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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SouthernSleever

  1. SouthernSleever

    Eating Out

    Pre-op I loved going out to eat with the family. Now not so much. When we do go out I order a side usually. At Wendy's the chili, at arby's just the roast beef, at Ihop just an egg. I have to pace myself though. I see other family eating forkful after forkful and I try that too and wind up sick. It's much easier if you go out to say Applebees or something like that then you can order a small steak or chicken breast which you have to chew a lot. I've also found that I cannot eat certain foods at all because they make me sick like pizza or chick-fil-a or any fried food really.
  2. I've read a couple post by people with plication and it seems they aren't doing so well futher out. One on the OH board was able to eat a whole medium pizza YIKES! Good luck in your research!
  3. SouthernSleever

    Sooo... How are you today?

    Im in a huge fight with my sister-in-law. She totally talked about my Mom and Brother on facebook. What an idiot! Knowing I'm on her friends list and fiercly protective over my Mom. We had TDay at her house last year but I won't be going there this year. We are going to my Father-in-laws house (Hubby's side this time) and bringing some side dish. Hubby told his Dad that I had the surgery and I know his Dad told everyone else. They are all thin so I'll be under the microscope while I'm there. I'd rather just stay home really. Today I'm going to visit a friend who had the DS. Our boys love to play together and we talk WLS the whole time We will probably also go out to eat and split a plate of totally yummy food. Here in just a bit I have a chiropractor apt from our car wreck. Both boys are STILL asleep so that should be fun. I'm dying to go to Lane Bryant and take back a bra I had bought and down size it. I also wouldnt' mind trying on a few pairs of pants to see where I am X)
  4. SouthernSleever

    I'm MAJOR P.O'd HERE!!!!

    Ohhh Gurrrrl. OHHHH GURRRL! I'd totally have to say something to him about that instead of letting it fester in you. I'm sure he's just scared that you are getting sick and losing more weight but I'd call him out on it.
  5. SouthernSleever

    I am such a failure!!!

    Like you said before you would eat cupcakes all day. You had 1 and 2 pb cups. It isn't the end of the world and being hard on yourself doesn't make you thinner or do better if that was the case we would have been thin w/o surgery.
  6. If you look back at what I had posted I had the same thing a week ago. I hit a 10 day stall. The only things IMO that will break a stall is time, increasing fluids, get ENOUGH to eat. Scale started moving abotu 4 days ago for me. No worries!
  7. SouthernSleever

    When does the stitch line completely Heal?

    I was told sodas never, steak at 1 month out and your line heals after 3 months!
  8. SouthernSleever

    15 weeks post op! With PICTURES!!!!

    It's sad but I think ppl do say those things to destory your motivation. Thin=pretty in our society and people either want you to stay bigger than them or be fat and miserable with them. When they say something like, "You look like you are on drugs." realize what they are really saying is "OMG you are getting so skinny! Everyone is going to look at you and not me!" You look fantastic and what a huge difference you can see in your pics. Grats on all your hard work!
  9. SouthernSleever

    Trapped Air

    I get that too. I try to burp but food sometimes tries to come up with it. I lay down and nap for a little bit and it goes away.
  10. SouthernSleever

    Pictures of my progress thus far!

    Ooo girl you look hawt! Grats on your success!
  11. Today I'm thankful for serveral things The health of my family, shelter over our heads, food in our bellies. That my belly holds less than it used to. That I've had a very easy recovery. For the loan that made this possible. For the support from my family and friends. For this forum and the support here. For our Vets!
  12. SouthernSleever

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    I edited mine that way I can see how much I've progressed when I update till Jan 1st
  13. SouthernSleever

    Before and during pics-again!

    Oooo girl! You look fantastic!
  14. SouthernSleever

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    Ooo wait you want starting weight to be the weight we start this challenge at right?
  15. SouthernSleever

    New Years Day... What will you weight???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal LilMissDiva.....247..................247.............226................21 Mini-Me.........203..................133.............125................8 Chilo1..........216...................169.............154................15 Kgremmy.....225................221..............199.................22 (being sleeved 12/14/10) Juliarh.........303.6.................247.............225...............22 Sleeve 4 me 204..................177.............164...............13 lbs.-Goal for start of New Year merieri..........240..................206..............190...............16 DJackson........246...................246...............220..............26
  16. SouthernSleever

    October Sleevers

    I would be careful about going to regular food so soon ClC you want things that basically slide down because the nerves were cut you won't know when you are full or stressing the staple line. I'd be on full liquids or mushies if I were you. Cottage cheese Soups (no meat) yogurt mashed potatoes sweet potatoes Beans refried beans squash watermelon melons
  17. SouthernSleever

    October Sleevers

    Hi everyone! I had my sleeve on October 8th. I lost a lot of weight quickly and then at 2 weeks out I stalled for 10 days <Insert YIKES smiley> I'm back to losing again and I was 276 to start with 271 on day of surgery and now I'm 246 for a grand total of 30lbs. I have 8lbs left to lose and I'll be at my prepregnancy weight. 25lbs to lose and I'll be at the smallest I've ever been as an adult. 47lbs to lose and I'll be smaller than I was as an 8th grader! That's how I'm doing my goals. I'm eating almost everything. I stay away from seeds and nuts for the most part. I'd love to have some pad thai or some pomamgranate but I'm affraid of it being stuck in my staple line. I've had a constant battle since Halloween with all this candy in the house. I find myself eating 2-3 small pieces a day (like two tootsie rolls and a small milkeway). I do have to say though before I would eat probably 10 peices a day and they would all have been funsize snickers. I'm still working on getting my Water in. I find the futher I get out the more I want just plain water which is good. I have eaten turkey/chicken since 3 weeks out I just chewed it really really well. I'm in size 20 comfortably and I'd love to fit into a size 16 dress by Christmas. I don't think my family has EVER seen me in a dress other than prom.
  18. SouthernSleever


    Nope my hubby said the same things and I think he's actually scared I would leave him. I tell him that being skinny is not going to change how I feel about him AND did he think I don't have other options now? I think because I'm fat he thinks no one every hits on me so I will be consumed with the attention. Just reassure him and go on. It will pass.
  19. Let's see Bean soup made with a hambone in it (dont eat the ham if it flakes off) cottage cheese refried Beans with cheese melted on top and a dollop of sourcream butternut squash with butter and cinnimon sweet potatoes baked potatoes steamed carrots/brocolli potato cheese soup chicken salad tuna salad watermelon cantalope peaches (canned in light syrup or juice) vienaa sausages (don't know how to spell it) beef hash Seafood salad (cajun crabmeat for me) on saltines pudding Jello eggs
  20. SouthernSleever

    Sexuality and the sleeve

    You can talk to your Dr or gyn and they make a creme I believe out of estrogen that should help.
  21. SouthernSleever


    Thanks for posting. Anything you stimulate the skin it will help circulation and detoxification.
  22. SouthernSleever

    I am not controlling my sweet tooth

    All I can say is get it out of the house. I'm having trouble too with it being here. The kids don't NEED it, husbands don't NEED it so if they want it they can find somewhere outside of the house to keep it.
  23. SouthernSleever


    Breakfast I had nothing, didn't get up in time Lunch I had 3 chicken nuggets (not fastfood type) and 2 baked tatertots I drank black and green tea all day Dinner and I had 1/2 a small wendy's chili with 4 crackers I'm still drinking water and tonight I'll have some pulled chicken with sauteed onions and green peppers and cheese.
  24. SouthernSleever

    No candy this Oct!

    I've had 6 little candies between trick or treating yesterday and today. I so wanted one of the fun size candy bars but I resisted. I'm sending the rest of it to work with hubby tomorrow. GET IT OUT OF HERE!
  25. SouthernSleever

    3 Weeks Post Op - Oct 7, 2010

    Whew, I'm glad you wrote this. I know there have been several post on the dreaded 3 week stall so I didn't want to make another but I had the urge. I am just like you excpet I had a week of clears then a week of full liquids and now I'm on mushies. My surgery was on the 8th of October and I lost 20lbs in the first two weeks. I've been the same weight, actually gaining a lb, for the last week. I know I'm not getting enough fluids for one. I think my body is holding on to ALL the water I drink because I'm not drinking enough. So I think what we are going through is normal but I'll let some of the vets reassure us.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
