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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Iluvharleys

  1. Iluvharleys

    Jumping on the woo whoo wagon!!!

    Your smile says it all, you look fantastic. Betty
  2. Iluvharleys


    Another thing, my Mother had crippling arthritis, and her hands were so bad, they hurt her all the time, but when she died, and we were at the funeral, we put in rose in her hands to help hide them a little, well when we went to do that her hands were so soft. Betty
  3. Iluvharleys


    Paula - I think she was an old girlfriend of his, but I don't know why she was deceased. I just know he kept seeing a lot of people and had been seeing them for about a week. It was really weird to see him talking to them and telling them to leave him alone. He certainly never believed in life after death. When my Mom and Dad died, my Dad was in good health. My Mother had CHF for many years, but she fought it with everything she had. She was so terrified of dying, when she got real bad she would not close her eyes. She lived about 10 years past what they thought she would. My Father had a freak accident, tripped and fell against the banaster and crushed his chest, he thought he would be o.k. and went and layed on the couch. By the time one of us kids went over there he was almost gone. We all believe God took him first so my Mom wouldn't be so scared, my Dad would come and get her. Betty
  4. Iluvharleys


    Best of luck Janie, please check in if you get a chance to. I would love to see some pictures too. It sounds like you have a lot to do, just remember to take care of yourself. Betty
  5. Where about in Arlington are you? I am from Grand Prairie and not far from Arlington. Betty
  6. Iluvharleys


    One more story About a year after my Mom and Dad passed, my husband's Dad passed away. We got out to Arizona about 3 -4 days before he died. The first day or two he talked normal, and then he started looking over to his side and saying "leave me alone". I ask him why was he saying that and he said there is a bunch of people over there and they won't leave me alone. I ask him if he knew them and he said no. This went on for the few days, and he kept doing it and I told him sooner or later he would remember who those people were. He flat told me I was crazy, and he didn't believe in life after death. On the last day, he was really talking to them and yelling at them he was visiting with his son and daughter-in-law and leave him alone he was not going anywhere with them. Then he got the funniest look on his face, and I ask him what was wrong, and at first he wouldn't tell me. I ask him if he finally figured out if he knew any of those people and he said "yes"! He even called her by name. He turned for the worse later that day, and he just wouldn't let go while we were there, so we told him we had to head back home. When we got home, we got the call that said he passed not long after we left. Betty
  7. Iluvharleys

    What -80lbs looks like!

    It won't be long before you are off down the road by yourself. Just be careful! We don't want to hear anything bad like a spill, so keep your eyes wide open. It sounds to me like you are doing great. Betty
  8. Iluvharleys

    What -80lbs looks like!

    I would think it would be very noticable. Post a before and after picture and let us see. Sometimes people notice there is a difference but can't put their finger on what it is. But that is a lot of weight for them not to notice. Maybe they are just jelous and not commenting on it????? How is the Harley lessons coming along? Betty
  9. Iluvharleys


    Lisa - That gave me goose bumps too! These stories are so neat, I love this thread! Betty
  10. Iluvharleys


    Here's mine: I lost my Mother and Father 10 days apart from each other. I have always believed in Angels, and I jsut thought I would feel so much better if I could hear they were alright. I use to say, give me a sign. Well I walked into my bedroom one day and one of the artificial flowers form the basket of flowers (from the funeral home I kept) was laying on the bed by my pillow. Now let me tell you that the arrangement was on the dresser 3 foot from the bed. I was freaked out, but thought something must have hung on to it and it just landed on the bed. I lasughed about it and put it back in with the rest. The next day, the flower was back on my pillow. So, I thanked everyone and told them I was now at peace because I knew they were o.k. Since then, the flower has stayed where it belongs. Betty
  11. Iluvharleys

    Hello To All

    Sounds like you are doing great! Glad you posted. Betty
  12. Iluvharleys

    Banded last night

    Shireen - Congrats on getting the band, and I sure hope you feel better soon. Betty
  13. Iluvharleys

    Nsv -- Oh Boy!!!

    I wish I could fit in your suitcase! Have a great time! Betty
  14. Iluvharleys

    Regarding Pain part deaux

    Leatha - You sure have had your plate full with problems. I am sending you some good luck vibes and it will be good from now on! lol Please don't think that for one moment gall bladder is minor surgery. When I had mine out my doctor told me it is major surgery no matter how it is done. You will be sore, I was, but if they don't have to open you up, you will heal much faster. It still is Major surgery! I was still sore for a couple of weeks afterwards, and when I said something to the nurse about still being sore she said "You have to remember you had major surgery". So, my prayers and thoughts will be with the all the time, and I will look forward to your post letting us know you are out of surgery and doing fine. Betty
  15. Iluvharleys

    Slurp! My pre-band liquid diet starts today!

    It will be here before you know it. Did the Doctor put you on a liquid diet before the surgery? Keep us posted on how you are doing. I am hoping I am not too far behind you. Betty
  16. Iluvharleys

    Regarding Pain part deaux

    Leatha - I just want to say I'm thinking about you, and will be glad when this is all over for you. You will definately be in my thoughts on Friday. Please let us know how you do. Take care of yourself. Betty
  17. Iluvharleys

    Headed down Mexico way

    Congratulations Zoe! I am looking forward to my surgery too. Please keep us posted on how you do. Betty
  18. I agree a 100% with Sue. Weight loss surgery was brought up to me many times and I wouldn't even let them finish the sentence. I always thought that was just too drastic. Now, I have tried everything I can and could not lose it. Now, my feet and legs hurt and I need to do something in order to have a quality life. I don't want to be in a wheel chair, or sitting on the sidelines while everyone else is having fun. I don't want to be helped up and down to a chair. You come to a point that you know this is the right decission and that is when you should do it. I think everyone is nervous about the surgery, but if you have doubts, then you should wait until you don't and can accept what needs to be done. I know this surgery is for me, I don't have a doubt in the world. Am I scared? You're damn right, but not enough to say no! I want to live! Betty
  19. Iluvharleys

    Weekly Challenge

    Darcy - Sometimes I lose inches instead of pounds, especially with exercise. Do you measure yourself? I bet you have lost some inches with all the exercising you have done this week. So, SMILE, and be proud of what you have accomplished! Betty
  20. Iluvharleys

    I offiicially have a date!!!!

    Congratulations! I am looking forward to my day too. I will be glad when I get a date. Please keep us posted. Betty
  21. Iluvharleys

    Advice on pre-op preparation

    I have been practicing smaller bites, chewing, and eating more protein. Water is not a challenge for me to get down, I drink water all the time. Then tonight I tried the don't drink while I eat and one hour after. I actually did it, but boy it was hard! I have always drank with my meals, and that was tough waiting for the hour. You might want to practice that too! Betty
  22. It's finally here, my packet from the Doctor's. Boy, did I get jitters when I saw it. I want this so much, but the nerves sure did kick in. Now, I have to get it completed and sent back, then get the referal letter from my Doctor. I also want to make a list of questions that I want to ask. I am anxious and nervous and I haven't even been to the Doctor yet! Betty
  23. Iluvharleys

    I got my packet from the Doctor

    Thanks Marie, I think reading all the posts and support from this board is what made me finally decide to do this. Everything I had heard about the band was bad, but after seeing what y'all eat how much you have lost has made me a believer. I am excited! Betty
  24. Iluvharleys

    Going On Vacation!!

    Lucky you! We'll watch for pictures of you in the swim suit! Betty
  25. Iluvharleys

    I got my packet from the Doctor

    Thanks, I am here all the time, I am addicted to this place. Betty

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