Stacy160- yes that is correct. Whey Protein isolate is a more concentrated form of whey protein and in turn, will be better absorbed and used in your body.
Tiffanyismajor- you are also correct, bacause of your charged anatomy (less stomach space) only 20 grams of protein can be absorbed at one meal. So if you made a shake that contains 40 grams of protein, you body is only going to absorb half of that amount, even if it is high quality protein. That's why I always tell my patients to only use 1 scoop of protein instead of two if that one scoop provides you with at least 20 grams, otherwise you're just wasting protein.
VV2010- good quality protein are as follows: meat, poultry, fish, dairy, legumes. Poor quality protein would like be like a slice of toast (real foods)... only containing 2 grams and not having all the componant to be considered a complete protein. Most Protein shakes are made of high quality Proteins (whey or soy protein) which are complete proteins.
Hope this helps!!:thumbup1: