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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Donna4545

  1. Donna4545

    What's for Breakfast?

    Most days I have a Protein powder shake, blended with Water or iced coffee. If I have extra time in the morning or it's the weekend, I'll make 2 eggs with a tiny tiny baby potato and 2 cloves garlic (330 calories)--that's my single serving version of a Spanish Tortilla (tortilla espanola), which I love. It keeps me full a LONG time.
  2. Donna4545

    concerned by high fat

    At 6 weeks out, light non acidic white wine (Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc) are do-able without problem, but the reds don't taste right/sit right yet so I avoid them that this point. I make sure to count it in my calorie count so it doesn't become a weight loss problem. I know it's ideal not to drink at all, but I'm a wine nut, and my goal is to enjoy in moderation.
  3. Donna4545

    concerned by high fat

    Globetrotter--sausage is very high fat. I wouldn't eat that any more. Check out my food list on fatsecret and see if the way I've been doing things is available to you. I think my fats come out to about half of yours. I know I've only been on there 2 days lol, but maybe it will give you some ideas? I do lowfat cheese (good source of protein) and lean meats. That's where my fat comes from. If they give you breaded stuff, pick off the breading. Here's a thought--if you tell them you are on a special diet for medical reasons, will they make some accommodations for you (like lowfat cheese, or grill something for you instead of frying?). Also, Protein powder shakes might help to get the protein up and keep the fat down when what they have in the dining hall is unacceptable.
  4. Donna4545

    greek yoghurt

    Even with the plain, you have to read the label. Yoplait has tons of sugar--don't use it. Same with a few others I've seen. Dannon makes one with almost no fat and sugar, that's what I use.
  5. Donna4545

    greek yoghurt

    Wow Tiffy, thanks! I'll be trying that one! As for ratios, you could probably add a little and taste test, then add some more till it's perfect.
  6. Donna4545

    fatsecret.com buddies wanted

    I sent you a buddy request, Dansha
  7. Donna4545

    Traveled for a week, gained 4 lbs

    Thanks everybody--I'm on the True Path, with the exception of exercise--I'll get there. But the calories are under control--and I feel better than when I was eating all that restaurant food. One of my male co-workers who has also been losing weight (we talk about it) told me today that I was beautiful lol! Not in a creepy way,or a "you have a pretty face" way--it was sincere, I found it funny, I just laughed (and said 'thank you'). I know that my motivation is better health, but it was kind of a nice little NSV that made it a little easier to not go for the higher calorie food for dinner. Someone out there thinks I'm beautiful lol--what a concept! And at 292 lbs! After I lose 100 lbs do I get elevated to "Goddess" status? ROFL!
  8. A month out I had to go to a conference and was at the mercy of hotel and restaurant food for a week. I tried to make good choices, and I thought it took 3,500 calories to gain a pound--no way was I eating that much. Anyway, I'm bummed.
  9. Donna4545

    Gaining Weight - HELP!!!

    Use fatsecret.com to log your foods, and you can make us your buddies and see what we eat every day--I'm on there, Globetrotter is too--anybody else just speak up!
  10. Donna4545

    So mad at my PCP *vent alert*

    Ignorant docs are my pet peeve. They think they can say anything they want. I'm glad you filed a complaint.
  11. Donna4545

    What did I do to myself?

    Some tough love: You signed an informed consent for the surgery, and once you are given a sedative of any kind, just a shot, even if you are still conscious--you can't change your mind after that point--you agreed to that in writing. I think you need to take responsibility for the decision that you made when not under the influence and not blame others. Listen to what people here have said about post-op depression and focus on getting yourself healthy and happy. Don't you think losing weight is going to be a good thing? Don't waste time looking back at what you can't change, and don't give in to the urge to find someone else to blame. You jumped through a lot of hoops to get this done---look forward not back. I've only lost 40 lbs and my life has changed already, at 6 weeks. Chin up!
  12. Try looking me up as Donna Lynn to add me to your buddies.
  13. I checked out fatsecret and started using it today--if anybody wants to be my "buddy" on there so we can share food logs, I'm Donna4545 there, too. They also have a Blackberry Calorie Counter app that rocks too.
  14. I think it depends on what kind of public figure you are. If you are in politics/news reporting, be open about it and make it a way to draw attention to your work and to VSG. Shout it from the rooftops, and use the media to educate people. The website is a great idea. There are those of us who are "in the public eye" without being in the media. For example, I am a university professor in a small town. I can't go anywhere without faculty, former students, students and community members knowing me. It would simply be too big of a job to try and educate all those people about WLS and deal with all their judgments, so I decided to keep it quiet. Because my weight loss is 2-3lbs a week, no one has noticed. I've let it be known that I'm on a diet, but that's it. I don't want to spend my life defending my decision. Whatever your situation, think about what you will have to deal with if you "come out" as a WLS patient. Good luck!
  15. Donna4545

    4 Months Post Op

    Wow, you lost weight FAST! I'm going quite a bit slower than that (2-3 lbs a week, some weeks nothing). What's your secret?
  16. Donna4545

    forgot to share...........

    When I get desperate enough for ice cream, I'll pay the $45, but that might take a while lol. I was thinking about getting a sorbet maker and making my own low cal dessert instead. It's great if you're in a larger town that carries it though--I'm jealous!
  17. Donna4545

    Traveled for a week, gained 4 lbs

    Thanks Cheri--but it didn't feel easy lol! I was totally panicked! It seems to be a rocky road lately.
  18. Donna4545

    Need to be accountable ...

    I'm sold on fatsecret.com. If you wants to be my buddy on there we can see each other's food logs (I just switched from fitday so today is the first day). Search Donna4545. I bet you can get down to 900 calories/day--get rid of the sausage,alcohol, potatoes, bread and eat more like you did 6 months out (that's not a flame, it's advice). If you have a sweet tooth, don't eat that cookie! Instead make something lowcal and sweet from the Bariatric Foodie blog--she's got Protein cheesecake, bon bons, tons of stuff. You can do it! You are almost there. Donna
  19. Donna4545

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Monday weigh in--lost 2 lbs last week. Better than nothing! See ticker for details. I'm sold on fatsecret.com. If anybody wants to be my buddy on there we can see each other's food logs (I just switched from fitday so today is the first day). Search Donna4545. Cheers
  20. I went back to work this week and I'm exhausted by 3pm. Luckily I can come home early, but is there a cure for this? I'm doing the eating and drinking stuff I'm supposed to.
  21. Donna4545

    Finally hit Onderland

    Congrats--that is ONEderful! I hope I can be there one day.
  22. Donna4545

    Birth Control?

    I had been prescribed bc for my PCOS and it made me gain weight. I stopped taking it before surgery and I'm not going back. I was only on it for a year, but I put on 30 lbs in that year without changing anything else. Condoms worked for me for 20+ years, I'm sticking to them.
  23. Donna4545

    I am hungry! 6 weeks out

    I think it did help. I'm a little shaky but I made it through today too. Thanks for the encouragement! It's just a rough patch I think. I did lose 2 lbs this week, so it's not as bad as it could be. This morning I had eggs with a bit of garlic and potato [not much], and a mozzarella/basil/tomato salad for lunch (the other half for dinner) and a Protein shake. Total calories just under 800. The fresh tomato (peeled) was a little iffy, I think I won't try that again for a while. I feel like I'm entering a "one day at a time" mentality to keep going. Anyway, thanks everybody, the feedback really helps. Donna
  24. How is fatsecret different from fitday--they both do what you describe. Am I missing something?
  25. Donna4545

    Pills all day - sick of it already!

    My doc prescribed a tiny PPI pill that I've been taking since Day 3, along with an Rx Vitamin D gelcap and Levothyroxine (Synthroid). I crush my Lorcets because I had problems swallowing them even pre-surgery but I don't take those every day so it's a not a problem. The Chewables don't bug me (Centrum MultiVitamin, Calcium Citrate) and sublingual B12. I take everything in the morning except I don't take the Centrum and the Calcium at the same time--absorption conflict there. I usually take the calcium in the afternoon and at night. Somewhere in my written info is an actual pill size that I'm not supposed to exceed but I forgot what it was. I'm taking about 8 pills fewer now that I was pre-surgery so I'm happy.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
