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Posts posted by citygal

  1. Officially have lost 51 pounds since my revision surgery and am now at 250 which is the first major goal I set for myself. Today I am wearing a dress in a size 18 and in 2007 I was wearing a 26. I've now offiically lost the 100 pounds I gained during my marriage and divorce....it's freakin' fantastic to officially have let that weight GO GO GO!!

    I am grateful today for how much better I feel. My decision to do a band to sleeve revision in April has changed my life in so many ways already. My body and my spirit are lighter.

    In late Feb of this year I was sitting at my desk (where I am now) at my office at 7 :30 at night sobbing my heart out. I was over 300 pounds again and everything was getting physically harder to do. I felt terrible and looked tired and washed out. I knew I was on the path to gaining back up to 350 and beyond.

    Today I'm walking with so much for ease...and it's just easier to move about my day. I've officially retired the seat belt extender I carried in my bag for years. Saturday night I went to a concert and was so relieved to eaisly fit in my seat and not sprawl over into the seat next to me.

    I'm grateful for all of you who write about your journey's and your challenges since it helps me learn and keeps me motivated. My next major goal is 225...which is what I weighed in highschool.....

    I hope you all have a wonderful and blessed day and thanks for letting me be part of this great community.

  2. So today I stepped on the scale and I am one pound from having lost 50 pounds since my surgery. I didn't have any pre-op weight loss so this 50 pounds has been since April 9 when I had my surgery in Mexicali.

    In 2007 I weighed 350 pounds so I am one pound away from having lost 100 pounds since then....I lost and kept off 50 with my lapband and although I had major problems with my band....I am grateful for that 50 pounds lost and gone.

    This is a tipping point for me on many levels...I feel like I am moving into a new physical and emotional place and I just wanted to acknowledge this place. I haven't been below 250 pounds in at least 10 years and can't remember the last time I was below a size 20 which is what I'm wearing these days.

    I am starting to really see the shape of my body again...to really see my curves with this 100 pounds gone. I am working on loving my body as is....I'm enjoying the freedom of movement...sliding in and out of cab with no problem. I love not thinking twice about fitting into a booth....I love feeling lighter in spirit and in pounds.

    I'm not doing this perfectly but I am really focusing on eating intuitvely...which means for me...listening to my body....really paying attention to feeling of fullness....eating slowing and savoring food. I know that's not important to everyone, but it's part of my journey.

    So as I stand at the tipping point....I'm counting my blessings more than I'm counting calories......

  3. Thanks for all your supportive messages. I know these uncharted waters are only uncharted to me...each of you has affirmed that I am not alone in my fears or in my hopes. I left my husband in 2005 and it took me until 2007 to get through the hell of my divorce. I was sued for support and he actually burned my family photos when I refused to pay him $5000 to get them back. I had the money....I just didn't want to be held hostage to his blackmail.

    I refused to be terrorized by him then and I refused to allow food to hold me hostage now. I want my life to be full of love and light.....so I keep working through my fear. What was so startleing was having my therapist tell me how much I still had to work through the darkness of my marriage. What in me allowed me to to "pick" this man and what in me allowed me to stay with him through 2 years of dating and 18 months of a progressively dark and unhappy time. Emotional and financial devestation...he wiped me out....spiritually and financially. I am smart woman who made a very bad choice.

    I know my weight was one of the reasons I said yes to this man. Being "fat" kept me in a place where I didn't believe it was possible for me to picked by anyone else. I want this journey with my sleeve to take me beyond thin and to a place of wholeness I have not achieved before.

    Thank you sleeve sisters and brothers for letting me put my truth on this site and for accepting me as is....a work in progress.

  4. My band was was unfilled for over 6 months...I had the revision surgery and removal done at the same time. Each of us is different and you should really follow your doctor's recommendation. I knew it was possible that when Dr. Aceves started my removal that he might not be able to do the revision if I had too much damage. I didn't and he was able to proceed..

    Wishing you good luck

  5. Hi there! I live in Philadelphia and traveled to and from Mexicali alone. I am actually glad I went alone so I could concentrate on just following my dr's orders. I had people of standby if there was an emergency but I my experience was terrific. If you need any specific info...please drop me a note. I totally suggest bringing something to read or your laptop since you will have some down time and you will most likely have access to the internet. If you are going to Dr. Aceves....you will be very pleased.

    Good luck, God Speed and Safe Travels.

  6. During a very challenging time in my life (my marriage) I managed to gain 100 pounds. This morning on the scale I dipped into below the 260's for the first time. I am 7 pounds away from releasing the weight I gained during the very dark time in my life. I am working with a therapist and continuing to pay attention to the emotional effect of losing this weight. I still have a long way to go after this weight is released but it is a meaningful goal to me.

    I don't spend my days looking back, but the 40+ pounds I've lost since my band to sleeve revision has cleared away some of the physical and emotional blocks that has kept me from moving forward. My goal is NOT to be thin...my goal is to be fit...strong....happy and capable of inviting love back into my life. I don't want to just count calories...I want to count my blessings.

  7. Wow...so I'm in a stall at the moment....7 straight days of no change. One thing has changed...the "girls" are really changing. For the first time in my adult life I'm a "C" I went from triple letters to a C....it's an adjustment.

    Have to admit...I'm a little freaked out....I have no sense of what my body will look like... but I've now had to bra shop twice in the past 2 months...I miss the girls....but am grateful to be feeling good and losing weight.

  8. So tonight I bought two suits at Macy's....both are size 18. I haven't been in a suit that started in a "1" in over 10 years. Yes...I bought them in the plus size department but I've gone from a 3x to a 1x since I had my surgery in April.

    Over the weekend I was the emcee for a fundraiser /dance and haven't seen some of the folks for over a year. Last year at this time I was over 300 pounds so it was nice to dance and feel my body move so much easier. I got lots of nice compliments...mostly that I looked like I was feeling good....and the truth is ...I am.

    I am a very grateful gal tonight.

  9. I am glad you are connecting with Dr. Aceves and it sounds like you have mild infection which combined with surgery is going to feel like kick in the pants...

    One thing I will say...DON"T FOCUS ON YOUR WEIGHT....your body is swollen, retaining fluids and still has gas from the surgery. I promise you the weight will come off...I am just a little over 2 months out and have lost 40 pounds...I feel good and have good energy....you just need to focus on feeling better....the rest will follow.

    Sending you good thoughts!! Hang in there!!! It WILL get better!

  10. So my work world has taken a challenging turn and I'm in the pressure cooker right now. I am feeling tons of discomfort and in the past I would be pacifing myself with food during the day. Last night I did my 3 mile walk and ate dinner...but when I got hom I wanted to eat again. I wasn't phyiscally hunger...I was just uncomfortable.

    As I was struggling with the desire to eat...I just decided to go to bed early. food wasn't going to relieve my stress and if anything I didn't need to make myself sick or uncomfortalbe.

    It's clear I have used food as a narcotic and I am in withdrawl from the numbing effect food has had on me. I have an appointment with a therapist on wed of next week and am trying to make sure I walk everyday to relieve some of the tension in my body....

  11. Hi-clearly I'm on this site...so I have a bias towards the sleeve and you should take that into account. Like Tiff--I am a band to sleeve revision. I had many problems with overfills/underfills....and such bad acid reflux it effected my vocal chords. I am only 2 months out from my revision surgery....I've lost 38 pounds since my surgery date and feel 1000 times better with my band removed.

    I travel on business and eat out 4-5 times a week...with my band...I had so many times in the 3 years it was in where I had to run to bathroom to throw up because something was stuck or I would start sliming. I gurgled from my throat to the point others could hear it...

    One other thing...be SURE if you have the band that your doctor will do your fills. I had my surgery done in Mexico and had a dr in NYC who would do my fills...but when I moved to Philly for a new job...not a single Dr. in Philly would do a fill on a band they didn't insert...how's that for a bad surprise...

    Whatever you decide to do...band or sleeve....I wish you a happy, healthy...safe experience.


  12. I have had the same fears. As a "filled out" fat woman I didn't think about how I looked naked...if figured if a man I was with didn't know I was fat...he really was too stupid to sleep with anyway...LOL.. but now...things are heading south...my skin is getting droopy...truth is I'm not even thinking about dating...but I know the desire and the opportunities will come back and I'll have to deal with it....It's not the biggest problem in the world...but as a single woman I think about it....

    I am pretty darn sure I will have plastic surgery...just how much and when are still up in the air...I still have almost 100 pounds to lose....but the 85ish I've lost so far...have left their mark...I'm glad the weight is gone....but part of me are very deflated

  13. Christie..again so proud of you. I have NEVER been athletic. Last year I signed up and led a team in the Susan G. Komen 3 day (60 miles) and am doing the walk again in November of this year in San Diego...I'm not a jock...but I've learned a few things along the way about walking...so if I can ever support you send me a note....

    I did a 5 k in Seattle last weekend....also Leslie Sansome has some GREAT walk at home videos that a great for training and excercise....

    Sending you a virtual High 5.....HURRAY FOR YOU!

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