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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Papillon

  1. Papillon


    I sympathize... my husband and I started our liquid diet we are on day 3 and it has been pretty rough. I was doing pretty well today until someone at work heated up their lunch.. then I had to leave. hehe No sense making it harder! hehe I will admit that if my other co-workers didn't decide on their lunch plans quickly (and stop talking about options) I was going to smack them all hehe.
  2. Papillon

    Torani Sugar Free Syrups

    Cool I never thought of trying sams club.. It looks like Bevmo carries them too. :thumbup1:
  3. Papillon

    burning incision pain

    not sure if you can put neosporin on the site... if so there is one that has a pain medicine in it. it works wonders for scrapes. I would call your doc to double check before using it.
  4. Papillon

    Great diet info

    thank you!!
  5. Papillon

    July 21st!!!

    Wooho!! congratulations! The liquid diet is rough the first day.. I am on day two and it is a little easier... You can do it!
  6. Papillon

    Can't nobody hold me down

    Wishing you all the best!! I am on the second day of my liquid diet and I can tell you for awhile there I was considering not doing this.... It has been a little rough. However, I realized there are people that do this...they are on this forum and they will be there to cheer you and me on!! It is really great to have the support here. Hang in there and I look forward to the same happy things you are! : )
  7. Papillon

    Hi, I'm New!

    It is up to you how much you tell work. I told my boss because I knew he would be supportive and I wanted him to know I would need to be out between 1-3 weeks depending on recovery. Hair loss is a hard one.. from everything I have researched it usually occurs month 3-7 then starts to rebound. There are a few people who are lucky and do not have much at all. (hoping to be in that boat) Honestly I would cut all of my hair off to be healthy again hehe. I wish you all the best on your journey! Research research research... I actually found a person on youtube that I have enjoyed watching his videos. His screen name is Thinjourney. Hope that is helpful to you.
  8. I completely understand the frustration!! hang in there.. remember why you are wanting to do this surgery. The surgeon wants to make sure you have the best possible scenario for surgery, I would be more worried if he/she didn't. As the saying goes better safe than sorry. Keep focusing on your goals!! ( oh and yes this is a moment that my advice is biting me on the arse hehe) One step at a time. Hang in there!! I am pulling for you!!!
  9. Papillon

    My pre-op diet is driving me insane!

    I am with you... my husband and I just started the liquid diet. Ugh.. Today has been a little rough. On a happy note thank you to the person who posted about getting the sugar free dasani syrups... the sugar free hazelnut with some ice and the muscle milk blended makes a world of difference. :biggrin0: One step at a time.. I took out some note cards and drew silly little pictures on them to remind me why I am doing this. I figure when I walk into another room it will be a nice reminder about the things I hope to gain. Hang in there everyone! I am doing my best to do the same!
  10. Papillon

    Heating protein? Turns weird!

    so filing this away for the future.
  11. I am really lucky my husband and I will be having surgery on the same day. We are going to do this together! We both reached the decision on our own but I feel very fortunate to have his love and support. My work is pretty cool too. My boss is very supportive. I told him I will be on a liquid diet next week and he offered to have people only bring liquids into the office and if they want to eat anything else to go across campus. That was really nice. I laughed at that though, I don't think it will be necessary but I really appreciated his support. : )
  12. Papillon

    Hello! Hello! I'm new!

    Good Luck Aimee!! I hope the best for you on your weight loss journey. :thumbup:
  13. Papillon

    Had surgery on the 29th

    Rock on Kevin!!! : ) Great to hear you are doing well! :thumbup:
  14. Don't be scared.. give your body a chance to heal. The fact that you are thinking about the vitamins is a great thing!! If the flintstone vitamins do not have enough in them try the gummies that Jaffa recommended. : )
  15. You can open it if you download it to your desktop or PC first then open in excel. :thumbup:
  16. Papillon

    Today is the Day

    My thoughts are with you Leo! Please let us know how you are. :thumbup:
  17. Papillon

    The last horrah!!

    You aren't alone.. I woke up at 2:30am this morning freaking out. Thinking maybe I wasn't making the right choice, just a giant stress monkey. Then I calmed down a little bit and reminded myself of all of the things I wanted to change. The hikes and bicycle trips I want to take with my new body and my husband., :thumbup:
  18. Papillon

    The last horrah!!

    yea it looks like this weekend will be the last one we will eat out for a long while. Our surgeon requested that we start the liquid diet next week. Soo off we go. : )
  19. Wohoo!! Congrats on a great surgery and smooth recovery! Wishing you all the best on your journey!
  20. Papillon

    Dr. Podkameni

    I had my last weigh-in this morning. Waiting on insurance approval to come through. Dr. Podkameni and his staff Donna and Janice have been wonderful. It is also very impressive to note that his staff trusts him enough to have this surgery too. Two of his staff (maybe more) have had the vertical sleeve gastrectomy and they are doing great!! Inspiring! :thumbup:
  21. Papillon

    Kinda bummed!!!!

    I haven't heard anything about this type of shot but I also have not had my surgery yet. Also keep in mind everything during the information may not apply to you directly. They are trying to get the most information out there for the majority of patients. You may require more or less of this drug.
  22. Papillon


    Congratulations on your great results!! Don't forget to take measurements!! Inches make a huge difference too!! :thumbup:
  23. Papillon

    My 1st NSV

    That is a great idea!! If you are looking for a larger towel.. costco has resort size towels that are wonderful. They are good size and will be great to have after surgery too. Gotta love little kids they have a way with words! HAhaha..
  24. I agree with mini - focus on how much you love your Mom. My family is part of the reason I am doing the surgery. I want to spend the rest of my life with my husband and I want to be able to do some of the things together we can't now. (hiking, bicycling, scuba diving... ) the fun outside things that we love but can't do right now.
  25. Papillon

    Leaving in 2 days....

    Best wishes to you both!!! You must be very excited to be starting the journey in only a few days!!! I had my last weigh in this morning... as soon as insurance approval is in the surgery date will be scheduled. I am in a bit of shock but in a really good way!! : ) Hope to be sharing the bench with you both sooN!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
