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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About SarahD.

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 11/28/1961

About Me

  • Interests
    Reading, Sewing, Gardening
  • Occupation
    School Counselor/Therapist
  • City
    Kansas City
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  1. 1 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary SarahD.!

  2. I really think that you are right on track! I am 8 months out and the first two months I really struggled to get in everything the nut wanted...like protein, vitamins, calcium, and on top of all that LOTS of water! It will come with time and what you are experiencing sounds very similiar to what i went through! Hang in there it does get easier with time and healing!
  3. SarahD.

    WHY ME???

    Leesey, I didn't really read the replies as being judgemental of your choices. I believe that most people were simply stating what they know about their own bodies, what they have been told and what they have learned about themselves through this journey. I agree that for myself it wasn't just about the scale going down but to be healthier as well. Ultimately we all make our own choices about what we chose to put in our mouths and no one else is in control of that. I believe you have to do what is comfortable for you and base that upon advice from your team.
  4. Kim, The FSA was one of the ways that I was able to get my surgery. I paid the surgeon and then used the balance to pay the hospital. So it was two separate transactions. I wasn't able to fund the whole surgery that way, so I had other funds, however, if I hadn't been able to use my FSA, it would not have worked out for me to have the surgery. And yes it was that easy! Good luck and let us know how it goes! Sarah
  5. SarahD.

    My closet in empty

    OMGOSH! I went through the same thing recently! I really thought it would feel awesome going through my clothes and getting rid of them...... but just the opposite was true. What I had to do was move them to the back bedroom closet and they are still there. It was sort of like grief or a loss feeling. Logically I know my clothes do not define who I am, but to "get rid" of the clothes was very scary for me and sort of like a sense of loss. It was not anything like I really expected it to be! Anyway, I've been to goodwill and other thrift shops so that I can restock my closet until I get to goal. It is weird though to get a pair of pants on that I could wear just last week and find out that they are looking shabby on me! It's really a great problem to have!!!!!!!!
  6. I'm four months out and what I have found is if I eat more carbs than normal (normal as in what I eat day to day since my meals are mostly protein centered), I find that I have that "empty" feeling sooner and for longer periods, plus I tend to crave the carb foods. Here is my thoughts: when I eat poorly, (ie higher carbs) I tend to want to snack more and have a deprived feeling. I believe that the carbs, crackers, chips that type of thing are the slider foods for me, plus I believe that it throws my body off and it sort of reverts back to "old ways". I too had a few times where I didn't eat like I should and it was very noticable to me in the way my body was responding and functioning for that day and the next. So since that, I try really hard to remember what I've learned about my body and it's response to what I eat. That helps me make better choices as the day goes along, plus I try to plan what I'm going to eat that day and that helps too. I think at times the weekends are the hardest for me because that is when I'm home and can graze and not follow a schedule. I'm still learning about myself, my body and my health, but I also find it totally fascinating how my body reacts to the foods I choose to feed it. Since I'm a little further out, I COULD begin to eat some what like the old way, so I'm try to remain conscious of that. When I began to fall back into those habits, that when I began to really notice how I was FEELING all over and it isn't just about the food anymore. I don't know if this is making sense or not, I sort of have a hard time putting it into words. Please let me know if I can try to clarify what I'm saying.
  7. I am now almost 4 months out and I wanted to say that I would do it again in a heartbeat. I also struggled in the beginning with everything "con" that has been posted. But for me, once I began healing, life began to return to normal. I can drink in big sips now, I can eat just about anything I want (within reason), I've lost almost 50lbs, and the pros go on and on. Yes, there are some what some people might call cons that remain, for example not being able to gorge myself at the buffet to "get my money worth", (lol), or to finish off that box of Cheeze its before it "spoils", etc. HOWEVER[ i do not want nor desire to return to that mentallity ever again! So for me, those things are not really disadvantages, they are actually the end to a mean and that is to be a healthier person. I feel so WONDERFUL and full of life now. I actually enjoy getting out of bed and look forward to what my day will bring, instead of thinking, OMGOSH, when can I come back and relax. A funny side note, my husband has now lost almost 20 pounds just on his own because I'm not sitting around and eating/snacking like I use too. LOL! This has caused him to feel better and not be as dependent on insulin. Anyway, my answer is there are some cons first out, but the results are well worth it! I feel like standing on the top of the mountain and shouting how wonderful the sleeve has been for me!!!!
  8. SarahD.

    I'm craving roasted vegetables

    I didn't know about the serotonin in the stomach! :thumbup1: I have found the same thing about the food being just OK. I find that I crave Water more than food. Which I'm a former Cokeholic and too me that is a miracle! I also find that as time goes by, I don't like the taste of the high sugar, high carb foods, like Cheez Its! I also find that I don't have that undeniable urge to be eating all the time. I can be around food now with having huge uncontrollable fantasy about what I see. OMG! IT IS A MIRACLE! AND I LOVE IT!!!!:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  9. SarahD.

    I know it won't bring world peace but ...

    I AGREE with everyone! I basically did surgery because I was concerned about my health, but now that I've lost 45lbs, I feel FREAKING AMAZING! I can't believe how much better I feel, the places I want to go, the things I want to do now and how proud I am of myself! Never did I think I would feel this AWESOME after surgery. When I had my 3 month follow up appointment, I cried while telling the doctor how he has truely changed my life and I see him as my angel! I kept gushing and gushing to him! Would I do it again? ABSOLUTELY! I have to stop myself sometimes, because I too want to stand on a table and tell the whole world how wonderful I feel and that perhaps this might be an avenue for them if they wanted! It's REALLY HARD not to talk about it with everyone I meet! It's just crazy! But a fabulous CRAZY!
  10. I'm in a stall too! I can't believe how frustrating it is! I've weighed the same thing now for about 2 weeks, give or take 1-2 pounds! I just feel like this is going to be another failure! And I recently went back to work after summer break (I'm a school counselor) and I decided I would be honest with people who talked with me about my weight. This is because I want to help support someone if he/she decide they want to try WLS. Plus I didn't want to give the idea that diet and exercise was all I was doing! I know, I've been there.... So, now that I'm stuck, I can't help but think that I've gone as far as I can I this is it! Especially since I've been talking up WLS to my co workers!...... UUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!
  11. SarahD.

    Severe crampy type pain....

    I have also expereinced the same thing. I think of my tummy as a baby tummy and very sensitive to certain types of food/spices. I am now a little over 2 1/2 months out and I don't have that crampy feeling anymore. What was strange was sometimes it would happen even with something that I ate before. Hang in there, it will get better. How this helps. :thumbup:
  12. SarahD.

    vitamin nausea

    Yes, I have the same problem with multi's. I fight this all the time, because it's hard to make myself take the vitamin! What I've started doing with my chewables is to let them slowly dissolve, like a piece of candy and that seems to help me. The only thing is, i don't care for the taste much, but this is better for me than the nausea feeling I get afterword. I stocked up on Bariatric Advantage vitamins and I don't want to waste them. Also, if I try to swallow a whole vitamin, I still get sick, if I can get it down with out hurting. Soooooo, I too need suggestions about the whole vitamin thing. :thumbup:
  13. Yes, I experienced the same thing. I'm almost 3 months out and will still, rarely have a soreness there. It took almost 6 weeks for the discomfort to subside in that area. It was constant for about 3-4 weeks then it began to ease up. Every once ina while it would really ache!! But now I don't even think about it. Hang in there it does get better!
  14. SarahD.

    Gaming Sleevers

    I can't wait!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
