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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by cherrykamikaze

  1. Sometimes family members can be worried about the changes the WLS will bring. My husband has never been supportive of anything I've done and he's basically scared to death that I'll leave him if I'm successfull with the sleeve. I think you have to do this for yourself and trust your own opinion. It's hard and I've had my share of doubters, but my surgery is on the 26th May '10 and I can't wait. I'm not scared of the consequences of weight loss anymore, if my marriage falls apart, then that's what will happen, it's my turn now and nothing is going to stop me.

    Good luck and I hope all goes well

    Michelle x

    Wow... you are such a strong woman, Michelle! Good for you for knowing yourself and doing what you need for you. I'm sure that your husband is just nervous and will come around. :laugh0:

    I know my family will all be there to support me afterwards ... sometimes with snide comments, but even that is just their lack of knowledge and understanding. At times, self doubt can get to you tho, eh?

  2. I'm booked... after a billion emails and questions to the office and to many people in this forum and another, I've booked my surgery date - June 22, 2010 - with Dr Armando Joya in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

    I've read through all of Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies (great book, but very gastric bypass-centric point of view) and have been reading pretty much every post that i can get time to go through on here. I think I'm ready. nervous as heck, but ready. lol

    I know this is the right decision for me, but it's so hard to be confident about it when not all of my family is supportive. I have one brother who is quite vocal about me making the wrong decision and nto really trying. I know he'll be there for me after it's over, but in the meantime, it leads to doubts... things like excess skin, weight gain after sleeving, and if I really have the fortitude to make this work. I assume nervousness and doubts are normal?

  3. ok! Just sent a list of questions to Dr Joya's office to answer. Thought I'd share the list in case anyone else is interested. (thanks for the suggestions, Tiff!)

    How many sleeves has Dr Joya performed?

    How many leaks/complications/deaths has he had?

    What size bougie does he use?

    What sort of follow up care will I need?

    Do I have to come back to Mexico after the surgery for any of the follow up?

    What sort of pre-surgery tests/exams does Dr Joya do? x-rays? blood tests?

    Are the blood test results, x-rays, etc sent home with me? Are they in English?

    Does Dr Joya take an x-ray of the sleeve post-op?

    Do I consult with a nutritionist in Mexico? Do I continue talking to her after I leave?

    How many nights in the hospital?

    Is the hospital equipped with an ICU and blood bank?

    How many leak tests?

    What is the Post-op diet?

    What kind of goal weight expectations should I be setting?

    Does Dr Joya oversew or use glue on the staple line?

    How soon after the surgery should I have my stitches pulled?

    I currently take celexa for anxiety issues. Can I continue taking those up to and through the surgery?

    What medications need to be taken after surgery? for how long?

    Are Vitamins or other supplements recommended by Dr Joya after surgery?

    How fast do Dr. Joya's patients recover? How soon can I go back to work?

    How often do the nurses visit me in the hotel room?

    What can I reasonably expect to be able to do after surgery? (ie: go for a walk? swim?)

  4. :thumbup: I'm really starting to get excited about this! I'm composing a list of questions for Dr. Joya at the moment and hopefully will get some answers via email fairly quickly.

    Have any of you found anything about the sleeve that you DISLIKED? any issues with wishing you'd not had it done? any annoyances with the tiny portions afterwards?

  5. Hi there! I'm new to the boards ... well, I just signed up anyway. I've been reading the forums without being signed up for them for a few weeks. I'm reaching the later stages of determining to have the VSG surgery and am both excited and nervous.

    I currently have a BMI of 51 and am wondering what complications others have had during or after surgery. I'm looking at going to Mexico to Dr. Joya in Puerto Vallarta. Can anyone here confirm the care received? My brother knows the mother of a woman who had surgery by him and was very pleased. His credentials sound impressive to me and the hospital looks first rate, by the pictures, but I know pictures only really show so much...

    What questions should I be asking the surgeons office? I'm from Canada and have asked about costs and complications. The rep at the office said that leaks are the most common complication related directly to the surgery (other then normal surgery complications related to anethesiology). He said that Dr. Joya does three separate tests post-op to determine if there are any leaks. Does that sound pretty standard?

    Thanks for any info.


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