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About sumthingwong

  • Rank
    Senior Member
  • Birthday 01/27/1977

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  1. sumthingwong

    Before and After Pics

    Looks like you were fine before??
  2. sumthingwong

    Hubby thinks he is in heaven now!!

    lol!!! i am a ass!! keep them coming
  3. sumthingwong

    Hubby thinks he is in heaven now!!

    She's not a poor women. She is my princess. Thanks for insulting her Jane.
  4. sumthingwong

    Hubby thinks he is in heaven now!!

    Close minded? sorry.Sex is not more than physical. When u have a one night stand ( and i know you have had one) were u looking for sex or intimacy? Intimacy comes with time. Now that i have taught u the difference. My women is chunky, fat, call her what you want. She is the best. Her sex drive is the same as when i meet her when she was slim. 10 years of being wiith her..just the same as when we first meet. Im lucky, very lucky to have one like she is. I agree on some of your thoughts..but darlin your comments are a little shallow. But i do like how everyone swings on your balls here. And i really like your 12 month update, 13 month update, 14 month update...mabye u could give us a daily update from now on.
  5. sumthingwong

    Hubby thinks he is in heaven now!!

    So now that yr sliming down yr putting out more? So you gave him less cause u had no drive? Sux to be in his shoes.
  6. sumthingwong

    Just a rant- John Goodman-

    oh sorry...u cant never tell with a woman!
  7. sumthingwong

    Just a rant- John Goodman-

    Why would anyone watch something on tv to make them so mad, that thety would throw something at the tv? I might watch 2 hours or so of tv in a week. Tv is part of our problem too. Stop watching those stupid loser shows.
  8. sumthingwong


    Are youre 4 sisters fat?
  9. sumthingwong

    is it unusual?

    Having the drain tube also increases the chace of infection. Looks like most of us had it done right. This is good.
  10. sumthingwong

    is it unusual?

    If it's done right, you won't need a drain.
  11. sumthingwong

    Just cut my hair lady!

    keep yr business yr business. eot
  12. sumthingwong

    My Mexicali Experience

    The cliff notes version would have been nice..
  13. that would suck....
  14. sumthingwong

    What Size Should I/He Buy?

    why u gonna wait? why cant he take yr big ass dancing now? i say he should take u dancing tonight. the hell with waiting.

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