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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Iluvharleys

  1. Iluvharleys

    Words of Encouragement

    Thanks Penni!
  2. This was taken last Sunday 10-23-05, one year later and 85 pounds less.
  3. Iluvharleys

    October Chat

    Hi Y'all! I too keep thinking about Eileen, I'll be glad to hear from her! For those of you that wanted pictures I posted some on my bandiversary thread, and some are dillies! Beanie - Have you called the insurance company yet? Get er done girl! Cindy - Good afternoon to ya! Lisa - Good luck! I gotta go get my walk in, I'll check back later!
  4. Iluvharleys

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    This is the new me (thank goodness) and it was taken Sunday October 23, 2005.
  5. Iluvharleys

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    Here's another goodie!
  6. Iluvharleys

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    I have been going through my stuff, looking for a before picture that y'all haven't seen before. I found a couple of them, I guess I was hiding them because I had to dig pretty deep! I actually thought I looked good then! lol Anyway, here is the first one, if someone wants to put them side by side please do.
  7. Iluvharleys

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Darcy - I too would have to try it one more time. My band has changed my life so much, I don't know what I would do if I lost it. Good luck!
  8. Iluvharleys

    Oh, WILMA

    Sending my prayers for all of you in Fl. or have family there. Please let us know you are ok when this storm is past you.
  9. Iluvharleys

    October Chat

    Good Morning Y'all! Eileen - This is going to be a long day for you with your surgery being so late. You can try putting some water in your mouth, then spitting it out. You might also try brushing your teeth, that probably will help too. I did exactly the same thing you did, I cooked up a bunch of stuff for DH and it worked just fine. The second week was a little tough because he decided he wanted fried potatoes, and it really got to me smelling them cook! It won't be long and you will be in bandland! It is really funny, I was really nervous right up until I got to the hospital, then for some reason, I felt really calm, not scared at all. I guess I just knew I was doing the right thing and it would all be ok. Pat - I am working on the pictures! I will be gone much of the day today, but maybe I can post them tonight or tomorrow. I'll be in and out, on and off all day as I have a couple of appointments and some errands to run too. DH took a couple yesterday, I just haven't had time to look and see if they even turned out. Catch y'all later!
  10. Iluvharleys

    Fun Thread

    I thought we could do a fun thread today. If you want to participate please answer the following questions: 1. What is your first name? 2. How long have you been banded? 3. How much weight have you lost? 4. What was your favorite food pre-banding? 5. What is your favorite food now? 6. Are there any foods you can't or don't eat? 7. What is your favorite snack food? 8. Has your SO changed towards you in any way since you were banded? 9. What are some of the things you can do now that you couldn't do before? 10. Do you have any pets? What kind? 11. Wht would your dream vacation be if you could go anywhere you wanted? 12. If you won a million dollars, what would be the first thing you would do with it? 13. What are your favorite books to read? 14. What is your favorite TV program?
  11. Iluvharleys

    Going Into Surgery!!!!!!

    Good Luck! What you are feeling right now is just normal! Post and let us know how your are doing when you can!
  12. Iluvharleys

    Banded and back home recovering

    Welcome to bandland!
  13. Iluvharleys

    Weekend Pictures

    Great pictures Lisa! You look great!
  14. Iluvharleys

    Halloween Traditions

    Paula - When I was young, we did about the same as you, only we had 3 nights of trick or treating. We didn't have all the bad stuff going on back then. When my kids were young, we lived at the lake. They did about the same thing we did when we were young, but then one year they decided to have all the kids in one place. So we had a big party and all the parents brought their candy there. We got in a huge circle and passed the candy out to each of the kids walking past. Before they got to have the candy though, we played games, danced, and everyone brought a dish to pass. We made the kids eat before they got any candy. It was great, so we decided to do it every year. They still wore their costumes and got their candy too! Now, we block the street off here and all the neighbors have a block party and cookout. When kids come up, we all walk over to the block off and pass out the candy. The kids and parents both love it because they don't have to walk to each house, and we have fun too! We have all been making our plans for this year!
  15. Iluvharleys

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee 50lbs gone forever...

    Whoooo Hoooo Kel! I think that is great! Glad you treated yourself, that is a great treat too!
  16. Iluvharleys

    October Chat

    Morning Y'all! It is a chilly one this morning, my windows are open and I think I might have to put them down a little bit! Beanie - I rode on the back of DH for a year before I got my own. I was not a small person! But, I must say that it is much better on my own bike, and I can see more too! Cindy - I didn't know you lived in Sanger! I wish I had known, I might have been able to meet up with you. Although since you weren't home all day probably not, but we could have tried! I love your town! Maybe we will be down that way again soon, if so I will let you know ahead of time. Eileen - Are you staying busy? Yes, don't forget to take those pictures! You will use them over and over through out your journey! I spent the night at the hospital, then the next morning went down for the test and they released me right after that, probably around 10:00 a.m. I don't know what we are going to do today, DH is taking the bikes down and putting gas in them. I wonder if he is planning on riding again today? Maybe later when it gets a little warmer. Right now I am putting on a big pot of soup, it will be good for lunch next week and keep the house a little warmer too! Everyone have a great day, I'll check back later!
  17. Iluvharleys

    Keey your fingers crossed for me, please

    Good Luck Becky! Keeping everything I can crossed for you!
  18. Iluvharleys

    Surgery This Wednesday!!!

    Welcome to LBT! Good luck with your surgery! Please post and let us know how you are when you get a chance. Read as much as you can on here, you will learn a lot of valuable information from all these threads!
  19. Iluvharleys

    Two girls out on the town in NY

    You both look great!
  20. Iluvharleys

    October Chat

    Hi Y'all! We have been out riding the Harleys. We decided to go one the Harley owners group ride today. Well, it was 52 degrees when we left this morning, and let me tell you it was COLD! I was the only gal there, so it was me with a bunch of guys! We headed out to Sanger (?) not sure if that is how you spell it, but they take the long way around. We were about 9 or so miles from there and went way out some more, then crossed the Ray Robers Lake. We stopped on the lake and took some pictures. We rode back into Sanger and ate at Babe's. I don't know if y'all have ate at a Babe's place, but if you haven't, it is well worth stopping and trying it. This is my second time at one and I love it. Of course it wasn't exactly band friendly, but every once in a while you just have to do something. I had fried chicken, mashed taters/gravy (yummy) and a bite of corn. They also bring rolls, green beans, and biscuits. Everyone else had catfish, and I tried a bite of it and it was yummy too! Of course you have to have a big cold glass of ice tea too! Anyway, we put on about 175 miles this morning and it was a beautiful ride. I had to laugh when I put on my leathers, my coat was so big on me I could wrap it! But, it served the purpose and I really don't want to invest in a new one until I have lost some more. At least I can put a lot of heavy clothing under it! Eileen - I bought Gas-X, but never used it. It is still in my cabinet. I bet you are so excited/nervous right now. I know I was. I was ready, but those feelings just have a way of getting to you. Keep busy, busy, busy! What kind of vitamins does your company make? So, what ya going to eat for your last couple of meals out? Beanie - Call Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Pretty soon they will get so sick of you they'll get you an answer! That would be neat to join a gym together, one would make the other go! Well, I need to get outside and water some flowers, we haven't had rain for so long, they are dying for a drink of water. Catch y'all later!
  21. Iluvharleys

    I have a date!!!

    Congrats! It will be here before you know it so start getting ready!
  22. Iluvharleys

    My very first fitness assessment

    Vines, it sounds to me like you did pretty good! You certainly are a busy lady! Thanks for sharing, that was quite interesting.
  23. Iluvharleys

    Forever in my heart... Jeter

    Awwwww Jenna, I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you, I know how special he must have been to you and your family.
  24. Iluvharleys

    October Chat

    Whooooo Hoooooo! I am doing the "Happy Dance" for you! :banana :banana :banana I just knew it would come through in time! O.K. Beanie, now it is your turn! Get after them people and don't take no for an answer! I actually don't think anything is wrong with my computer, I actually have been having problems with Comcast. I also have too much on here so I need more memory!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
