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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Maddie

    My 3 Month Videos & Fashion Show

    Great videos, Christie. I always enjoy them. thanks again for sharing! hugs, Maddie
  2. What wonderful news! I am very happy for you. The ring is lovely. Congrats.
  3. After my surgery, I was in recovery, when they went to draw some blood and nothing came out. They stuck me a few different places and the same thing happened. My pulse was VERY low. They did a hemoglobin count and realized that I was bleeding internally. It reached a point where they couldn't get my veins at all so the anesthesiologist came in and they inserted a central line into my neck. They had to give me 4 pints of blood before my hemoglobin leveled out. The bleed slowed down but 2 days later, they gave me another pint of blood. I had severe swelling in my abdomen and had serious Water retention. I was released on the 5th day and when I got home and weighed, I had gained 26 lbs.! Between my ballooned out belly, the internal swelling and 5 pints of blood that was still pooled in my abdomen, I had trouble trying to move my diaphram enough to breath. I tried to use the spirometer(sp) to keep my lungs working but it was so difficult that, 4 days later, I was readmitted for phneumonia. I spent another 4 days in the hospital for that. A few weeks after that I started having gallbladder attacks and ended up in the ER. While there they did a CT scan of my belly to check for a leak. What they found what that instead of absorbing back into my body tissue, that all those 5 pints of blood had "organized" and created 3 large clots. By now, 1 of them had liquified, so they inserted a drainage tube. They also did another endoscopy to look inside my new tummy. This was to look for a leak or infection from a different direction. The surgeon showed me a picture along the staple line that was a different color from the rest of it and had a slight protrusion. So, he added some clamps to the area. Three days later I had a gallbladder removed. Normally the gallbladder requires 1 small incision. But, when the surgeon took a look, he could see 1 of the other blood clots (the largest one) and decided to cut it up and take it out. This meant I ended up with 4 more incisions instead of 1. In all, I was under anesthesia 5 times in 7 weeks. My stomach looks like a tic-tac-toe board. I'll be honest, I was really scared there for a while and my poor hubby was put through the ringer with worry. There was honestly a point where I didn't care if I ever lost weight. I just wanted to stay out of the hospital. I am 2 months 3 weeks out, even though it feels like it been longer. Over the past couple of weeks, I have been getting stronger and feeling better. I have now lost a total of 61 pounds. I am off all blood pressure meds. I no longer require my CPAP machine. The weight loss has eased the pain in my back due to 4 herniated discs. I don't get out of breath when I walk around. My knees don't hurt as much. I spent a good while with buyers remorse. But, as I get stronger and my health starts to get better and better, I know I made the right choice. Any surgery comes with risks. I was just unlucky. There are peeps who sail through and sadly some that have it so much worse than I did. All you can do, is get as much info as you can so that you are mentally prepared for whatever happens. Listen to your dr and your nut and take good care of yourself. I wish you the very best.
  4. Maddie

    One more NSV: I'm healthy!

    Great news, I am looking forward to seeing how my labs turn out. I go to the dr tomorrow.
  5. Yesssssss, it's all about the walking. After surgery, your mantra should be, sip, sip, walk, walk.
  6. Maddie

    What's for Breakfast?

    My lil tummy doesn't really like food early in the day. I asked my dr about it and he said it was common. So I always have a protein shake for breakfast.
  7. That is wonderful, people noticing FEELS GREAT. :001_unsure:
  8. Maddie

    3 Month Progress

    LOVE it!:001_unsure:
  9. Are you having a depression issue, or are you depressed because your eating is out of control again? Some depression after surgery is normal, but if you feel yours is sever, you should see a dr. The eating is another issue. The sleeve is only a tool. You have to flat out decide to eat the right things or it won't work. Of course, we will all eat something wrong once in a while. But, you get back in the saddle and do what you know you are supposed to do. Don't wallow in defeat, just start over. I am not trying to scold you. I suffer from depression too. I take meds for it. I had to decide for myself that I would no longer use food to medicate myself. The days of "comfort food" are over. The best thing is, taking control over food, instead of letting it control me has helped my depression. I wish you all the best, good luck.
  10. I'm sorry you are having a rough time. I do understand. I had complications and I did have buyer's remorse for a while. I had even made a post a while back asking folks if they thought it was worth it. Now that I am on the mend, I can tell you that it was worth. I'm still not 100% but the light at the end of the tunnel did make it's appearance and yours will too. I hope all goes well at the dr and that he can give the answers to ease your mind. Don't throw in the towel yet. I can tell that you still have some spark inside you...the line about the tears and snot cracked me up. Hugs, Maddie
  11. Maddie


    I know it's frustrating, I have been in a stall myself. But, remember to take your photos and measurements. They keep me from losing my mind and my motivation. A perfect example is CraftyChristie, if you haven't checked her latest post, I recommend it. This past month she had her lowest weight loss, but lost 3 times as many inches as she had in any other month. This is such a huge transformation for our bodies and our minds. We had what the scale "says" pounded into our brains our whole lives. But those inches are sooooo important. Re-training our brains to look at the whole picture is tough, but sure can make you feel better. Hang in there, if you keep doing what you should, IT WILL COME OFF.
  12. Maddie

    Favorite Transition Foods

    The ricotta bake was a staple of mine at that phase.
  13. Maddie

    Just a couple of questions

    I agree with the Slim Fast thing as a waste of calories and not enough real nutrients. My dr says stop drinking 15 min b4 meals and resume drinking 30-45 min after meals.
  14. Welcome back, and already 1/3 to goal, WOWZER. Huge gratz on that. Take care and best of luck.
  15. No gas pains, huh? Deb, you lil show off, hehe.
  16. Maddie

    Mixed meats in gravy

    I have never used a pressure cooker, but it sounds great.
  17. Maddie


    Where you describe the pain is the area of the gallbladder, so if it gets worse, don't ignore it. Hope it goes away soon. Feel better.
  18. Incredible you should be so happy and proud. WTG
  19. Maddie

    how do you see fat people now?

    I feel differently towards them but not how you may think. I watch them gorge themselves and feel sad for them. It's less than 3 months since I ate that way. I was a prisoner to it and it's not that I wish WLS for everyone. But it breaks my heart to see people in any addictive, damaging behavior. I see them and am glad it's not me anymore but wish it wasn't them either.
  20. Take extra good care of yourself. I know that you know what to do. I have no doubt that you will do great.

  21. Maddie

    12 Week Comparison Photos

    You continue to inspire me. I am so proud of you and Ian. Thanks for sharing your journey with us and for always keeping it real.
  22. You have been in my prayers, can't wait to hear from you. Hope all went well and that you will be home soon. Hugs to you.

  23. Maddie

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    199.6, finally made it to ONEderland!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
