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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Brenbren

  1. Hubby and I are 3 months after vsg. Once you get past the first month you will be able to find out that you will be able to eat plenty foods, just small amounts. B'fast was eggs and toast, lo car slimfast shakes. chicken salad and Soups. We could not eat jello! We would tell everyone interested in that this is the best thing for you to do for your family.
  2. Brenbren

    Scheduled July 19th

    I'm 3 weeks post-op (had done in Tijiana with Dr. Corvala). My husband and I did together, he was day before so I could help him, then I was the next day. We stayed 5 days in the hosital and then 1 night at hotel the hospital setup for us. I would say the hospital staff was amazing. Very caring people. No problems at all. Our biggest issues have been getting enough Water, and Fiber... I'm finding this more and more difficult especially on a low-carb diet. I have been cooking alot of Beans and that should help. Also going to start adding a slice of whole wheat toast. After the first week we thought we had made the wrong decision, but after 2 more weeks we are feeling better and eating some foods. Still not hungry or craving anything we can't eat. I would also say that none of my clothes fit when I went to leave the hospital, I was very swollen and didn't have any really loose pants. Make sure you take loose fitting clothes.

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