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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by GeorgieGirl1957

  1. OMG!!! I can't belive I actually have a sleeve. I feel very well. Just a little soreness around my main incision over my navel. BM's regular now although the diahrrea was starting to tire me out...mostly from having to do so much laundry!!! I am 26 days post op and down 25 post op lbs. for a total weight loss of 65lbs. I am thrilled. I feel great. Getting some exercise in, mostly in the pool and elliptical machine because it's still so darned hot here with heat advisories so I really haven't been able to really get out and walk the neighborhood. People are noticing the weight loss. I went to a client site on Friday and my client said 'Wow, you're skinny!". I said not yet, but I am on my way. :lol0::thumbup::001_rolleyes: My parents are coming to AZ next month. Haven't seen them since Feb. so they will be shocked to see the total. My dad doesn't know about the surgery. My mom does because she paid for it. I know they will be thrilled as the whole family is diabetic and I was on my way there with my weight being so high. My son and his family were here on Sunday and I hadn't seen him in a few months (he has a wicked work schedule). He was excited for me. I still didn't tell them about the surgery. But they could see I was eating a whole lot less. I am wearing some clothes I haven't been able to put on for a long time. About 5 years. Luckily they're not out of style. :laugh0: I have 16 more lbs to get to Twoderville!!! That will be a major milestone for me. :thumbup: I can't wait. I can't wait. I can't wait!!!! GG
  2. GeorgieGirl1957

    1 month post-op sleevers

    I am 26 days post op and have lost 25 lbs post op. I am thrilled. I have been very lucky. Never got sick, no reflux, very little pain. No sliming. I am on soft foods til the weekend and then go to regular stuff. Fish and chicken goes down well. Actually, I haven't found anything yet that doesn't go down well except some turkey breast that I didn't chew well enough and it bottom hard. The worst thing for me was the diahrrea so i had to really be careful to worry more about fluids than Protein. Now I am getting a lot of fluids (I live in the desert, too.) and I am getting 60-70 gm of protein in a day. I started my diet in April and have now lost a grand total of 65 lbs pre and post op. Still have a ways to go, but am amazed at the whole things. If it weren't for the incisions and the total lack of hunger, I would think I was duped and really didn't have a sleeve. I have no regrets. I would wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone considering WLS. I do think it is the best method for achieving and maintaining one's goals. GG
  3. try to get lots of water with electrolyes (potassium and calcium) or at least some gatorade. It will pass. But it does take a while. Mine didn't slow down until I ate softies. gg
  4. GeorgieGirl1957

    PS: TMI question

    Do you like Miso soup? Buy some instant, strain out the chunks and add a scoop of protein powder. I also went to Chinese restaurants and bought their egg drop soup and won ton soup (minus the chunks) Just be sure to chew the drops of egg really really well. I know, the clears pretty much suck monkey warts. You can also eat jello and sugar free popsicles. gg
  5. GeorgieGirl1957

    PS: TMI question

    Well, mine was the opposite problem. As soon as I drank the contrast material for the fluoroscopy, I had about 2 hours and then literally all hell broke loose. I didn't stop the diahrrea until 2 days ago...on my 21st post op day. Nothing yesterday or today so far, but I figure it will happen when it happens. I am just so glad I can get in the pool and not have to worry about making a mad dash into the house. The upside: I am down 21 lbs in 23 days!!! Go sleeve! gg
  6. I had recurring gas pressure up to a week postop. I mean I was passing so much I was about to fly around like a balloon, but I still had pressure in my chest. It finally passed for good about 9 days out. But you're right, it's darned uncomfortable!!! gg
  7. GeorgieGirl1957

    So mad at my PCP *vent alert*

    Yes, Mexican medicine is definitely in it for the caring, not the money. Dr. Campos was shocked when he heard my PCP wouldn't even talk to me. Had her secretary call me and tell me to see my surgeon. She could have treated my lungs. But I never even got the chance to tell her my symptoms. Aceves only knows his own style of medicine which is awesome and he's in it for the patients not the Benjamins. USmedicine is all about money, either making it or not paying it out in litigation. Sad... gg
  8. GeorgieGirl1957

    "Emotional eating"

    i don't think I was an emotional eater. But I always said that instead of cutting out my stomach, they should have taken my tongue. I am a super taster, a total foodie and I just love GOOD gourmet type food. I am not a junk food junkie. I just eat too much rich food and I eat way too fast, so I could eat a lot and I didn't feel full for about an hour after. Then I would feel horrible. Now I can still eat the foods I love, just little bites, they way that kind of food was intended to be eaten. Like the French! I am learning to eat less, smaller bites, and to not hoover my food. I think I am enjoying it more, anyway? But I sure cannot eat more than about 3 -4 oz of softies right now. I started softies today and I got full really quickly on salmon I had for dinner. I wanted to eat more, only because of the taste. But I sure didn't want to push my sleeve. So I keep telling myself I can eat whatever I ate before, but maybe only 20% of the amount and I must savor my food, not inhale it---a very bad habit I developed over 30 years ago as a young nurse starting out in hospitals. We used to take a bite and run, take a bite and run, or eat it all fast and then run. I chose the latter, which in the end turned into a bad thing to do to myself. But I really can't think of an emotional connection to food. I had that discussion with my preop shrink consult too. And in the final analysis, I just like the taste and since they couldn't take out my tongue, at least they made it painful to taste too much. LOL. gg
  9. I too, am great at losing weight. Lost 40 preop, over 4 months. But what I cannot do is keep it off. I am in the 98% that BBJ talks about. I have lost and gained 250lbs twice in my lifetime of yo yo dieting and this is literally killing me. I like the idea of finally being in control with the tool to help me. Today I started soft foods and after 20 days of liquids, I have to say, I was thrilled. I ate a scrambled egg with cheese for Breakfast. Actually, could only eat half and was full. Then I ate a stick of string cheese for lunch. For dinner I had wild sockeye salmon that I broiled, with some wasabi, ginger and soy sauce and green onions chopped very tiny. It was sooooo good. But I could only about 3 oz. So guess what I am eating tomorrow?
  10. GeorgieGirl1957

    So mad at my PCP *vent alert*

    Hi BBj, Just saw this. Yeah, I got the same load of crap from my PCP, who wouldn't even talk to me as soon as she heard the words "surgery in Mexico". I was told to contact my surgeon. So I got in the car and drove to Mexico. Unfortunately, you can't do that. Did you ever get your GI studies done? I am anxious to find out what the problem is. It doesn't sound like a leak though. I wish you well. I am doing well except for that blasted diahrrea. Can't wait to get on soft foods tomorrow so I can stop it up a bit. Keep in touch. gg
  11. GeorgieGirl1957


    Things I have used in the past for scar itching...drops of Vit E oil, massage gently onto the scar with the finger tip (assuming the wound is completely closed) a few times a day. You can also use a drop or two of olive oil. Lanolin oil is also good. Some people use cocoa butter or cocoa butter with vitamin e mixed in. All these work about the same. gg
  12. GeorgieGirl1957

    Post-op Olive Oil?

    Ha ha ha!!! Motherboard from your head...hahaha...good one! gg
  13. GeorgieGirl1957

    Epigastric discomfort when walking?

    Well, I don't know if this helps or not, but Dr Aceves has a pretty cool technique very much like a french seam. He over stitches the staples by pulling stomach tissue on both sides of the sutures and stitches them down. I really think that is why he has neve had a leak. Too bad the hospital didn't just do a fluoroscope on you. When I had those fevers and drove back to Mexicali, the first thing Dr. Campos did was a fluoroscope. The second thing was the chest XRay. I was in and out of Almater and back across the border in two hours and that included waiting for my husb to go buy the prescriptions. I'll tell you, they could teach our hospitals a few tricks. I am thinking maybe some of your full liquids might have been a little heavy and upset your sleeve. I really hope it isn't a leak, but I am betting it isn't. You also gotta remember gravity. Things are pulling downward inside when you walk..things that float when you swim, if you get my drift. I think maybe some of the scar tissue might be irritating you. But nonetheless, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you. Why don't you call Aceves' office in the morning? They will get a message to him and he or Campos will return the call promptly. gg
  14. GeorgieGirl1957

    Made it through "scale strike" and won!

    I have already hit a bit of a stall. Or maybe just some anxiety. I kept having dreams before surgery that I had the surgery and didn't lose any weight. I know, a nutty nightmare. So since surgery I was accustomed to losing a lb or more a day. Then I hit day 15 and gained a lb. The next day I lost it, then gained it back today. Day 16 and I feel stuck. So I tried to add some more Protein today thinking maybe my body feels starved. We will see tomorrow. I am getting plenty of Water in. About 50 ounces of smart water plus all my other full liquids per day. Or maybe I just need to stay off the stupid scale??? gg
  15. Well, I just cooked a few for the boys and they seemed pretty moist, even after having been in the freezer a couple months. I just put a little peanut oil on a griddle and tossed on some Montreal steak seasoning on both sides. Browned them a little, then finished them off in the microwave with a little cheddar melted on top. My husband is doing low carb with me, but the kid is a football player and needs the carbs so he had his on bread. I spread a little greek yogurt mixed with green onion dip mix on the bread and the kid loved it. Hubbie put steak sauce on his. YIKES!!! don't know that it's what I would have used. But he liked it. Bottom line, they said they were very moist. I think it's because I didn't cook the hell out of them on the stovetop. gg
  16. GeorgieGirl1957

    Pills all day - sick of it already!

    Hey BBJ, I was having the same issues. Add the extra blood thinner and it was so annoying trying to get them all down. And then there were the three meds they added when I went back to Dr Campos to treat my pneumonia and partial atelectasis. I felt like all I was doing was taking gross tasting meds all day. So here's what I do now: (blood thinners are done finally! Only 10 days of them.) I start out the morning as soon as I get up melting the nexium mup in 15cc orange G2 (low cal gatorade). Once it's melted, I swig it down, then rinse with another 15cc of pure Water. Half hour later I have my Protein drink, and 1 oz of the calcium liquid I buy at Walmart. It's calcium citrate and creamy orange flavor liquid. No pill to crush. Then I bought some kick ass multivits at costco, called Eco-Drink. I mix one packet of those in a bottle of water and sip on it for a few hours. I haven't tackled the Biotin yet, but there is some biotin in the eco-Drink vits. No pill to crush. I figure I will start the biotin gel tabs once I start squishies next week. I am trying to do everything I can to ward off the diahrrea. I noticed the calcium liquid helps to firm things up so to speak. A true blessing after 3 weeks of not being able to trust a fart. And I found out that Costco has choc flavored calcium chews, so I will start on them once my liquid calcium is done. I am really not good at taking pills. So anything I can drink and be done with really trips my trigger. Restaurant week is coming up in Phoenix soon, the week after I go on regular food. It's a time when all the finest restaurants offer a price fixed dinner for $29 or $39 per person for some of their fancier gourmet stuff. There are a couple places we wanted to try since we are foodies. My husband I decided we would order one meal and maybe a side bowl of Soup so as not to tick off the waiter. Then I will eat one bite of each food he gets and maybe a little soup. That we we can still try the food at these 4 and 5 star restaurants, and save some money. Places like Morton's steak house, Ruths Chris and French restaurants are on the list. I am going to learn to eat like a Frenchman!!! Just a few bites of some really good stuff. No wine though. I'll behave. gg
  17. I just discovered that Costco turkey burgers are about 200 calories each (just the meat) however, a full 35gm of protein in each one. 2/3 of one is probably all we can eat. I haven't tried them yet, just cooked for husband and the kid. Might be good later on! gg
  18. GeorgieGirl1957

    Have you heard about Vergito?

    SpringerLink - Found this article and some other stuff on the OH board. gg
  19. GeorgieGirl1957

    Poll: To tell or not to tell co-workers

    I know eventually I am going to have to fess up, but for now I have limited the knowledge to a select few. Several family members do not know yet. I told my mom (she financed the surgery for me) but my dad thinks I had a hernia repair. My daughter knows because she stayed here to care for our foster son while I was in Mexico with my husband. But I didn't tell my son because he and his wife are in the "just do the diet and stick to it" crowd. They run marathons, etc. Plus, I know my daughter in law just thrives on gossip and would be discussing it with my ex and his live in ho, and I don't want them knowing anything about my me or my life. One advantage? that I have is that I am unemployed so I don't have to deal with nosy coworkers. On the other hand, I also have no insurance, so it was risky for me to self pay and go out of the country for surgery. A calculated risk I was willing to take, but a risk nonetheless. I am hoping that looking and feeling healthier will also improve my chances of getting a job as I am fairly certain that I lost out on a couple of jobs because of my size. I mean, I was more than qualified for quite a few jobs that I didn't get. Well, it was what it was and going forward from here...I am very hopeful that things will improve on that front. Since I am not working, the timing was perfect to use this time to take care of ME. When I lost my job and my insurance and tried to get a private health insurance policy, I found out that I was uninsurable at any price. That was like ice Water in the face and I woke up to the fact that it was time to do this. So, I started on a diet and a couple months later with a successful diet, started looking into WLS so that I wouldn't undo my success. The rest is history... (boy did I digress...) The thing is I wasn't heavy my whole life, only after my first pregnancy and ever since. So I have taken a great deal of grief for putting on so much over the years. I have no desire to take a lot of grief for making the decision to permanently improve my health. People don't understand. It's all about dieting for those who only have to lose a tiny bit. But here's a sticking point for me: The rate of success for people who have more than 100 lbs to lose, who do it by diet and exercise (and stay at goal for 5 years) is an average of 4%. Those odds suck in my book. I know they are very much against me. I have gained and lost 250 lbs in my lifetime, twice. The yo yo dieting was literally killing me. So I made the decision to do something really drastic. I will be 53 in 3 weeks. I can't keep this yo yo going without it killing me. I can lose...I lose well, but I always gain it back +30% bonus. So I am 16 days post op, feeling great with no regrets. I haven't had the "OMG what did I do?" thoughts yet. I still feel I made the BEST decision for my health and my life. GG
  20. GeorgieGirl1957

    When do you take your PPI?

    Ditto for me. A year ago, quite a while before my surgery I was on 40mg every morning. My doc wanted a full hour prior to eating anything. So I try to go for 30 mins now. I have been so lucky. No acid since I lost my pre-op weight (40lbs) except for one bout when I did everything wrong...too much carbs, too rich food, too much of it and too late in the evening. So I cut out all that and haven't had issues. Knock on wood. I was really worried that the sleeve would give me much acid, but so far, so good! gg
  21. GeorgieGirl1957

    Huh...Acid, Vitamins, Time of Day...

    Hi Pirate! I dunno...I have been lucky post up, no reflux at all!!! Not a bit, knocking on my head (wood). However I can tell you that up until I started my diet in April (low carb---cut out all white carbs and sugars) I had wicked acid every bedtime. It was worse if I ate within 4 hours of bedtime. Worse with tomatoes, vinegars or citrus. Worse with high carb stuff like donuts or rich creamy Soups. Worse with big meals. I was worried that I would have it with my sleeve. However, about two weeks into my low carbs, I noticed I was feeling much better at bedtime. By the time I got to surgery I was down 40 lbs and hadn't had but ONE bout of acid and that was because I cheated and ate a big rich meal with carbs. Of course everyone is different, but just make sure you're not getting too much carb. Made all the difference for me. Then again, taking your meds at another time might be a good idea too! Keep track of the data should you change it, make sure you monitor your results. GOOD LUCK with beating this beast!!! I know I feel so much better with it gone. gg
  22. GeorgieGirl1957

    aetna aproval

    Appeal. Have your doctor submit a letter. I have heard these insurance companies usually give in by third appeal. Sometimes, even on the first one! Good luck!! gg
  23. GeorgieGirl1957

    Have you heard about Vergito?

    I am not sure. He very well may be the only one. All I know is that the more I learned about the malabsorptive surgeries, the less I wanted one. For me, the only one that really made sense was the sleeve. And I am so happy with it so far. I have no regrets except for one: wish I had done it sooner. gg
  24. GeorgieGirl1957

    So happy at goal weight!

    Amazing transformation!!! You go girl! gg
  25. GeorgieGirl1957

    Have you heard about Vergito?

    You know what? I went to a seminar Husted put on here in AZ in May. He had the vergito on his slides but he glossed over it very fast as if he really didn't want to talk about it. I think I remember on OH that he had a patient who was really unhappy with his. That may be why. Timing? Anyway, yes, he's in AZ now. I was going to go with him but it took him forever to get privileges here. I couldn't wait any longer. In the meatime, I found Dr. Aceves who in my opinion is just as good a surgeon. I was a private pay anyway, so I ended up saving 60% of the cost of Dr. Husted, got 3 days in the hospital, great care, great follow up and my complication was covered, which wouldn't have been in a US hospital. BTW, my complication was not the fault of anyone. I had pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung. I have crappy lungs but we all did everything right. It's just one of those things that can go wrong even if you do everything right. Overall, I would do it again in Mexicali with Dr. Aceves' team in a heart beat. He has done 1000+ sleeves, no leaks and specializes in the bypass. But I am here to tell you, I am happy with my sleeve. gg

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
