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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Maddie

    Tonights Gonna be a Good Good Night!!

    Hope all went well for you.
  2. Maddie

    What did I do to myself?

    As far as your allergy, they made a big mistake. But, when it comes to changing your mind in the OR, they can't do that. You have usually been given a sedative of some sort before they put you under, so they didn't have a choice but to go through with it. Lots of people have buyers remorse after WLS, I was one of them. You can't change what has been done. But, you can make the best of it. You now have a fabulous tool for weight loss. Your life can change dramatically for the better. You have probably added 15 years to your life. Try to look forward and make the best of it. I wish you the very best.
  3. gelatin was allowed on my clear liquid diet.
  4. Maddie

    So mad at my PCP *vent alert*

    Sorry, it must be soooo frustrating. I would be pissed too. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  5. Maddie

    OMG Surgery on Thursday

    Awesome! You will surely be in my prayers. Don't over pack, you won't use 1/2 of what you bring. The most important things to pack are: - baggy clothes to come home in ( your tummy will be swollen and tender) - chap stick (anesthesia dries you mouth and lips and it's a little while before you can drink) - personal pillow (I can't sleep without my own pillow) Best of luck to you.
  6. Maddie


    My doc said 5 weeks.
  7. Maddie

    NSV: new clothes!

    I second that!
  8. Maddie

    4 Months Post Op

    I am scheduled for 7:30 tomorrow (Wednesday). Thanks for asking.
  9. -You will find yourself more interested in conversation. -When you go out it will be more "quality time" because you can focus on him instead of the food. -You'll be able to go out AFTER dinner instead of him having to help you home in a wheelbarrow cuz your stuffed. -You can share a meal with him or order an appetizer which means there will be more money to do other fun things.
  10. As a public figure it's important to maintain your integrity. So lying like Star Jones did, can come back and bite you in the butt. I don't suggest telling them before hand. That is your business and your decision. You don't need everyone and their dog telling you if you should or shouldn't do this. When the weight starts to come off, then I would let the news out. Be proud that you have made a choice to be a healthier you. That's my 2 cents. Best of luck to you.
  11. Maddie

    How can you tell the difference?

    This is the reason you should be taking measurements. It can keep you from getting discouraged. Oftentimes when you are losing weight, you are losing inches.
  12. Maddie

    4 Months Post Op

    Gratz on reaching the half way mark. That's awesome. I am so happy for you.
  13. Maddie

    Pregnancy after surgery

    I know a girl who got pregnant after reaching goal. She had a tough time in the beginning learning to eat right for the baby. She had already developed VSG eating habits. But, she quickly adapted and ate exactly what she should. After the baby, she switched right back and was back to goal in a few months. She said the secret was this...even though she had to add more carbs to her diet, she made sure they were "good carbs". She didn't use pregnancy as an excuse to eat anything she wanted.
  14. Maddie

    I still feel FAT

    Even after I started losing weight, it was ages b4 I could see it. My belly was so swollen that my pants were tighter than b4 surgery. Like GoodLife said, it's tough being patient but trust me, the sleeve works. It takes time for your body to heal, adjust and to lose all the swelling. Just continue to do what you know is right. Best of luck to you. Feel free to pm me anytime. I will help in any way I can.
  15. This week I will be going under anesthesia for the 6th time in less than 3 months. My dr is part owner of the hospital I go to, so I told him that I after all of this I wanted plaque on the donor wall. I plan out my menu daily and stick to it. The problem is, I try a few bites, and the rest goes in the trash. This has been the trend since my original surgery. I chew like a big dog and unless I am eating mushy food or Soup, it's a no go. Everything feels stuck and hurts. The past couple of weeks, the pain and increased. I know most sleevers go off PPI's after around 3 months. But my reflux has started getting worse. Since last week when I wake up and have to spit out what comes up, there is blood in it. Not huge amounts, but it's fresh red blood. I saw my surgeon today. He is trying to get me on the schedule for tomorrow for an endoscopy. If that doesn't work, it will happen Wednesday. It could be a stricture, the hernia repair could be too tight, and then of course there is the ulcer on the staple line. I know I'm almost 3 months out, but before they took out my gallbladder, I had an endoscopy prior to make sure my tummy was ok and there was an abnormal looking area on the staple line (protrusion and different color from the rest of the staple line). It couldn't be verified at that point if there had been a small leak, but for safety he added additional staples to the area. Anyway, I may not know until tomorrow morning when I go to the hospital. UGH
  16. UPDATE: The O.R. schedule was full until 7:30 tonight and my surgeon didn't want me fasting that long. So, I will go in at 7:30 in the morning. Thanks again to you all, I don't know how I would get through all of this without you guys.
  17. Just talked to the drs office and they said to call back at 11 to find out if I am on today's schedule. They are still working on it. I am not a good "waiter". LOL
  18. Thanks to you all. Tiff, it took me a while to understand how you don't have buyers remorse. But, I am so glad there are peeps like you to hang around and help us newer ones deal with complications and other issues. I have reached the point where I wouldn't take it back for anything. Like you have said, it's all been worth it. This is just another bump in the road.
  19. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. Getting support from fellow sleevers means everything.
  20. Maddie

    6 weeks out and exhausted

    I have a protein snack at 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. It really recharges me and keeps me going. When I substituted other kinds of snacks for the protein, I could feel a difference.
  21. I am so sorry you have had such a tough time. to answer your question, I did feel the way you are feeling. I had complications, a major bleed, transfusion and additional surgeries. At this point, weakness, pain and soreness are normal. But will ease with each passing day. Also, you shouldn't expect weight loss yet. They are pumping you so full of fluids, plus the normal Water retention after the trauma of surgery. I actually gained 26 lbs. from the day I checked into the hospital till I left! Remember to use your spirometer(sp). Keep those lungs working. Best of luck for a speedy recovery.
  22. Maddie


    The body?s ability to absorb Vitamin B12 from dietary supplements is largely limited. For example, only about 10 mcg of a 500 mcg oral supplement is actually absorbed in healthy people. B12 aids in metabolism, so it is very important to WLS patients. I have it in my multi and still take it extra as my doctor recommends.
  23. Maddie

    Bag it......

    I almost spewed my Water when I read that your cat's name is Phoebe. Do you have a "smelly cat"? :lol0:
  24. When I got my surgery, I had stopped wearing jeans because I had to lay on the bed to zip them up. I had been wearing a very tight 24. This week I decided to go root around in my closet and try on some old clothes for the first time since my surgery. I got into a size 18 jeans, zipped and buttoned (without laying on the bed, lol). I turned and looked at my backside in the mirror and noticed that my a$$ has fallen off. :confused1: Also, my BMI has fallen under 30, which means I am no longer morbidly obese, or obese, I am just overweight. I never thought I would be happy to say that. Then, I noticed how bad I needed to clean the streaks off my bathroom mirror. LOL

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
