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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Dalisgirl

  1. Awww....I am so sorry to hear that. I understand the stress of flying. I've know people well into their 300's who fly with just one seat, but it also may depend on how your weight is proportioned. Last time I flew I was 260 and struggled to get in the seatbelt. On some of the planes, I could NOT get into the seatbelt and pretended that it was buckled. (I stretched it out over my lap and used my jacket to hide the unbuckled part.) Now I am almost 280, so I will need to ask for a seatbelt extender. BIG SIGH. :laugh0: Oh, the embarrassment and shame.

    Is driving a possibility for you? Driving to either San Diego (Dr. Aceves's office will pick you up from San Diego airport and drive you across the boarder) OR driving to Texas where I've heard surgeons charge about 12,000.

    You may also want to consider going to a local surgeon for a gastric bypass???

    Also, if you start a pre-op diet now, you may lose enough weight to fit into that airline seat without so much anxiety. I don't know how much you have to weigh to buy two seats.

  2. Hi Jennifer, (Cherry Kamikaze...Ha! I love it)

    Read my posts called "Dr. Aceves Patients...HELP". I have the same doubts and nervousness and a very vocal family as well. I have a BMI of 50 and I'm going to Mexico next week! No family support. No one coming with me. I think if you have a good 100 lbs or more to lose, excess skin is inevitable whether you lose weight with surgery or own your own. It may not be pretty, but your insides will be healthier. Also, some insurance companies are now covering pannectomies where the remove the pannus, which is the lower saggy stomach area that hangs down like an apron. Check the statistics. Weight gain after a sleeve is much less likely than weight gain after a diet and exercise, which has like a 95% FAILURE rate.

    My family also had me believing that I don't try hard enough. They said I just need to do "Mind over Matter" and try harder to diet and exercise. (And my mom is nodding her head in agreement meanwhile she is the DIABETIC buying BIG TEXAS CINNAMON Buns in BULK at Sam's Club!!!!! and she has a candy DRAWER! HELLO!!!!)

    I think, if you (like myself) have tried diets, exercising, time and time again, only to regain the weight...it's time for a more permanent solution. Obviously the diets aren't working.

    I did one last serious attempt at it and I just couldn't make it work. I think I have the stomach the size of a 7 foot tall Olympian.

    Have you tried at least 5 of the following: gym memberships, walking, work out dvd's, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Dr. supervised diets, Phentermine, Alli, Slim Fast, Atkins, on and on? If you answer YES, then IMO, time for surgery.

  3. Dalisgirl, I am glad you are going ahead with your surgery! I am so sorry your mom and her friend have behaved so outrageously with you! I'm a psychology grad student and it seems to me that psychologist should have his or her license revoked for what he or she said to you! Honestly! They were just speaking from pure ignorance!!

    The thing about the sleeve is that it makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to overeat like you're used to. Now, if you're used to "eating your feelings," you may well want to see a counselor to help you figure out how to deal with life without using food as a crutch. I've been in therapy for more than three years now and it's really been a blessing for me -- I feel like I was really ready to give up my old food habits when I got sleeved last week.

    And finally, I'm your height and my starting weight was more than a hundred pounds less than yours and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable myself -- I can only imagine how uncomfortable and unhappy you must be at your current weight! You really ARE doing this because you love yourself too much to live out your life that way! I'm here on the loser's bench, saving a spot for you, and cheering you on!!

    MlkPas - thanks for the post! I agree, her license should be revoked. The sad thing is my daughter was listening and those are scary subjects for an 8 year old! Today my daughter asked me if I was going to be bald. (Something the counselor, who has a Master's degree :confused1:, said would be my side effect. Now, that may be true, but don't freak my kid out!!!) She's been my mom's buddy for decades. She refused to let her own obese daughter get the surgery done in the states, talked her out of it. Said that she's seen too many patients of hers die from WLS. (She never even heard of sleeve). Scary to think that there are Licensed, Degree holding, Psychologists giving people counseling and they don't know what they're talking about!

    I do have a counselor and she said go for it. I don't think I eat away my feelings. I seem to have a bottomless pit and I eat until I fill it up. It's disgusting. I think I eat 3 times a normal person. Eating in front of others is the worst. I try to eat a "normal" amount in public. An hour later, my stomach is growling again. I'm soo embarassed for any co-workers to see me eat again. I try to suffer through it and then eat too much at home. I think the sleeve is going to work extremely well for me.

  4. Achopp, I've been on this board like a mad woman. It's my only solace and form of support. I actually can't wait to be able to be satisfied with 2 oz or so of food. (smile) I seem to have a bottomless pit.

    I think that you will find pleasure in other things like you mentioned. Shopping will be more fun, exercising will become easier, your self esteem will go higher. dinner with friends will become more about the ambiance and conversation and sharing memories than , "Hmmm...what can I order that will give me the most side items? and What drinks are Free Refills or 2 for 1"

    I really think you're going to love to sit back and just feel satisfied and healthy with a few bites of this and a few sips of that. You're going to look at everyone around you stuffing their faces and groaning because of heartburn, feeling overly stuffed, upset stomachs, spending $7 on a drink, $9 on an appetizer, $18 on an entree and $6 on a dessert! And you my friend, will have spent nothing, because you will have taken a bite of everyone else's and be satisfied. (Big Smile)

    You should be out of surgery as I'm typing this and I can't wait to hear back from you. Sent with love and well wishes for a super speedy recovery!

  5. Dalisgirl, I am glad you are going ahead with your surgery! I am so sorry your mom and her friend have behaved so outrageously with you! I'm a psychology grad student and it seems to me that psychologist should have his or her license revoked for what he or she said to you! Honestly! They were just speaking from pure ignorance!!

    The thing about the sleeve is that it makes it PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to overeat like you're used to. Now, if you're used to "eating your feelings," you may well want to see a counselor to help you figure out how to deal with life without using food as a crutch. I've been in therapy for more than three years now and it's really been a blessing for me -- I feel like I was really ready to give up my old food habits when I got sleeved last week.

    And finally, I'm your height and my starting weight was more than a hundred pounds less than yours and I was feeling pretty uncomfortable myself -- I can only imagine how uncomfortable and unhappy you must be at your current weight! You really ARE doing this because you love yourself too much to live out your life that way! I'm here on the loser's bench, saving a spot for you, and cheering you on!!

    MlkPas - thanks for the post! I agree, her license should be revoked. The sad thing is my daughter was listening and those are scary subjects for an 8 year old! Today my daughter asked me if I was going to be bald. (Something the counselor, who has a Master's degree :confused1:, said would be my side effect. Now, that may be true, but don't freak my kid out!!!) She's been my mom's buddy for decades. She refused to let her own obese daughter get the surgery done in the states, talked her out of it. Said that she's seen too many patients of hers die from WLS. (She never even heard of sleeve). Scary to think that there are Licensed, Degree holding, Psychologists giving people counseling and they don't know what they're talking about!

    I do have a counselor and she said go for it. I don't think I eat away my feelings. I seem to have a bottomless pit and I eat until I fill it up. It's disgusting. I think I eat 3 times a normal person. Eating in front of others is the worst. I try to eat a "normal" amount in public. An hour later, my stomach is growling again. I'm soo embarassed for any co-workers to see me eat again. I try to suffer through it and then eat too much at home. I think the sleeve is going to work extremely well for me.

  6. Awww...Thanks Vegas Angel. (If I Knew how to insert a smiley face, I would put that here.)

    I know he doesn't cut you open. (I guess I did say that in poor taste. Sorry! I have a sense of humor that doesn't come across well in writing.) Yes, laparascopically. I've had my gall bladder out laparascopically. I don't remember the pain being that bad but I sure was nauseous and heaving over the side of the bed. I think they only kept me in the hospital 18 hours! I'll have to probably ask for that nausea medicine. I had a c-section and I was sore for a while and had severe swelling of the legs and feet but don't remember needing lots of pain meds. Also had my tonsils out and that was the worst pain for two weeks straight with no easing up! Finished all the pain meds and asked for more! I've never done that before. So, I am prepared for the pains/nuances of surgery.

    Vegas, I want to know how long did you have to have those warm liquids? I read some old posts about you having some spasms where the hernia was repaired? How are you handling foods now? Did you go to Mexicali with Bearded Italian or alone?

    I've seen some posts about catheters. Will this be removed BEFORE I wake up from surgery or AFTER?



  7. Thanks to everyone for the posts. I'm going. I'll be getting sleeved by Dr. Aceves next Wednesday, April 7th as a matter of fact. I just told my mom that I'm gonna do it. I've sent her a lot of information and she hasn't responded except with, "I love you just the way you are, but you have to love yourself". I'm thinking in my head..."I DO love myself, that's why I'm having this surgery, b/c I deserve a happier life". She just doesn't get how miserable someone can be at 5'2, weighing 290 (highest weight ever). It's not fun. Damn near unbearable.

    Pumpin, you're so right about the kids emulating their parent's habits. My 8 yr old daughter wants to eat whatever I want. When I go to a restaurant and order Water, she orders Water. Tonight (atkins pre-op) I ate chicken breast and a hunk of cheese and that's what she wanted too. So, having surgery now is great and hopefully she will pick up some lifelong healthy eating habits as well.

    Thanks for your advice, Everyone!

  8. OMG! I just tried the Designer Whey. GROSS! Yuck! Do not buy! I bought two boxes of these at Publix and opened them both up so now I can't return. Orange Mango and Pomengrante I think. First I tried the Orange Mango mixed in a bottle of Vitamin Water zero and I didn't care for it, but I thought it wasn't that bad and that I'd be able to get it down. Today I tried the pomengranite on its own. Every gulp was a chore. I couldn't finish the 16 oz bottle of Water so I put it in the fridge. Grabbed it several hours later and the smell was unbelievably rancid, putrid smelling! WTF???? It's foamy when you shake it. And actually the fruity taste is good, if you can get past the Protein smell and foam. This is one that may be best mixed with juice and served ice cold and drank immediately.

    I haven't tried that many Proteins and if they are all like this....boy am I in trouble! I'm ordering samples of nectar and powders?utm_source=BariatricPal&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=CommentLink" target="_ad" data-id="1" >unjury tonight.

  9. Hi Steve, I am pretty sure you will be FINE! I've read that every ten lbs lost prior to surgery does wonders. PLUS, your cheats were mostly Protein. My doctor has me on a one week high protein, low carb diet as well and I weigh almost 280 lbs at 5'2' inches tall. You were smart not to cheat with any potatoes, rice, noodles, etc. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Those small amounts of dark chocolate shouldn't hurt.

  10. My flight was $450 but I am flying from Florida to California! I am dreading the flight back home with the layover. I've checked out about 4 surgeons locally. But none of them were charging less than 20k. ALSO, the local surgeons required a lot of things that I would have had to get on my own. All of my preop tests had to be ordered by my PCP, so I would have had to pay the co-pays for all of them. Same with the Psych eval. I could use my own psych and pay my co-pay or I could use theirs for $350. The Nutritionist was included with some US doctors and sometimes not. Some US Docs charge a "Program Fee" that could be from $200-500. My advice...go to the local docs seminar and ASK all the questions: what's all included, what are extra fees and more important than money....HOW many sleeves have you done and how many leaks/deaths/complications?

    One more thing. How long is the hospital stay afterwards?

  11. Hi Stcyt - I am going to Dr. Aceves on April 6th. I was going to go last June for $9000. Then I cancelled last minute. I've been back and forth with poor Nina, the patient coordinator, a hundred times. When I decided to go ahead and get the surgery again, (In early March), I was still able to get the $8750 price for my April date. So, I don't know. You might want to try asking for a discount like I did. I am financing most of my surgery through My Medical Loan. I think they have a website you can apply. (not sure if that's an option or not).

  12. I found some rather tasty foods for people to try doing a pre op diet that is high Protein, low carb.

    Here are my food reviews:

    Hood Simply Smart Fat Free Milk - This does not taste like Skim Milk! It is thicker (but not too thick). Like the carton says, taste just like 2% milk. It has 90 calories for one cup. 10 g of Protein per 8 oz. 35% Calcium and 35% Vitamin d. No artificial growth hormones. Also comes in chocolate. Both taste very good and richer than regular skim. Also great for children/spouses who are not sleeved who don't like Fat Free Milk.

    Stonyfield Organic Oikos Greek Yogurt - my 1st experience with greek yogurt. Thick, tangy/sour, but good in a different way. If you like regular yogurt, you might like this. A 4 oz cup of the HONEY flavor (honey is at bottom of cup) is 90 calories, 10 g of protein, 13 carbs. I would buy again. They have plain and other flavors too.

    Bistro Sensations - sold at wal mart, they have a few different flavors. They are chicken sausages. I have the Smoked Mozzarella w Artichoke and Garlic. Yum. I've tried 3 flavors, they are all delicious. Sold by the hot dogs. 1 link is 110 calories, 2 carbs and 16 g of protein. Excellent flavor and non sleeved family members will also enjoy in a bun. We can eat ours just grilled or baked. I just put on a piece of foil in the oven for about 10 min on 400...Nice and browned.

    Sam's Choice Stuffed chicken Breasts - in frozen food low freezers at wal-mart. Three cheese & Jalapeno and Pepper Jack/Swiss/American cheese & Bacon stuffed chicken breasts. This is a heat and eat, which may be good for some. Jalapeno ones are 230 cal for a 6 oz chicken breast, 34 g of protein and 4 carbs. Pepper Jack ones are 260 cal, 3 carbs and 37 protein. Yum! Again, another food product that a non sleeved family member would enjoy. Oh, these come in about 5 flavors. I just picked the two with the lowest carbs for my pre-op diet.

    Hope this helps someone. :confused1:

  13. Hmmm...naked dancing with body paint on...drunk? Sounds like a party that I wouldn't want to go to. LOL. I think you two will come to a more agreeable destination by the time October rolls back around. I say go to Miami Beach or Disney or wherever and have your OWN PRIVATE NAKED party with body paints and drinks inside the hotel room and MAYBE on the balcony, jacuzzi or beach, but why share with every other Hairy Dick Tom...ooops, I mean every Tom, Dick and Harry.

    I think it's nice that you two are building a deeper bond/friendship/relationship while he's away. You are offering him tons of support while he's serving his country. You're probably helping to keep him sane or at least add some normalcy to his life. I also think he'd probably be very supportive of your WLS decision.

  14. Oregon, Tiffany and Tiffykins! Thanks! I am feeling better already. I'm still moving ahead as planned. It saddens me that instead of trying to encourage me, my own family is already predicting my failure. ("You know you can't stuff your face anymore", "you know if you drink too much, you're gonna throw up", "you know you're gonna have sagging skin if you don't exercise" "you know most people gain all their weight back plus some" "why take the dangerous road...just eat right and exercise" "if you've never lost more than 20 lbs on a diet, then YOU are the reason why...not the diet...what makes you think you can stick to this?")

    I asked my mom (who is a diabetic at 160 lbs, she used to be 100 lbs and she's 5'3) if she would like to support me by emailing each other what we eat/drink for one week while I do my pre-op diet. She wasn't interested.

    Well, I can see now that I will certainly be relying on this forum and perhaps some other websites for support.

    Ay yi yi! Thanks, ladies.

  15. I am having the hardest time with my family supporting me. They are telling me that everyone that I "meet" on the internet is paid by the doctor's office to "lure" patients to Mexico and that you guys are not real.

    I am feeling so low right now because my mother and her Psychologist friend have just come to my apartment for an "intervention". They are telling me that since they've known me for my entire life that I don't have the will power to stick to eating 3 TBSP of food at a time. They're telling me that I'm going to "BUST" my pouch and die and that the bad decisions I make are going to effect their lives forever. My mom even told me that she doesn't want to be a mother again (to my daughter, who's 8), she just wants to be a granddaughter.

    I am full of tears and hoping someone here can offer me some comfort or reassurance that me going to a "THIRD WORLD" country with poor sanitation is the right choice for me.

    I'm 5'2, 278 lbs and been overweight since I was 8. I also have co-morbidities. My surgery is scheduled next week.

    Please help.

  16. Hi Change4theBetter2010 -

    Well just like your screen name says, you WILL make a change for the better this year.

    I too cancelled my sleeve surgery last summer in 2009. Now, I am re-scheduled to go to Dr. Aceves in Mexico on April 7th. I cancelled because my mom and my uncle were TOTALLY against the surgery and were offering NO support. It was almost as if they were going to disown me if I went.

    You've got to live YOUR life. Your mom can't live it for you. Mom's usually have the best intentions and only want what is best for us. She doesn't want you to regret your decision to have surgery. She doesn't want you to have complications or "waste" your money. But I don't think your mom (and aunt) are really INFORMED on statistics and obesity. Please, do what makes YOU HAPPY, not your mom! The money is YOURS, not your moms. You can spend it how you want. Don't let your mom spend your money on how she thinks you should spend it.

    If you are not mentally ready to commit to the surgery, you're doing the right thing by waiting six months. Many health insurance companies require patients to do a 6 month pre-op diet/exercise attempt. I have a friend who lost 90 lbs in 6 months with one of those medically supervised diet programs. If your job has an EAP program, call them and u can usually get some free therapy sessions. Therapy will be good for you right now. You have to be mentally healthy as well. (wanting to please others, dealing with obesity, how to overcome stress, etc.)

    I had a personal trainer and she even admitted to me that when it comes to weight loss it's not so much exercise that reduces the weight, it's your calorie consumption. She said it's 80% about what you eat. A trainer will teach you how to properly exercise, so these will be skills you can use for a lifetime. Same with a good nutritionist.

    There are some good articles on this website about exercise under the category of VERTICAL SLEEVE SURGERY NEWS. One talks about how in Canada, they've done studies that prove that people who killed themselves in the gym, didn't really lose anymore weight than people who ate fewer calories.

    Mexico is simply not an option for some people. LOL. I understand wanting to stay in the states, but the US is not the only country who knows how to perform good surgeries. Do your surgeon research. The cost that you quoted seems average (about 22k). I found two excellent surgeons in my area charging the same amount for a sleeve. However, I have heard that there are some charging only $12 in Texas. I've decided to go to Mexico for $9000 including airfare and a longer hospital stay than in the US.

    You are only 24, so this is a big decision for you and go with your heart. You're young but you're pushing 300 lbs. When I was 24, I was 240 lbs at 5'2. I thought I was still sexy and pretty healthy. At 30, I reached 265 and was miserable. That's when the co-morbidities started: hypertension, painful joints, 6 months with no period, hypothyroidism, etc. etc. You are smart to recognize this problem now and actively do something about it. I've done it all: Atkins, weight watchers, phentermine, trainers, jenny craig, walking, exercise equipment, supplements....to no avail. Only to regain and never able to lose more than about 20 lbs or so.

    Thank GOD you have your HUSBAND's support! That's the most important, unless you live with mom or aunt. You also have the support of your Bro and Sis. Maybe the three of them can help to educate the old schoolers.

    A healthy weight will give you greater success at having children and being able to chase after them afterwards. You are definitely on the right path. Life is going to keep throwing us curve balls that have the potential to sabotage our weight loss efforts. Stay strong and come here for support.

    So sorry for the LONG post. Thank you for reading. Wishing you much success! BTW, having exercised for 6 months prior to surgery, should u decide to still get it, will improve your results and recovery. Start taking TWO multi-Vitamins now. (Not at same time) This is recommended by surgeons prior to WLS. Also, go to a WLS seminar at a local hospital and try to bring Mom. They give you great information and statistical data.

    OK. That's all. HUGS!

  17. Hello Sleevers,

    This is my 1st post. I've been lurking on the website off and on for a few weeks and have found the information here very useful.

    I am going to Mexicali on Tuesday, April 6th and am having surgery on the 7th. I hope to meet someone else before I get there.

    I am quite nervous because I regularly read the posts about leaks and other complications and I am praying that I have no problems. I'm also traveling alone and have about a 10 hr. trip back home to Florida.

    Plus, my PCP doesn't know yet! I will call for an appt. tomorrow. I am 278 now, highest 290 a few months ago and I'm only 5'2. I've been overweight since I was 8 years old. My PCP thinks that WLS is too extreme and that I can lose weight on my own (low carbs, exercising, don't eat after 5 pm, and no soda). Hmph! :sad0: I have hypothyroidism and don't know if that is prohibiting my weight loss success or not. I've done Weight Watchers several times and Jenny Craig twice and other diets. Even had a personal trainer. The weight just doesn't come off. I've never lost more than 20 lbs & after several attempts become frustrated, feel defeated, give up and gain the weight back plus some.

    I'm starting my one week pre op diet on Sunday. :wink0:

    Thank you.

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