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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by citygal

  1. I don't have all the answers but I do know that I too have days where I feel hungry all day long....I especially felt that right around my period. It finally passed but I had exactly the same fears that you wrote about. I'm home sick today and feeling a bit mopey myself...but I really applaud that you are being honest on here and that you are going to get onto the treadmill.... sending you some good thoughts!
  2. citygal

    Not Happy.

    I really don't have any answers for you. I just wanted to tell you I totally understand your frustration. I had my surgery about a 10 days before you and i have had as much as 5 pound swings in my weight from one day to the next. I didn't lose a single pound in my pre-op diet...which is freakin weird....and I did it for two weeks. I have lost since the surgery so your weight loss and mine is almost identical...but for different reasons. I just wanted to tell you we are out here listening and your aren't by yourself. This is a big shock to our bodies and our minds....
  3. So i'm 3 /12 weeks out from my band to sleeve revision. Doing pretty well. Trying to powerwalk 2-3 miles 4 times a week...Having a bit of trouble getting enough protein in but feel good and my energy is pretty high. I'm down 21 pounds and just that amount of weight really is making a difference in how I feel. Trying to be realistic about weight loss and not just focus on the scale. My internist wants to see me every 6 weeks to just check in. My "cycle" is way off...I was thrown off when I went for the procedure and so I'm feeling some of the "mood" challeges I get this time of month....some cramping. All my incisions are healing nicely...I now just look like got in fight with a cat...LOL.. I've got lots of business travel coming up so I'm focused on talking care of mysefl while on the road. Hope everyone is happy and healthy today!
  4. citygal

    Preop diet...HELP

    other suggestions: Egg Salad, tuna salad (low fat mayo)-ricotta cheese, soft cheese.
  5. So today was my weigh in date and I'm down 17 pounds since my band to sleeve revision. I was on business travel for 10 days (one week post op) and have glad to be home. I had to ship Protein bullets to myself and did lots of soups while I was gone...the hotel provided me with a refigerator and even had sugar free Jello for me ( I told them I had surgery and they were very accomodating) My tip if you have to travel is call and ask for a fridge and microwave in your room, most hotels will provide for free...or ask to have your minibar emptied so you can you the fridge. The hardest part of the trip was a couple of days in Vegas with two friends who are both significantly overweight and focus losts of time and energy on eating..you know...the where...when...what...I managed to do ok but it was a physical and somewhat spirtitual reminder of why I decided to change my life and have the band to sleeve revision. A win on the trip was I didn't need to us a seatbelt extendedr on my flight from Chicago to Vegas...at least on United airlines I'm ok :thumbup1: Usair...I still carry mine with my....I'm looking forward to the day I can ceremonially get rid of that damn thing!! Any ideas? I fly 100k miles a year so this a big darn deal for me. I'm still feeling good and healing nicely...and plan to hit the treadmill this week. This is my first full week at my office since I went to Mexicali. Sending everyone my very best intentions for healing and hope.
  6. Big Congrats!! 80 pounds is so impressive and you look 10 years younger in your 'after" photo! Cheers from Philly!!
  7. How ya doing kiddo. I'm in vegas after a week in Chicago. I got on the scale in vegas and exact same weight I was on Monday....a little disappointed...but just trusting the numbers will change.

  8. citygal

    Band out!

    Congrats on having your band out. I know I feel better that it's gone. Happy Healing and keep us posted on your next steps.
  9. citygal

    On my way!

    WOOOHOOO!! Hey girl...so glad to see you on here again. I am SOOOO excited for you and breaking the 400 pd barrier. You are a beautiful and smart young woman....I am so glad I got a chance to meet you in Mexico.... My best to Bree as well!!
  10. YOU GO GIRL!! So thrilled for you....46 pounds is amazing...so proud of you!! How is Bree

  11. citygal

    Tired of not being picked

    I appreciate those of you who have responded to my post. Although I don't hit that spot often, yesterday I bumped up against an old "soul bruise" and I think in combination with all the "stress" of surgery and making this enourmous life decision hit me hard. I have a happy and successful life....however there are shadows from my years of being obese that sometimes block the sun. Thanks for supporting me....
  12. I had planned to post tomorrow but am catching a very early flight to Chicago in the morning and wanted to make sure I posted. My surgery was a week ago Friday with Dr. Aceves. I went to Mexicali alone and the universe was thoughtful enough to send along my new pal Kathy as a guide and friends. Nothing like a couple of aftershocks to "bond" two people. I'm feeling pretty good and even attended a black time function friday night...I said earlier the only thing that hurt was my feet in those heels... Although physically doing really well...I am feeling "head hunger" and cravings. I'm really craving chinese dumplings...which when I had my band I couldn't really eat...they were way too dense.Today they are renting space in my head...I know that's a mechanism for me to ignore other feelings...just don't know what at this point. I'm not sure I can always tell the difference between lonely/sad/bored and hungry.... I'm trying NOT to focus on the scale. My preop weight is a jumble...so I am using 301 which is the weight I was the day I flew to San Diego. I've been doing lots of walking in my neigborhood and am packing my walking shoes to take to Chicago so I can take some walks while I'm traveling. I'm committed to doing the 3 day 60 mile Susan G. Komen walk in Novemeber in San Diego. I trained for 7 months last year and walked at 280 pounds. I don't want to do that walk again with the extra weight of an entire human being on my back.... I'm dissolving all my meds in liquids so I can take them right now and my internist in PHilly is being very supportive. He wants to see me every 6 weeks as a checkin. He looked me in the eye when I told him about my procedure and said..."Grace...131 pounds of extra weight was going to kill you....I'm going to do anything I can do to support you and your journey to lose your weight"....I almost cried. This board has been a godsend to me and I hope I can one day be as helpful as others have been to me...
  13. citygal

    Sex question again re:women past meno

    I'm not a doctor but there are some great books on the subject. Our body chemistry has huge effect on how we respond physically. I would suggest speaking to a good GYN and doing some research online. I'm a big fan of Dr. Christiane Northrup's book...one entitled "the Wisdom of Menopause" is very helpful both for body-mind-soul. Good luck!!
  14. I think i just heard the angels sing....LOL...My band and I never really bonded....so I am really trying to understand and listen to my body and my sleeve. You are such as amazing supporter and provide great info.... Thanks for all you do....
  15. hey there....I've been following kathy's lead and putting unflavored whey protien in my crystal lite, sugar free jello and soups. I also drink 2 protien bullets a day...they have 25 grams of protien...I try to drink one in the am and the second one later in the day. My recovery has been pretty textbook and some of that is luck of the draw. I didn't have to take any pain meds when I got home and with the exception of some trouble with bowel movements....it's been exactly what the doctor told me I could expect. I really believe walking as much as possible after surgery is also helpful. Hope that helps!
  16. citygal

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    Dr. Aceves has you drink apple juice with blue dye to make sure you don't have a leak....I was pink from the idodine and my teeth, lips and gums were blue....I looked like a crazy smurf!
  17. citygal

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    Angie-- Here's my reply to your questions- Most of the rooms have a comfy couch your tiny Mom can sleep on...just confirm with Nina that you Mom may stay over The hotel is nice...and comfy and the resturants there are fine...Mexico in general is not super super safe...but the hotel and hosptial area are fine. Pack comfy two piece jammies..they will check your incisions and it's easier to pull yoru top up a bit and your pants down a bit... Pack flip flops or something to slip into when you walk up and down the halls and around the hospital My surgery was Friday, I took my first shower Sunday morning I had compression bandages on my legs for surgery they were removed Saturday night (I think Kathy's came of sooner) It's worth calling your airline and saying you may need a wheelchair. I only used it to get through security. The lines were really long and it helped me get through quicker. I walked the rest of the way. You will need help lifting your bag in the overhead...unless you check your bag. I brought my own heating pad...it helps with gas pains...they have them but I am glad I brought my own, Ask for a fan when you get to your room...you will need it. Wishing you all the best in this great adventure
  18. citygal

    WOOOWHOOO!!! One Week Out!

    SISTA!! I can't tell you how awesome I think you are. When I told my pals about walking the halls, covered in pink iodine, with blue teeth and no bra...they almost pee'd thier pants....I told them I have a witness!! I am so grateful you were there along the way to share the "one day before me" stories...so I knew what to prep for. On the one week anniversary of my surgery I attended a black tie fuctions...and I swear the only thing that hurt...were my feet in those damn heels! YOU TOTALLY AND COMPLETELY ROCK!! Your sleeve sista.....
  19. citygal

    What Can I expect??

    Hey there girl- I had the band to sleeve revision last Friday in Mexico. I started there at 301 pounds. I'm not posting my weight until tomorrow but once thing I would say to you...is if you can start walking BEFORE your surgery. You will feel better and potentially have a better recovery. It really seemed to help me and not moving/walking isn't so unfamiliar. You are a gorgeous girl....regardless how "fast" it comes off...you will be a knock out! Good luck
  20. citygal

    Mexico on my own

    I had a band to sleeve revision last week....and went to Mexicali alone and back. Couple of things: Call your airline now and tell them you will need a wheelchair. It's easier to have it in your record then to do it at the last minute. If you don't need it....no problem. I totally agree- PACK LIGHT Say hello to other patients on the floor...I made a couple of great new pals while I was there. Lots of folks had laptops with them...find out if your hospital has wireless.... Pack a book. Be totally willing to ask for help and remember that most people are willing to be helpful if they know what you need... Have a safe and healthy journey....will keep you in my prayers. Adios!!
  21. citygal

    100 lb mark hurray

    Happy Birthday!! Happy 100 hundred pounds gone day!!! Happy 5 month anniversary!! May only blessings and good health fill the rest of your days...
  22. citygal

    New Addiction?

    My other challenges besides food has always been spending money (shopping) espcially clothes and buying gifts for other people. I am feeling the retail therapy bug biting me harder since my surgery. My sister died of lung cancer at the age of 53 so I never picked up smoking... but I don't judge...addictions are addictions...we all just have to try our best one day at a time.....
  23. citygal

    I'm a mess!

    Never too late for a U turn. Take care Jen!! Take a breath, listne to your doctor and treat yourself like you would treat your best friend.
  24. Thank you for posting your thoughts. I am one week and one day from my revision and although physically I've had a what seems to be a relatively easy time (compared to some of the other posts I have read) and I am grateful for that....I also really feel your frustation and pain. Last night I attended a black tie dinner event and sat at a table of folks eating and drinking. I told the folks taking care of our table that I would not be eating. I just chose to make "small talk" with the folks around me. But somewhere in the evening my "head" got hungry....some of my fat girl showed up as I looked at the thin women and their dates around the room....I love to dance and didn't have a dance partner...I started to feel like an " odd duck"...I know its not quite the same but I think I will be bumping my knees on feelings and fears and the way I have always dealt with it is by eating. Sending you my good intentions and really appreciate your candor!!
  25. citygal

    More Scared NOW!!!

    I can't attest to Dr. Aceves techniques. I had my band to sleeve revision with him as week ago today. I can only tell you that I had and am having a positive expereince so far. Dr. Aceves and Dr. Campos were competent and compassionate. Please do your research and get all your quesitons answered before taking this step....I certainly wish you good luck!

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