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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SouthernSleever

  1. SouthernSleever

    Today's the day!!!

    Good luck! I too was so teary and scared I might leave my babies behind. Keep us updated, walk walk, and sip. Follow the rules for your babies!!! Woohoo! You are DOING THIS!
  2. SouthernSleever

    Do you still enjoy food?

    I do enjoy food now. Before I inhaled it. I'd eat oreos, doritos, krystal burgers all kinds of crap but now when I eat I think "I get 3-4ozs of food, lets make it good". I splurge on crab meat (real crab meat) lobster tail. I cook quiche each week for Breakfast. I make homemade bread. I get the most nutritionally out of my food and savor every bite. Before: B: Cherrios/milk or doughnut L: Nothing S: Hands full of whatever chips and maybe some chipsahoy Cookies D: A huge plate of Pasta with bottled red sauce Today B: 1 egg 1/4 a piece of homemade toast S: Babybell swiss cheese L: Crabcake (not a lot of breading) S: 1c popcorn D: taco meat with cheese and refried Beans Nothing was premade other than the Cheese. I made the spices for the taco meat, the beans, the bread, I didn't lay the eggs though
  3. Welcome! If you use this as a TOOL you will find great success! It can be everything you need and so much more! Hurry Hurry July!
  4. SouthernSleever

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal DJackson........198...................195.............180...................15
  5. SouthernSleever

    Hlep Info on WLS in Mexico

    Dr Aceves is wonderful I wouldn't go to ANYONE in the world over him! I'd tell you to do your homework. Look at the people on this board and other boards who have had complications and see who their surgeon was. Even PM them as it seems ppl have issues with calling out Docs who have screwed up.
  6. SouthernSleever


    I haven't but I saw the mushroom suggestion on Allrecipes and I'm definatly going to try it. It looks yummo.
  7. SouthernSleever

    Strange Mexico Question

    I tipped Ernesto 20 there and 20 back in US currency.
  8. SouthernSleever

    8 months Post op -- 122 lbs gone!

    You are soooo skinny! You have blown right through losing weight. I remember when we were at the same weight just a couple months ago and you are already 13lbs lower. Whatever you are doing is certianly working! I'd love to hear a post by you about your tips tricks, how much you exersise how often you eat. GREAT job!
  9. SouthernSleever

    NSV shout outs

    Bahahahaha You crack me up Rootman! Great NSV! I have a little nsv I always put my phone inbetween my legs when I drive or my hands if they are cold but since my thighs hardly touch anymore my phone just slides right into the floor and it's not very warm there anymore either!
  10. SouthernSleever

    bikini/two piece

    I wear an tankini top and shorts. I don't think I"ll ever wear a bikini or want to really, seems like a lot of work BUT I've seen all kinds of bodies rock them. You don't have to be perfect to wear a bikini, try a few on and see what you like!
  11. SouthernSleever

    Is. Dr. Aceves really THAT great?

    I have small children and as far as a reputable hospital, and a great surgeon that's Dr Aceves and the hospital he practices in. I didn't find ANY surgeon in the US who had done as many sleeves as Dr A and certainly none with the low rate of complications. You do get much better care in Mexico. Having done 3 years in nursing school and one in clincals the US hospitals don't hold a candle to what you recieve from Dr A's team. My children are one reason I went to him, I knew I couldn't waste the time on a complication. There are several Surgeons who practice in Cali and Texas. The one I spoke with when I was searching in Tx said their prices are low because they have to compete with the prices in Mexico. What I found out is none could compete with the experience and complication rate.
  12. SouthernSleever

    One year anniversary with photos

    <whistle> You look great!
  13. TexasT please do relay back to us your results/experience. I will be looking for input in the future and this board is certainly lacking the the Plastics area.
  14. SouthernSleever

    Sleeved on April 8th and had complications

    Waiting to hear back from you today Jen, thoughts are with you!
  15. SouthernSleever

    My Life Still Sucks

    I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. It seems they made your sleeve way too small and that is causing you not to get enough foods in. Try some high fat soft/easy to digest foods like avacado, lamb, turkey, pears. If you are having nausea ask for sublingual zofran. I'm so sorry you are feeling poorly. Truely <hugs hugs hugs>
  16. SouthernSleever

    Sleeved on April 8th and had complications

    Keep your head up! I hope you are on the mend. I'd be rather pissed at my surgeon if he did that however I'm sure you are just feeling lucky to be alive. Keep us updated.
  17. SouthernSleever


    Seriouly I tried this the other night and it was gawd awful! The pizza "crust" stuck to the pan and never got cripsy where you could pick it up. I just ended up eating the toppings off it.
  18. SouthernSleever

    Inexpensive self pay in the USA

    Well it depends. Mexicalli where Dr Aceves is not even 5 minutes across the boarder and was very safe. I believe the futher you get down into Mexico the more of the things you hear about TV happen. In any case I wouldn't walk around at night. With Dr Aceves you are shuttled everywhere and the area is very nice. The media in the US has a habit of demonizing and criminalizing Mexico I'd believe about 1/2 what you hear.
  19. SouthernSleever

    Advice Needed & Welcomed

    I know ppl who have had the bypass and wish they had VSG but not the other way around. YOu are not guarenteed to have dumping with bypass or not to have it with vsg. YOu can look at the faliure rate of bypass and that would be enough for me to choose vsg.
  20. SouthernSleever

    Feeling Weak

    You should not blend up solid foods at 6 days out if that is what you are wanting to do.
  21. SouthernSleever

    Please help

    At that point I was on liquids but milk products didn't sit right and isopure was gross nasty. I just had soup broth, coconut milk, juice, gatorade. Don't worry about eating food you will eventually.
  22. SouthernSleever

    really upset

    Very normal Kerry, just think to yourself all the great things to come.
  23. SouthernSleever

    Feeling Weak

    Get some coconut milk, drink apple juice, or chicken broth. I'd even drink some cream of chicken if you are feeling weak as long as you aren't on clears.
  24. Hip, aside from my initial weight loss I have lost on a very step sort of chart. I will stay the same weight for 3 weeks, go up two pounds and then lose 5-6. Then the same thing happens again. YES! It is discouraging. You can help it along by staying under 40g carbs/day. It will make your loss bigger in your losing week. NOW I am challenging you to measure yourself. Just take a few if you are lazy like I am with measurments. Do your neck, thighs and chest. Watch those! A few months ago I lost 3lbs...3 MFin pounds. (Not watching my carbs! Grr) but I went from size 18 to size 16 in that month. It was a huge difference in sizes but not so much on the scale.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
