat and I know my belly is full and I don't want to put any more food in it, that hunger, empty feeling is still there. I have been chewing on gaviscon or tums which helps alittle (like maybe an hour), but it always comes back. I do take my PPI twice a day, but that is of little help. I would like to know if there are any veteran sleevers out there that have been through this hunger thing and seen it go away. I want someone to tell me that this will go away at some point. Let's use this thread to help each other with what we learn, and maybe find a solution?!?
  3. sleevesearch

    Am I losing weight too slowly?

    Every 'body' is different. I was a low BMI, and it took me a year to lose 50 lbs.
  4. sleevesearch

    Vitamins make me nauseous

    Over a year out and I'm still eating a chewable multi, but I can swallow my D, Krill, potassium and my thyroid med. I swallow them in stages so I won't get nauseous.
  5. sleevesearch

    Where in CO are you from?

    I'm in Monument. Over a year out, was sleeved in Mexicali.
  6. sleevesearch

    The stress of Dating

    Tiff, thanks for the great words of wisdom. I really needed to hear that now. I'm just getting out of something messy with my room-mate, that is making me feel worthless and that all men ARE DOGS. I need to set higher standards for myself and actually get out in the real world and do something about it. My first step is a weekend away in the mountains to enjoy the fall colors, hike and hot springs. Heck, who knows, maybe I will meet someone......
  7. Coops, You're not alone, I just checked and since the beginning of the year, I've dropped a little over 17 pounds. My approach has been completely different, in that, I have not 'dieted' per se. I had this surgery so I wouldn't have to diet, diets stopped working for me years ago and made me miserable. Bottom line is I have to eat less, and move more. I do prefer healthy Protein and veg over bad carbs. I still eat carbs, I wouldn't feel satisfied if I didn't. For me the GREAT thing is, I just can't eat that much. I'm ok with losing slow, before surgery I wasn't losing, but gaining. So, this is okay with me. My biggest challenge has been that my hunger never went away, I feel hungry at all the usual times and during my TOM I feel hunger even after my tummy is full. It is very frustrating. PPIs never helped, but gaviscon does a little. Well, I know our stories are not the same, but slow is slow. And you're not alone.
  8. sleevesearch

    mad that i can't eat more

    It will get better. After a few times of eating TOO much, you will naturally just start to know that eating less is good and you will feel better about it too. Just takes time. Eating too much does not feel good and can even make you throw up. I've always felt like I needed to feel full (and that's why I was fat), and I've had my own challenges in learning the correct balance with my new tummy. But you will adjust.
  9. sleevesearch


    I had this too, and still do sometimes. What helped me ALOT, was a couple of chewable gaviscon. It quells the growling, and over time I use it less and less (maybe 2-3 time a month now) On another note, I don't thing the medical industry has done any research into this phenomenon.....so just cuz your Doc says something, doesn't mean it is the way he says. Try the gaviscon at times of hunger, let us know how it goes.
  10. What is the official / proper way to state this type of surgery on medical history forms? I am filling out some paper work for a cardiologist and want to state it properly: 'Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy' 'Sleeve Gastrectomy' 'Gastrectomy Sleeve' I don't get what the word 'vertical' has to do with it.... Would love to hear what other think...
  11. sleevesearch


    I come here to get peoples opinions, you will not find that by just googling various doctors out there. Here is a place of wealth of information, you have to decide for yourself if you believe what everyone is saying. I like to hear about folks experiences with their doctors as it helps form my own decisions.
  12. 10 lbs lost per month is not a slow loser. Average weight loss for any human is 1-2 lbs per week (this should be okay for everyone). Us sleevers expect more because of our restriction. I am definitely a slow loser at a steady 2-4lbs lost per month Just my .02
  13. When transitioning to smaller clothes, keep today's size inflation in mind (vanity sizing). Yesterday's size 14 is a size 12 in the store today. So don't get confused or discouraged, just enjoy wearing the smaller clothes no matter the size.
  14. sleevesearch


    I have 4 unopened boxes left (that I purchased in Mexicali), each box contains 14 tablets 20mg eaçh. If anyone is interested, I only want what I paid for them and $5 shipping. Please PM me and I can give you more details. Thanks!
  15. sleevesearch


    Bumping this up. Wanted the newbies to know that these tablets are the dissolve-able kind. For those of you not up to swallowing whole tablets yet. Let me know!
  16. sleevesearch


    As a lite-weight, with only 50 more lbs to go, 4 lbs a week is a bit aggressive. Lite-weights tend to lose slower.. So far, its taken me 8 months to lose 40lbs, and have about 20 more to go. I'm not complaining about it, I just remind myself, could I have gotten this far without my tool? NO! Good Luck on your journey!
  17. sleevesearch

    Coffee and alcohol

    Leaks at 9 months to a year!?! Haven't heard of that before. I think i read about one that was somewhere 3-5 months out, but I haven't read of any further out than that. Can you provide any more detail, or links?
  18. sleevesearch

    sleeve-not what I expected

    I'm a slow loser too, almost 8 months out and down 40 lbs. What I'm happy about is that with this tool, I'm not hungry, I don't track anything (which was a major peeve for me on other programs), and I know this will be permanent. Pre-surgery it was yo-yo, always, for years. Just keep reminding yourself, how would you be doing if you didn't have this surgery? Good Luck!
  19. Ditto to everything BBJ stated. My life and health are worth the extra money. Dr. Aceves was the only doctor where I could not find anything negative about his abilities or performance. That was key for me.
  20. sleevesearch


    Time for a new scale!!!! CONGRATS on the loss!
  21. I purchased extra Nexium Mups when I was in Mexicali. I have 4 unopened boxes, if you are interested in getting these, I would just like to be reimbursed what I paid. PM me.....
  22. sleevesearch

    For any cat people

    Very FUNNY!
  23. Yeah, I can see where the 'out of state' thing is a problem in finding someone reliable. I hope you can do it. Just FYI - the volunteer driving I do is more than a 'taxi' service, there was one lady once that was having a procedure with anesthesia and required her to be 'checked out' to a reliable person the same day and I did that for her and made sure she got back into her home safely and was able to just settle in and rest. Good Luck!
  24. sleevesearch


    In every response in every thread there is the small + - , in the lower right corner. If you click on one or the other (positive or negative), I think that changes your reputation score. I just clicked on + in your thread and it changed to 1.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
