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Posts posted by wendy645

  1. I'd love to see that effect! It's really hard to find shoes in my size in my town (9W) but there are 8's all over the dang place! I wore an 8 once upon a time at my same height about 100 lbs ago so I have hope! :confused:

  2. I usually think that the advertisers mixed up the "Before" and "After" tags :confused:

    On another note, I am always impressed by the people who drop, say, 190 lbs ;-) and hope I could get the same results (well, I wouldn't need to lose quite as much but you know what I mean), but I can't help but be cynical in my own abilities.

  3. I've been with Chris for about 9½ years, and this year, under the piddly

    fireworks display in our little hometown, we got to talking about his best friend, who he hasn't seen since the night of their high school graduation 7 years ago. Apparently, where he lives, there's this beautiful river and their fireworks display is awesome over it. We kept watching the fireworks and had a great time.

    The next day, I called his best friend and asked what he thought of me

    sending Chris up to visit him next year for a week over the 4th. He's thrilled, and we decided to keep it a secret between us until the reveal.

    I wanted to jump the gun and book his flight ahead of time, but you can

    only book 330 days in advance. So I have to wait another 3 weeks before I can book. I'm the kind of person who loves to know all the details and little bits'n'pieces as soon as I can... so I'm now trying to decide, in the mean time, how to do this.

    Should I make it a Christmas gift, or for his birthday in late May? How should I package it? I want to give him his tickets and some spending money* (how much to give him?), now I'm just trying to figure out what to do and when!

    I'm normally quite creative but I'm drawing a blank on this. Any suggestions? :cry

    * He has a job but I am in charge of our finances, hence my "giving him spending money", it's just packaging it.

  4. Wendy... you could have a future in writing... I loved reading your journey and can relate to so much of what you wrote... Bless your little heart!!!

    The thing that bothers me the most is the way your dad treated you, talked to you... A Daddy should NEVER do that to his little princess, whatever her size!!!


    Man, but you are a wonderful writer!!! Perhaps you should think about writing as a career. And, man, does your family sound dysfunctional!!! I am sorry to hear about all the crap that you have gone through. It is bad enough when society treats large people with disrespect and unkindness, it is emotional abuse when our families do. :confused:

    Awwww thank you, you guys! It made me grin when you mentioned my writing, as that's been my passion since I was 3 years old :-) Before my promotion, I wrote for a living for a radio station. That aside, it means a lot to me, your comments. Thank you both! :grouphug:

  5. To the poster who said this thread was like a wreck was right, I couldn't stop reading! I also would like to agree with all of you who said family is the worst at hurting us. Do they feel entitled or something?

    Let's see... mine...

    Age 7 (barely starting to gain weight from being a twiggy kid): I tell my parents I wanted to be a ballerina like my Nana. My mom told me they'd support me in whatever I wanted to do, but my dad snorted and said I'd look like a hippo in a tutu like on Fantasia and he wouldn't be shelling out money for me to embarass myself and the family like that.

    Age 10: While at KFC with my grandma, she asks what I want and I tell her something with mashed potatoes and corn, please. She disgustedly says that mashed potatoes will make me even fatter, and what else do I want? I say nothing and sulk through the whole meal (don't remember what she got me). For reference, here was me that year (I'm wearing the white shirt): l_0892ecdaf88989a7ebd15282ec866e01.jpg

    I was freaking SKINNY! Those are my cousins, the one I'm next to I've been compared to for a looooong time... she stayed that skinny. I, obviously, didn't.

    Age 11: After flipping through some huge toy catalog, I desperately wanted a Polly Pocket Vacation Property. My dad made me a deal: he'd buy it for me if he could put me on a diet. Eyes on the prize, I agreed. His idea was extreme, but I didn't care, I just wanted my toy. For a MONTH I was given all the celery I could eat, and allowed to drink nothing but Water. I kept it up, which amazes me. This was during school and as malnourished as I was, I kept pretty good grades. Kids would tease me for bringing a big container of celery to lunch with me. Why tease me, I asked? At least I'm doing something about my weight. You'll always be a jerk. That usually shut them up. I dearly missed my pizza and ranch-soaked fries, but again, eyes on the prize.

    Toward the end, I was craving carbs so bad I cried. My dad had finally left the house (which he never did!) and I very ritualistically placed one slice of wheat bread in the toaster, and when it was ready, slowly and deliberately enjoyed every morsel. Shortly thereafter, my dad came back home, smelled the toast, and told me if I was going to break my diet I'd always be a fat cow, never have a boyfriend, and never be thin and pretty like my mama and boys would never like me. Yay family support, right? :car: He grounded me for the rest of the day, tossed me a container of celery in water, and told me I was only allowed to leave my room to go to the bathroom.

    But it's OK, I got the Polly Pocket Dream Vacation Property. Screw 'im.:) I cannot, however, stomach celery, even 13 years later...

    Age 15: Got it in my head that since my best friend was anorexic, I could be, too. I stopped eating and passed out a few times when walking with my boyfriend.This didn't last long, just a few weeks. He had no idea what was going on... His brother decided it would be a great idea to tell me that the dance we'd all be attending was a perfect time to dedicate a song to me. At first I thought it was so sweet, until he told me he would dedicate "Larger Than Life" and strted doing a sumo move.

    Also age 15: In nursing class, it was National Eating Disorder week. I didn't know quite how to handle it, given the cycles I'd been through since I was 7. I felt the worst for a classmate who'd just gotten out of IP for Anorexia. The two of us bonded because even though we had opposite body types, we shared the exact same views on food, ED's and fat. Our principal came in to talk to the class about her struggle with Anorexia. Stephanie and I kept looking at each other with this pained look. Both of us were afraid to hear it. Both of us ended up triggered and started doing stupid, unhealthy things again. It was dumb but I felt this unspoken competition with her. I weighed 100 lbs more than she did... wtf?

    Age 16: My boyfriend and I went with his parents to a ranch where we all rode horses. The ranch lady looked worried and when she thought I wouldn't hear her, made a snide comment that I'd better not break her horse's back. I weighed 100 lbs less than I do now. Haven't ridden a horse since.

    Age 17: My dad tells me that I am a "worthless fat fuck". The next day I signed up for the tennis team. I also stopped eating again. I was the worst one on the team and I didn't care. I didn't have the oomph to put in enough effort to excel, the point was I was doing what I could to lose some of my fatness. I subsisted on an orange a day, a very small orange, and that was eaten- nay, savored- right before tennis practice so I could have a bit of energy and not pass out. And if I did, when they asked if I'd eaten anything I could say yes and not lie. When we ran laps around the courts to warm up, I pretended to ignore the kids walking home from school hollering things like "Fat girl's gonna cause an earthquake!" and "No wonder the courts are cracked!"

    Age 18: I had to have a Phys Ed credit to graduate, much as I loathed the idea. Only class left was lifeguarding. I was the only big girl by any means. The teacher made it pointedly clear, in front of the whole class, that I wouldn't be able to dive for drowning victims "because fat floats".

    Age 20: My step-mom had a heart attack and I was nominated to fly to the nearest big-city hospital with her. The EMT's were freaking out because I weighed so much, they didn't want to crash. 242, people. Could be a lot worse.

    Age 21: While shopping to restock our entire kitchen after a bad blackout, I hd a cart full of food and this lady comes up to me in the store, looks in my basket, and says, "Well SOMEONE'S hungry!" and starts laughing with her companion. Astonished, I said, "Umm no, I'm restocking a kitchen. Since when is what I buy any of your business, anyway?" Taken aback, she stammered, "I just wish I had someone to shop for me!" I looked in her cart just as nosily and obviously and said indignantly, "Looks like you're doing a fine job for yourself." and walked off. Inside I was screaming and shaking, and burst into sobs the second I got to my car.

    Age 23: I help with the Hot Air Balloon Regatta because my boss has arranged a trip up for me. When time comes, they pull me aside and tell me I can't go up because I'm too big. I pretended to be cool with it, went home and bawled. Went to work and bawled whenever anyone aske me how my trip up was. My boss went back the next day and gave them a piece of her mind, then arranged a trip with another balloon owner. It was a blast and he was great, even said the other people were jerks, that he'd had much bigger passengers than me, and to just relax and enjoy the ride. :)

    Age 24: Me, my boyfriend, one of my best friends (same size as me) and her husband went to the carnival and got on the Gravitron. The operator made us spread out since we'd throw the ride off all being grouped together.

    I could go on and on. Life as a fat girl has sucked hardcore.

  6. I have Big Medicine on DVR, and I just hope hope hope it taped! My DVR is on crack sometimes. I love the show, though, and if I lived closer to Houston, I'd really love to have Garth as a doc. Alas, I'm a ways away. And I don't think my ins will cover and I can't afford self-pay. But all that aside, whoever said that the psyche would like to see everyone denied is so right! She annoys me a lot!

  7. I saw episode #1 and the dieter's creed and loved them both! I might suggest looping your music a little smoother (i.e. not letting it end then starting over midway through the clip- if you'd like me to loop a track for you I work at a radio station and have the equip, if you want to email it to me message me and I'd be happy to loop it!) but I really enjoyed the talent and humor... I related to SO much of it! I only saw those two on your profile, did I miss episode #2? Oh dear. I'd better go back and look again!!!

  8. Best of luck to you, Christina! You do have a lot of reasons to lose weight but I agree with the scare of complications, especially given your history. But like it was broken down, losing 2½ lbs a month is actually not that big of a stretch. Gotta consider, you didn't gain it overnight, you won't lose it overnight. Personally, I've gained over 110 lbs in the last 8 years, so it's a bigger number facing me. I'm skurred :)

    You're in my thoughts!

  9. Yay! I was actually surprised but he was voted off tonight and I actually hollered in celebration LOL

    I would not have been alone in being PO'd if Lakisha had gone home from one bad performance. (And... it was pretty bad... for her if nothing else!)

  10. Yay! I was so jazzed and proud of America *sniff* when it was announced!

    I'm such an Idol Addict. Seriously. The phone rng when they came back to announce to person going home and I screamed. I also ignored it. My boyfriend was watching too and laughed because I hid the phone under me so it wouldn't interrupt my Idol! He picked it up after the winner, called the guy back, and said that he couldn't get the phone because I was too busy watching something on TV. At that point I shouted to the guy "Nobody messes with me watching Idol!"

    I'm such a dork LOL

  11. TOM, Happy Birthday and I want you to know that while I haven't done any previous posting in this thread, I've followed it and you and your wife are in my prayers. I hope that you can enjoy at least part of the day and know that even if she's depressed, your wife has one heck of a rock in you.



  12. Part of me has a theory that American Idol has lost its appeal and is keeping Sanjaya around for controversy, purely to encourage viewers to tune in to see if the fairy boy gets voted off each week. And that same part of me thinks this is the last year and they're going to have Sanjaya win for giggles and grins. But you can always look back at the past where the runners-up have better success than the winners!

    That having been said, I'm rooting for Jordin. She's from my home state :) And she's really grown and improved over the last several weeks. I get goosebumps listening to her.

    And I'm ashamed to admit I was impressed with Sanjaya's Besame Mucho. :kiss

  13. I just got back from a business trip and I was terrified. Out of my 4 flights, 3 of them I was sitting next to someone, and thankfully they were of average size. They, of course, didn't say if it bothered them that my butt was blubbing out below the arm rest. I had an aisle seat and while it was more roomy, people kept bumping into me, and the stewardesses were no exception. They also did not apologize. Oh well, at least I didn't have to buy another seat! :-o I flew Northwest, btw. Size 26, and the belts JUST fit.

    So how did it go, Turner24?

  14. My name is Wendy, I live in Arizona, I'm 24 years old and just looking into LapBand. I decided to come here because what better way to get a real hold on what happens than talking to people who've done it themselves, not getting a sales pitch from people who stand to benefit from me choosing to do it.

    A little bit about me: I've been (told I was) overweight since I was 7 when I was dealing with depression. Looking back pn photos I was a little flubby but nothing like my dad and grandmother made me feel like. I've had skewed body perception since that time. When I was 13 I weighed 165 or so, and was in a size 12. I was still the fat girl at school but gosh, I'd kill to be 165 again!

    My dad made it very clear from a young age that starving oneself is a good thing, and is to be encouraged. I rebelled by eating. Now I find myself at 275.8 at today's weigh in and wishing I would have just listened.

    When I was 14, I met the love of my life (still with him!) and he made me feel like I was a princess and sure, I was overweight but I wasn't fat, i was beautiful and special. I thank god for Chris every day, but I also kick myself because with that praise came comfort, and with that comfort came 100 lbs since I met him. :)

    For a while I was looking into Gastric Bypass but at the time, I wasn't heavy enough to do it (I weighed 228 at 5'7") and I kick myself because I was convinced I should gain some to qualify. Now here I am, over 45 lbs higher and now that I qualify, I've chickened out of it. It's too drastic. Then I heard about LapBand and was curious. Now I want to learn more and find out if my insurance will cover it.

    I'm sure I'll have loads of questions, so I hope nobody gets sick of me!

    Brightest Blessings,



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