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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by SouthernSleever

  1. SouthernSleever

    how did ur attitude change after your weightloss

    Well I was always outspoken but now I guess I don't put up with shit I don't have to especially from guys. I would eat up any attention I got before and now I'm more picky and call things like I see them. People weren't really mean to me when I was fat, at least not to their face, they knew better.
  2. SouthernSleever


    WOOOOOHOOOOOO Congrats girlie! Celebrate yourself and the hard work you have done!!
  3. SouthernSleever

    In Mexicali!

    Fantastic!! I can't wait to hear your experiences!! Dr A is awesome and pinch some of those cute Dr's butts for me. k?
  4. I went to Dr Aceves for my sleeve. Before then I went to my PCP to ask him to do some follow up blood work and also to prescribe some blood thinners for preop. He refused and didn't like the fact I was going to Mexico...screw him. I talked to my OBGYN and she was all for it, she gave me the number to a PCP who I first saw when I got back from having my sleeve. She treats me like she would anyone else. The key is to have a really good Dr do your sleeve so it is unlikely that you will need followup care. The sleeve, if done right, really takes care of it's self. Dr A sends home notes and xrays most US Drs are very impressed. HTH EDIT to add if your PCP was against LAPBAND then I'd say that's a point scored for him. He may like the vsg!
  5. almost 8 months out and I still take a PPI about every other day.
  6. SouthernSleever

    Coated tongue

    Had the same thing and it was thrush from the antibiotics.
  7. SouthernSleever

    New Addiction?

    It's like they replace your brain with a skinny person's brain sometimes. I strongly believe in the grelin horomone makes it nearly impossbile to control what you eat. It's so much easier post op. Is it cake or a breeze NO but I don't white knuckly everyday to stay on low carb. It's not even 1/4 hard as it was preop.
  8. This is horrible but I've never taken vitamins. I need to take my B12 because I was low on it...but I just keep forgetting
  9. SouthernSleever

    pulmonary Embolism?

    It's mostly once you have surgery. Even if you take a plane you need to be walking, if you drive stop every hour and walk. Move your ankles around to keep the blood flowing in yoru viens. Do not sit at the computer for hours and hours. Keep very hydrated. I think you will be fine.
  10. SouthernSleever

    pulmonary Embolism?

    I had a PE in 2003 partly because of my weight, smoking, birthcontrol, and a lower ankle fracture. My advice to you is walk walk walk. Oh and WALK WALK WALK I was on Heparin before and right after surgery.
  11. SouthernSleever

    Question for Post Ops!

    No smells but my tummy likes to talk.
  12. People are douches! They just don't think before they open their mouthes sometime. My Mom said to me, "Oh my God, I'm getting so fat! I'm bigger than you now!" (eyeroll) Some people
  13. SouthernSleever

    Suddenly Single... now what?

    ((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))) You can do this! You are strong and once you do this on your own you will be even stronger. Once you are thin and single you will be so grateful I know it doesn't seem like it now but trust me.
  14. SouthernSleever

    Major Complications

    Thanks for keeping us updated TKD. I'm glad shes doing better and I hope they are able to get that leak prepared quickly. <hugs and strength> She's lucky to have you!
  15. SouthernSleever

    4th of July - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    SN..............Starting Wt........Current.......Goal.......Lbs to Goal DJackson........198...................193.............180...................13
  16. SouthernSleever

    Poll and Questions for those already Sleeved:

    Questions: 1) How long have you been sleeved? Little over 7 months 2) Who was your surgeon? Dr Aceves (Wewt wewt) 3) What were your experiences with your surgeon? Amazing How much weight have you lost since your sleeve date? 80lbs 6) What type of sleeve do you have? 32f I believe 7) Would you recommend the type of sleeve you have? Oh yes 8) Do you find you still have the necessary level of energy to sustain a good workout? Yes, more than preop 9) Do you find it difficult to keep the weight off once you have lost it? I do bounce back up if I start eating crap again 10) Do you have trouble eating, such as getting �stuck�? If I eat too fast, yes 11) What is the one things about getting the surgery that you regret? Not getting it 10 years ago 12) Would you do this surgery again, or would you have made another choice? Nope, i'd do this one again
  17. Sounds like good news for you, dont' give it another thought he did you a favor.
  18. SouthernSleever

    12 things...

    I actually went back and found my list from last May that I made when I first started thinking about this surgery. Mine were: Shopping at any store and buying cheap and cute clothes. (SO MUCH FUN! Cloths are cheap and I can shop practically ANYWHERE!) Taking a bath in a regular sized bathtub with room (Haven't really taken many baths Flirting, even though I've always been fat I haven't had any confidence recently People saying, "Is that all you are eating?" Haha this is more annoying than I thought it'd be Getting any hairstyle I want without worring about making my face fatter Same ole hairstyle but it looks so much better on me Wearing shorts and dresses again (I look great in dresses and will be wearing shorts in two days on my first all girls vacation to myrtle beach) My husband picking me up (Not yet Things I didn't know I'd love as much are: Sex Shaving is so much easier! SO MUCH! Having all this room when I drive How nice people are to you the thinner you are. Cheap bras!
  19. SouthernSleever

    I fit my goal pants already...

    WTG girl! You must be built solid! I just now got into my 12s at the same weight as you and you look so skinny! Love your attitude and daym you look hawt in those pants!
  20. You look hawt!!!!!
  21. You are able to eat quite a bit more than I can. At 7 months out, I can eat 1 egg and about 1/2 a piece of toast. I finish my meal within 5 minutes so the reason you might be eating more is you are stretching it out over a longer period of time. My friend, who has the DS, eats her meals over an hour and 1/2 so that she CAN eat more. When I was at her home this weekend I ate 1 taco and 1 bite of refried beans. She ate a whole chicken quesidilla but it took her much longer. You sleever might be longer if you are taller or your surgeon might have left it larger since you are male. At one moth out I could eat only 1 egg at a time for breakfast.
  22. Dang you are so skinny!! Why don't I look that good?!?!
  23. SouthernSleever

    Pet Peeves

    I've seen so many of these same post over the years on different boards. *yawn*
  24. SouthernSleever

    Band Deja Vu All Over Again... Please, NO!

    It passes so quickly! We are here for you to vent and YES it gets better!! <hugs>
  25. SouthernSleever

    About to leave

    Walk and sip and get ready for an awesome ride!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
