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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Globetrotter

  1. Globetrotter

    high protein snacks?

    Use the search box in the top right corner of VST, it will save you having to wait for all these replies when this is a very common topic.
  2. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    Had a nasty run in with a mercurial co-worker today, she sniped nastily at me for doing something that she herself had just done not 5 minutes prior. She's one of those people who is in a bubbly mood so long as she is the center of attention and being lavished with praise and the moment the attention shifts elsewhere or she doesn't get what she want's, venom. My situation being what it is, I can't just "leave it at the office" since we live in the same hut, separated only by a half plywood wall, and are the only females on the team. Just gotta hold on 3 more weeks till she leaves. gonna be a long 3 weeks.
  3. Globetrotter

    Hard to eat foods

    Ugh god, I forgot about the horrors of ice cream. I love it, I remember it fondly, but every single time I eat it now it just tastes like flat sugar, regardless of the quality and the sick feeling afterward is just like a bad hangover.
  4. Globetrotter

    Hard to eat foods

    3 years out and I still have plenty of no-gos, however I have turned that to my advantage and whenever I feel that I am eating a little too wontonly, I eat a sticker food . Potato anything is a losing bet, more than a single bite and it's like feeding white rice to a pidgeon Dense greens in a salad are wonderful, but I can only eat 4 bites before having to stop for at least 30 minutes. It has been known to take me 6 hours to finish a nutritious salad :/ And during that time it just sits in my chest, ummph. As for queasies/slimes, eggs are a real gamble, sometimes they slide right down delicious and nutritious, other times the mere smell has my mouth watering in the bad way. Hot dogs are my favorite junk food but more than 2 bites and I'm courting danger, painful embarrassing, slimy danger. And hamburger patties are a great source of protein, delicious, but one bite and it's sitting in my chest the rest of the night. I have had beautiful organic delicious cheeseburgers take me 36 hours to finish! My workaround for that is to make cheeseburger salad, but alas, see above regarding dense greens. With my new autoimmune protocol diet I'm adhering to right now, the big issue of course are the greens.
  5. Globetrotter

    I KNEW IT! :p

    And you know what Gamer, I'm with you, VST used to be a forum where actual sleevers could come and discuss the issues that arise from having had the sleeve. Now it seems to be full of people who are like, "I haven't had the sleeve, it may be a few years away if ever, but I have an opinion!" That's nice and all, but, no. And there seems to be an awful lot of suspicious posters, who seem like they are hawking either a doctor or product, and way way way too many trolls who post threads like "VSG destroys lives, I gained 100 pounds BECAUSE of the sleeve" yadda yadda. I really think Alex and Susan need to clean house.
  6. Globetrotter

    I KNEW IT! :p

    Wow, well done kvdme, you have managed to do it - find a way to turn my stomach enough so that I desire neither mashed taters OR Oreos. bleeeyachh barf.
  7. I can't wait for ToM to be over so I can weigh myself!! To weigh myself now while bloated would just be taking a bath with a toaster :/
  8. Globetrotter

    Crunchamame: my new love

    Yeah me too, how do we make it happen? Contact Alex? Susan? I mean, there is a sizeable population here with AI issues and in fact every day now the medical community is discovering more and more links between AI leading to obesity leading to neurological disorders, etc. But it all starting with autoimmune.
  9. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    And Swizzly, I think yes I can see a difference. My only concern is that I can feel when it "kicks in" and when it "wears off". I take one pill daily, first thing in the morning (8am). By about 10 I am cheerful kaughing, the comraderie in the office is flowing, etc. But somewhere around 6:30pm I can feel a grey fog approaching, my thoughts become a bit more ... hopeless. I start to dwell. I know that Zoloft has a titer effect, that it has to build up in your system, I have now only been on it exactly 4 weeks so, we'll see.
  10. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @ Jane - WOW MOMMA!! I cannot cannot WAIT to see your progression pics! And as for the boobs, small was a good idea, if you every want to plump up, just buy some "chicken cutlets" ;P @Daisy - While reading your description of your Colorado date man, my jaw actually fell open - I finished reading with my mouth hanging open in mortification at the absolute ******-iness of this human. I don't know what to pick first, that he is has fat bigotry, that he figured this sort of behavior was appropriate for a first date, or that he chose to go to a bakery, where he was most likely to see his favorite victims. TOXIC TOXIC TOXIC. There is no boredom so great that you need to seee this dirtbag ever again. EVER. @LV - Your post was so ... heavy, it's arrow pierced right in my saddest place. 9 months ago my Father lost his battle with his addictions, after rehab, after sobriety, after a reknewal of hope, something happened and he left us. In the end, addiction was stronger than love. Yes, addiction can be stronger than love. This man loved me, loved me beyond anything, I was his light his joy his sun his moon, I was perfection and the greatest love of his life, and his addiction still won. He was in so much pain, the spirit was willing but the body had succumbed and it was too late. I miss him every day. Every single day of my life I miss him. He was no saint, by any stretch, my childhood was one of extremes, highs and lows and terror and joy, never knowing which it would be. The adrenal fear response is so ingrained in my from earliest memories perhaps that is why coming to a warzone was no stretch for me. There are so many issues now in my life, where I desperately need him, his advice his comfort his support his praise. Now that my own health has shocked me, I need him. Has anyone ever linked female morbid obesity to substance abuse in a loved one? In the way our brains are wired and social pressuring, has anyone considered that this may be the conditioned response/coping mechamism specific to substance abuse? As for how was my 5:2 day - the other night I, like a zombie, saw my hand retrieving saltines one after the other and stuffing them in my gaping maw. crunch crunch crunch. Then last night, pumpkin seeds, saltines, sunflower kernels, CHOCOLATE. crunch crunch crunch. And this morning? ToM. It's not an excuse but maybe a vindication. I can genuinely pinpoint the exact moment ToM is going to happen, down to the hour, by my (in)ability to resist carbs and chocolate.
  11. Globetrotter

    random musings from a really bored woman...lol

    Is your hair naturally curly Jane? I could totally see you with a 50's style Elizabeth Taylor short 'do!
  12. Globetrotter


    You know what? I would take the shoes and the story back to the store and see if they might not take pity on you. Or even send pictures and the story to the shoe manufacturer, Nike? Once a bottle of perfume I got for Christmas was stolen before I'd had the chance to use it more than once, I emailed the maker the story and she sent me a new bottle!
  13. Globetrotter

    I KNEW IT! :p

    OMG, this thread has turned into junk food porn! Oreos and ice cold milk were my study food of choice during finals and thesis writing, I could easily eat an entire bag . Someone up in the thread mentioned how they used to be made with lard and are now made with partially hydrogenated oil, the irony being that the ones made with lard were probably better for you and no doubt tasted better. Sweet fat, the original taste we are wired for, mother's milk. Since we're getting all lusty about bad foods, let me just throw grilled cheese out there. Mmmm, I could fall into a pile of crusty melty gooey grilled cheeses and not emerge for days .........
  14. Globetrotter

    Crunchamame: my new love

    Hmm, I didn't know that, interesting. There needs to be a forum at VST for people with autoimmune disorders. Today I had a salad consisting of romaine, cabbage, baked salmon, and self-made dressing; plain yogurt, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. I got 3 bites in and stopped, I was full. About 10 minutes later I got all sneezy and bleary eyed as though I had just eaten white flour, why?? I know there are cross-reactive foods out there, but all things considered this was a pretty clean meal.
  15. Globetrotter

    random musings from a really bored woman...lol

    How are you going to travel? How are you going to sit for so long?
  16. Globetrotter

    Two Cauliflower Recipes

    Up above, your original posting.
  17. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    OK Cupid is the site, I have just found it to have a better caliber of men than PoF, imo. Love the lack of hunger when I fast, love the tightness, last night I saved my eating (chewing) for dinner, my sardine salad, I barely managed 3 bites before the sneeze alert went off. Can't wait till this ToM bloat is over so I can weigh myself.
  18. Globetrotter

    How was your 5:2 day today?

    @ M2G, it could be due to my GI issues, the worst queasiness was when I was travelling last week, for 2 days I couldn't really eat, got in maybe 300-400 cals each day. I couldn't eat becaues there was no viable food around for me to eat beyond what I had packed myself. Aft er 3 days of this I just didn't want to eat at all, all I wanted to do was drink warm tea. I think I might be ovulating right now and it is making this so much more difficult, I want to stuff my face with bacon and french fries and grilled cheese Instead, I will allow myself a double portion of sardines in my dinner salad and a half ounce of pumpkin seeds for a snack.
  19. Globetrotter

    Exercise and weight

    First of all muscle does not weigh more than fat, it weighs exactly the same, but it is more dense and smoother. And sore muscles are muscles that have been worked which means torn so they are rebuilding and that creates swelling ie, fluid retention. For awhile as you increase your muscle mass but before the fat loss starts, you may show a higher weight for awhile, but then the increased muscle mass will jump start your fat loss and it'll be groovy. Good job on exercising!!
  20. Globetrotter

    Adventures in shapers

    my shapers always give me the shape of a jelly bean.
  21. Globetrotter

    hot flaxmeal instead of oatmeal

    For those of us who can't handle oatmeal for various reasons but still want the fiber, I have recently discovered flaxseed. I've been adding it to my protein shakes for awhile now but recently discovered putting a small amount of water in a serving, letting it soak until the seed plumps up, then adding a touch of scalding hot water to make it warm and a tiny splash of brown sugar cinnamon syrup (sf). It's got the warmth and smell of oatmeal, is filling and so nutritious!
  22. Globetrotter

    Two Cauliflower Recipes

    Active content removed, wonder why? I'm ready to jump on this cauliflower trend, but how nutritious is it really, vs carbs?
  23. Globetrotter

    Pumpkin Protein Shake Recipe

    Love it, wish someone would send me some packed pumpkin in a care package so I could try this right now!! I wonder if a more natural thickener than Jell-O would work, like tapioca powder ... and for those of you out there who are jonesing for a Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte, here is a much healthier version (there is no actual pumpkin anywhere near their latte) ... http://www.foodiefiasco.com/?s=pumpkin
  24. Globetrotter

    Crunchamame: my new love

    You know that edamame is just Japanese for soybean, right? I cannot have soy, it is pretty destructive to someone with autoimmune issues but maybe a lot of people don't realize these are just soybeans.
  25. Globetrotter

    hot flaxmeal instead of oatmeal

    Indeed it is! I just wish I didn't have to be so sparing with it, I've just got the one bottle of Barlean's Forti-flax out here (Afghanistan).

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