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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by wendy645

  1. Awww I totally wanted to see your beautiful self, WasA!

    I'm kind giong through this in a backwards fashion. I've gone through eating disorders so I already know my self-perception is messed up. I can look at someone who's 100 lbs or more over my weight and see my exact self, but when I look in the mirror, while I obviously see a blob, I'm not THAT bad... at least not in clothes lol... but then I realize my BMI is 45, and it shocks me... I am THAT big? I mean I knew I was big but THAT big? No wonder I see myself the same as the person who is 100 lbs heavier than me!

    I can't even begin to describe how it would feel to walk to the plus-size section and realize that nothing will fit because it's too big, not because it's too small. *wipes tear*

  2. I'm just afraid of bringing it up with my bosses... I don't want to get a lecture or that psuedo-helpful "advice" we've all gotten a zillion times. heh.

    I took a snoop around the BC/BS website which we MAY go with, and it looks like they'll cover GB, but I don't want that... I wonder if it includes banding? Hmm.

  3. While I understand from a medical point of view, the way he went about this pisses me off too.

    Did he give you any indication of what would be a good way to lose it in that amount of time? Any guidelines, or are you going by a "borrowed" diet? This surgeon does not take life into account and that worries me. Are there any associates that you could talk to? Also, after all is said and done, you should seriously tell him that if he requires pre-op loss, he needs to require a pre-op diet!!

    That being off my chest, good luck, we're rooting for you!!

  4. Hi there. I have been lurking on this section because my employer is shopping for insurance companies and may possibly go with BC/BS.

    I'm in AZ.

    I see a lot of people posting about different states, so I was wondering how it varies from state to state?

    Why can't things just be simple and have freaking health care across the board?!?

  5. Thank you so much for the words of encouragement, they mean a lot!! My employer is shopping for insurance and may be looking at BCBS.. do you know if the state makes a difference in coverage? I'm in Az. If not, or is BCBS AZ would cover, I'd be willing to try to pursuade my employer to go with them... I'm sure I could find something to make it not look so obvious as HEY I'M GETTING WLS AND NEED THIS PLAN!!! With neon lights all around it and stuff LOL

    Thank you, this helps keep me going :)

  6. MY boyfriend says there's no use in telling my bosses about it because it's rather unrealistic to think they'll choose a plan based on my needs. I'm the only MO one at the whole company, so asking them to get a rider is just insane. Does anyone know if I could get a rider on my own if it was needed?


  7. Awww Bart's so cute! Bonzai's just recently turned 4 years old. We named him so because a) being a Sheltie, we knew we'd have to groom him a lot, much like clipping a Bonsai tree, and ;) he always had soooo much energy, it just fit him :P

    I'm not banded yet. I have no idea when I will be, because my work is changing insurance mid-process. I'm not telling them and it wouldn't matter if I did so I'm kinda in limbo right now. *sigh* Keep your fingers crossed for me... I want to be a healthier mommy to Bonzai!!

  8. Well the part that complicates things is that I'm not telling my bosses I'm getting this done. They're not understanding like that. Nice, yes. Great bosses, yes. But not like this. So I can't just kinda nose around like... Oh hey I need to know ahead of time which plans you're looking at so I can compare them for my own benefit which I'm not going to tell you about, and then hope you go with the one I like! *add sicky sweet smile here*

    Things would just be a lot easier if I could have them keep me in mind, but they would freak out. They're fit health nuts. *sigh*

  9. Hi all! I've recently gone to my first consultation with my PCP about the band and she's behind me all the way. She wrote me a referral to the nutritionist that I need to call on again (I called before to ask if there was a charge and I got voicemail and never got a call back) and wants me to do a few months sup. diet before trying for a referral to the surgeon.

    My insurance sucks and will put up a big fight, I know this. I talked to another lady at the info session who has my same insurance and said you have to do 6 months diet first, then pursue an appt. with the surgeon, and they'll only cover it if it's life-threatening. Ok, so I know where I stand with insurance. This was night before last.

    This afternoon, my boss hands me a sheet of paper with a questionnaire because our company is shopping for insurance! I'm kinda excited about this, but at the same time, kinda nervous! How are things affected switching insurance companies mid-stream into the pre-request process? Am I going to have to start all over again once we find out new plan? I'm expecting so, which makes me want to just wait on seeing the doc again on the regular right now cuz the co-pay sucks, but what if we don't end up changing companies? Then I'm gonna have to start all over anyway!


  10. Well, due to my car breaking down and a bad storm I got there about halfway into it (3 hour drive). The surgeon was on-call and got called out not too terribly long after we got there. There were no patients, which was something I was really hoping for, and the lady that took over the seminar seemed in a huge hurry to GTF out of there. I managed to stay behind and was the last out the door, talking to some of the other people there for the seminar.

    One lady has the same insurance as me, so she gave me a heads up on them. I know there's an exclusion, but she said they'll fight but allow it if it's life threatening. The way she SAID it though upset me. As if she had contempt for me because I was smaller than her. She was seriously bitchy about it, and kinda looked at me like I look at skinny people... woah... I've never been looked at like that by someone bigger than me! I'm used to it from people smaller than me, but this threw me for a loop!

    I'm kind of in limbo right now because my employer is shopping around for different insurance! Now that I've started to look into this and started my 6-month diet, things are going to change! EEK!

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