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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Maddie

  1. Maddie

    Heavyweight NSV

    WTG Donna, that's great. Keep up the good work.
  2. Maddie

    It's Official!

    You look wonderful. I am so very happy for you. Congrats on looking great and getting so much healthier. :confused1:
  3. Thanks again. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to get positive feedback. It feels so great, but not in a conceited way. It's just that as I'm sure you all understand, being heavy we insulted ourselves over and over. Seeing that what has haunted us for most of our lives can really turn around into something positive and something that gives us hope and incentive. Sometimes it's hard to believe it's real. But it is!
  4. Thank you, and yes it feels GREAT.
  5. Maddie

    I did it!

    That's great, and it's not silly. It's progress and things will continue to get better.
  6. Thank you very much. (((hugs)))
  7. This was a delight to read. It's easy to tell from all you said that you are very happy. Thank you so much.
  8. Maddie

    Psychological Evaluation

    I could be wrong, but my understanding is that the insurance requires all those things before they decide if they will approve or disapprove depending on the results. For example if you didn't pass your stress test for something, they could deny it. But, if your ins. plan covers the procedure and you successfully jump through all the hoops, there shouldn't be a problem.
  9. I wish I had an answer for you. But, I'm really glad that you are getting that upper GI done. Keep us posted.
  10. Maddie

    Public Service Announcement

    LMAO, ya'll are too funny. Thanks for the info. hehe
  11. Thank you all so very much, I was really nervous about posting pics. I really appreciate how kind everyone was.
  12. Thanks very much. I love my sleeve!
  13. Maddie


    Great news Jane.
  14. Maddie

    what to do about food??

    That's all I can eat at 3 months out. I thought it was normal.
  15. I don't know if you are using Protein shakes or not, but this is what my dr said and I have read it on the internet too. It's best to drink Protein drinks right after exercising and just before you go to bed. Although we always hear not to take in calories late at night, our bodies repair/build muscle when we are sleeping. So if you give your body protein at the right times it can help your energy level. It also helps you to lose fat and not muscle. If you don't use shakes, try eating a little cottage cheese or something like that. Just remember to save yourself the calories for doing this later in the day. This helped me personally when I was having energy issues. Good luck. Hope this helps.
  16. Thanks so much. hugs, Maddie
  17. Maddie

    15 Weeks & Halfway to Goal

    Christie, I fully understand what you were saying about sabotage and the guilt. But, i am so glad that you saw it for what it was and dealt with it. I'm sure it was very liberating. I continue to be impressed with your progress and am so very proud of you.
  18. I just got home from having my endoscopy. The dr saw an ulcer on my esophagus, but everything else looks fine. I am so relieved, WHEW. As they say...not knowing is a biatch. I have been prescribed something to aid in moving food out of my tummy quicker. This means there will be less in there to back up into my esophagus later. He also put me on Carafate to heal the ulcer and upped my Nexium to twice a day. For the next week, I am back to mushies to help in the healing process, which also means nothing spicy. I am so relieved and wanted to thank you all for your prayers and well wishes.
  19. Maddie

    Good News

    I think I could have benefited from that drug you mentioned. Also, I agree with you, I think the I should stay with the PPI longer. Thanks for your reply.
  20. Maddie

    Good News

    thank you so much.
  21. I agree, only you know if it's right for you. It is normal to 2nd guess yourself though. There is no way I would try to talk someone into having surgery of any sort. All you can do is educate yourself so you can make an informed decision. Good luck.
  22. VSG is the first part of the DS(duodenal switch). Oftentimes the VSG was done and the the bypass later on. As patients waited for the 2nd part, studies started showing that VSG did very well on its own, which made it become popular.
  23. Now your talkin' LOL. What a great idea.
  24. After the first 3 days, the hunger eases. Then you are dealing more with head hunger. I won't lie it sucks being on liquids. TBH, I was too afraid not to follow drs orders. I stuck to liquids like a champ. As tough as it can be, it's so worth it. You have waited so long for this and it's now your time! Hang in there, you CAN do it. Best of luck to you.
  25. Maddie

    Introducing myself

    I can't answer any questions regarding ins. I was self pay. but, I wanted to welcome you to the forum and wish you the best of luck.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
