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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  • Birthday 10/31/1963

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  1. 1 years has passed since you registered at VerticalSleeveTalk! Happy 1st Anniversary BANZAIKEV!


    Not covered

    :thumbup: Hey I was called today by Dr. Idhe's office in Dallas and told my insurance (UMR) does not cover Bariatric surgeries, so sorry thats it...$13,000 all inclusive cost:svengo:. Can anyone help me find a Doctor in Dallas that will go to bat for you. Or a doctor that finances. I dont have the means to get hold of that kind of cash. My BMI is 54.4, my knees are bad, I tore my achellies tendon and I have a job that requires me to be on my feet all the time.HELP... HELP..... HELP!!!


    Hey everyone I go in for my first consultation on July 1st. I work in a hospital and was told that in cutting away the fundus you loose the stomach to brain hunger signal. Can any of you share some of your experiences with the loss of hunger. Do you stop felling hungry all the time? Thanks Kevin
  4. Hello everyone my name is Kevin. I am from Texas and I am about to go for my first consultation with Dr. Idhe in Dallas July 1st. We will be discussing the Gastric sleeve. I look forward to seeing all of your success stories and gathering info from all of you. From what I have seen in this forum, there are alot of caring people who are willing to share their experiences. Thank you all in advance. I cant wait to someday share my sucess story :thumbup:

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