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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by 5150sleeve

  1. 5150sleeve


    Maybe this is TMI:blushing: but I never really took a break from sex. Me and my boyfriend went at it 2 days after my surgery. We were at the recovery house in Mexico and i was laying on my side so there was no pressure on the stomach. No complications whatsoever. I felt wonderful, I was recovering smoothly and I was horny for some reason, so I tried it out and it was fine.:001_unsure:
  2. 5150sleeve

    Gotta get serious about exercise

    Wow Mini-Me, I wish I could have lost 37 pounds without working out! Man, I'm jealous because for me, if I don't workout, I do not lose weight. Anyways, you can TOTALLY get in 20 minutes a day for 3 days a week. One thing that might help you get in the whole 3 days for the week is think about what your schedule will be ahead of time. like for example, if you are a monday through friday worker, I would suggest monday, wednesday, and thursday. Mondays are the best days to work out. Your body is well rested from a nice weekend and it really just sets the tone for the week, it's like a motivation starter for the upcoming week. I absolutely love Mondays! Then tuesday you can rest, and wednesday your back at it. Now the only reason I suggest thursday instead of friday is because a lot of people are tired by the end of week and you might not push yourself to go. All that's on your mind is TGIF and I'm ready to relax. So if you do the third day on thursday, you get it out the way and your done! Now you can have your relaxing weekend knowing you stuck to your set workout routine. Then maybe once you get more physical and start picking up your exercise routine, you can add in extra days or up that 20 minutes to 30 or more. For me, I work out everyday except Sundays. And I have to do an hour or more. But I've built myself up to that and you can too! Take one day at a time and you body WILL respond and you won't be as winded. Regular exercise will only strengthen your lungs not make them worse! And you knees need to get used to regular exercise too! Something that is easy on the joints, esp knees, is SWIMMING:thumbup1: I highly recommend it. If they have a water aerobics class at your gym that you can take part in that would be amazing. If not, you can just do walking while pumping your arms underwater or if you can push yourself to do some freestyle that would be awesome. One more thing that might motivate you is you can sign up for a 5K walk in your area. For example, on June 22 there's The Seattle Animal Shelter’s 11th Annual Furry 5k Fun Run and Walk or Sep 12 the Aflac Iron Girl Seattle Women's event. If you sign up for something like this for 1) you have made a committment and you have something to work towards; knowing that you have this event coming up will keep you accountable for the weeks or months before it to push yourself and prepare you body; 2) you will meet tons and tons of motivating people, you will not be alone, you will not be the last person to cross the finish line, you will feel accomplished, you can even bring friends and family and do it together!; 3) you will be supporting a great cause, for whatever organization you choose to support, the proceeds go toward the goal of that organization. Anyways, I wish you the best as you embark on your new fitness agenda. I will be rooting for you and look foward to hearing about your progress:lol0:
  3. 5150sleeve

    Habit Changes

    Sorry to hear about your many dilemmas. Things will get better...I see that you still have a couple weeks until surgery. I know for me the weeks leading up to my surgery day were the hardest. I had a lot of anxiety and was extremely depressed. All I wanted to do was eat, I couldn't work out, no motivation, and I had many sleepless nights. One thing though I did give up right before surgery was caffeine. I stopped drinking coffee and diet soda, and I was an addict. I would have coffee every morning and have a couple of diet sodas throughout the day. Lo and behold my daily headaches immediately went away and I was able to sleep better. Another thing that I've found to help me sleep at night is a good workout during the day. If I push myself hard by the time it's time to go to sleep, I'm drained and I fall asleep instantly. (another naughty secret that puts me to sleep is good sex lol, like it literally puts me into an immediate coma) Anyways, hopefully once you get your surgery most of your negative issues will take a turn for the positive. It really should happen and I can't wait to hear about your progress! :confused1: Start thinking of ways that you can get exercise in without necessarily being bored. To get enough you will eventually have to suck it up and go to the boring gym but there are other options i.e. I like to go skating and after a couple of hours of it I'm drenched in sweat with sore legs, all in all great workout and it's fun for me! There's tennis, swimming, bowling, hiking, biking and many more things. I too have a sedentary job, I am a city bus driver but I have lots of energy, so when I'm not sitting in the seat of the bus I'm ready to do something physical. Like sometimes I ride my bike home from work at night even though I workout every morning. Anyhoo, like I said, I can't wait to hear about your journey after you get your surgery and begin to feel like a new and improved person all the way around, physically, mentally, emotionally, etc. :001_unsure:
  4. 5150sleeve

    Hello my fitness friends

    Congrats on taking control! You will soon look back on this time of insecurity and it will be a blur. You are not alone, plenty of us have gone through that doubt of "will I be the only one this doesn't work for". I sure did. Have a safe trip and keep smiling!!!:001_unsure:
  5. Thanks a lot Jodoza! I put in very hard work at the gym and I'm proud of myself. Good luck with your journey! You will do amazing things.

  6. 5150sleeve

    Colon Hydrotherapy????

    Hey there. I had one session of colon hydrotherapr a couple months ago and personally I think it was a waste of money. There wasn't anything wrong with the procedure itself, like it did not hurt, it didn't smell (I think I would have just about died if it did, lol), it was very easy and not as bad as it sounds. However, my qualm was the fact that I have taken laxatives or what have you that have gotten out more than what I seen come out. So for $80+ dollars a session (which by the way they tell you you should have a couple of sessions) I was just not convinced. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe I didn't have enough "stuck inside" to really benefit from it but I don't think I would ever pay for another session again, I rather do an enema or laxative if I need to be cleansed. But if you want to try it, please do not be scared because it is not bad at all and I have extremely low tolerance for pain:scared0:
  7. 5150sleeve

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    194 this morning, almost halfway to my goal!
  8. 5150sleeve


    Wow, Tiff! I love the openess and candid answer. My sex life has changed tremendously as well. My boyfriend has never complained either when I was heavier, he has always been head over heels and was never negative about the change. Me on the other hand was grossed out; I would hate the way my stomach felt underneath him, and I def. wasn't up for trying a bunch of different positions. My mission was to just hurry up as quickly as possible and put my clothes back on (or put my pants back on because I NEVER took my top off!) With that said, with my new confidence in myself after losing almost 50 pounds, I am totally more open with him. I now let him touch and rub, I take all my clothes off including my shirt:001_tongue:, and I am def. open to different positions. He loves doggy style becuase he says my butt and thighs is so toned from biking and running that they are just insatiable :confused1: And with missionary my stomach doesnt gross me out anymore underneath him becuase it has flattened incredibly. Also I can now hold my wonderful thighs up in the air for a long time no problem while before they felt like two heavy tree trunks LMAO! All in all, weight loss gives you not only more confidence to try new things and be more open but it also adds flexibility and endurance:thumbup: I'm utterly satisfied and am looking foward to even more changes as time passes!!
  9. 5150sleeve

    Ran 5k today.

    Great job!!! That's awesome! How long did it take u and what pace did u go at?congrats!!!
  10. 5150sleeve

    WOW! What a feeling!

    That IS a wonderful feeling!!! It's one of the best feelings ever! I have also pulled out some summer clothes that I wasnt able to fit and they look great! I can't wait til summer comes full bloom and to go shopping. I told myself I wouldnt do any shopping until my birthday which is in July. UNtil then I'm just wearing my old clothes that I can now fit.
  11. :lol0:Congrats! You got the most difficult part out the way and now it's downhill from here!!! You will be looking at this pain as a blur when u start geting the results you want. I only had gas pain the first two days, so when I went home on the fourth day I was feeling wonderful. Did you try any medication to help for the gas? Gas-x strips, etc. Walking helped a lot with the gas. I walked a lot right after the surgery.
  12. 5150sleeve

    My stall has broken!

    Congratulations!!! That's awesome. You must feel so great! Did you do anything different that made the stall break?
  13. 5150sleeve

    panties in the OR.

    I wore panties in the O.R. and when I got back to my room my boyfriend threw them away because the got dye all over them! I was so out of it I thought it was a bunch of blood!!!! :001_smile::scared0::001_rolleyes: Lol, it's funny now but it was scary then.
  14. 5150sleeve

    Anyone else work out A LOT?

    OMG! I totally understand where you are coming from. I work out 6 days a week and then do soemthing fun like skating for two or three hours on the seventh day. I love the feeling, i love sweating, I love to feel my muscles burn, I love to feel accomplished and stree-free (even if for a little while :001_smile:) I want to be able to accomplish things like triathalons and marathons. Anyways, I could not do low-carb working out the way I do, sometimes I even do two-a-days, i.e. today I went to the gym this morning ran a couple miles and did some good strength training and then when I got off work this evening I biked home (approx 4.5 miles) What I do just for fuel is have something 30min to an hour before working out like a protein bar or a 1/4c oatmeal. It really helps me get through my work outs. I have noticed that when I do not intake enough carbs I get dizzy and lightheaded and the worst ever, I even blacked out once in the shower right after the gym :crying: I knew after that I could not be afraid of carbs. And another thing, it's crazy I never watched carbs when I dieted before and was able to lose at the same rate I'm losing now, and even more so. Remember it's good carbohydrates and not the bad ones. It's not like you'll b eating a bunch of carbs and sitting on ur behind. It's for fuel :001_rolleyes: My weight loss doesn't get affected by adding in good carbs.
  15. 5150sleeve

    Broke the 130 barrier

    Thats awesome! Congrats!!! And good luck with the races. I wish u lots of energy and positive vibes!!!
  16. On April 4 I will be two months out; I started at BMI 36 and have loss 42 lbs. and gained a lot of muscle. I've been working out 5-6 times a week since a week after surgery. I want to complete my first triathlon in October :laugh0: I can not believe I'm almost half way to my goal at not even 2 months out! As a "lightweight" you should do wonderful things just like everyone else!!!:w00t:
  17. 5150sleeve

    Sex drive?

    Wow. A heart attack? I understand why you wouldn't be interested if it felt that bad! Although if you're working that hard sex can be a great workout. That's what my doctor always tells me :laugh0: The interest will come back and it'll be better than ever! :w00t: I still have 60 pounds I want to lose but I don't even feel my stomach as a bother like I used to, it's awesome! And the fact that I don't cover up my body with the covers anymore, I actually can look down at myself and go WOW! :lol0:
  18. 5150sleeve

    Sex drive?

    Lol! My sex drive has risen tremendously. I'm 25 and thought I was too young to not have a high sex drive before WLS but I knew my depression and low self esteem had a lot to do with it. Sometimes it was physically uncomfortable and I would be grossed out the way my stomach felt underneath my partner so I just wouldn't want to do it. I didn't want him touching me I didn't want him looking at me if and whenwe did go there it would be lights off under the covers type of deal. He's very happy with my new boost of energy and found confidence. I let him touch me rub me (I won't get too graphic lol but u get the picture). I think once u feel better about urself physically and emotionally it should really help. I actually FEEL sexy and that is truly important as far as sex is concerned. Hope it rises for u!!!!!!
  19. 5150sleeve

    Monday Morning Weigh In

    Stacy congrats! You are doing wonderful. I understand how you feel, I've been going through the same feelings of whiny-ness lol but one thing I remind myself is that I weight train a lot and am building a lot of muscle so that helps me not be too disappointed. SW: 240 CW:198
  20. cONGRATS!!!! you look amazing and have come a long way in a short period of time. Keep it up!!!
  21. 5150sleeve

    Couch 2 5K

    Thank you Itstime! I can do the 10K at about 1 hr. 20 min. currently, hopefully I can knock it down a little by the time the race comes (fingers crossed)
  22. 5150sleeve

    Couch 2 5K

    You all are progressing so wonderfully. It's awesome!!! I will be two months out next week and I am running my first 10K on April 11, I'm so excited!!! I don't know what made me skip right over the 5K and attempt to take on a 10K from jump but.....I'm gonna do it! And you all will be doing them soon too. BTW-- Attitudefree, what triathalon are u doing in september? I wanna do the L.A. Triathalon in October!!!! I'm completely stoked!
  23. 5150sleeve

    Frustrated! Not losing!!

    The same for me. When I take in a low amount of carbs I stall and on top of that I don't have enough energy for my workouts which are pretty intense. All the times that I've lost weight in the past I never limited my carbs to a super low amount and I always had energy for workouts, which I have a history of doing plenty two-a-days a couple times a week. When I tried 30g or less i felt lightheaded a lot and even blacked out once in the shower after coming from the gym. Scary. I have up my carbs some and am doing wonderful on my progress. I actually just did a 10K at the track this morning in 1hr 20 min. Whew!!! I'm pooped! (but very proud) I am looking to decrease that time by my first 10K on April 11.
  24. Tiff-- thank you so much for the link! It is soooo awesome. My goalis 140 and it said my "ideal" weight is 138 so it's pretty close. Stacy--OMG, i know exactly how you feel embarrased to let your husband in on your stats. When I met my boyfriend of a year and half I was 195 (and two months before I met him I was 220) and within a month and a half I was down to 180. I wanted to go further but being in a new relationship was soooo hard because we went out on a lot of dates that involved food, food, and more food. And we both work evenings so after work we would eat fast food together every single night!!! Because I was still working out hard about 5 times a week I was able to maintain 180 ( and not lose a single pound more) for about 4-5 months. Then...it happened. Got lazy, stopped working out as much, it was just much easier being cuddled up and eating good fattening food with my new beau. I went up to 240 (my highest weight EVER) within 8-9 months, probably 10 pounds a month. I'm so glad I immediately started looking for WLS right away when I gained the weight, I didn't let it really linger. But my boyfriend would always tell me, "oh, you haven't gained that much weight" and stuff like that and I was so embarrased that I gained 60 DOGGONE pounds, I couldn't bring myself to tell him what real weight I went up to when he was thinking I couldn't have gained much. I always hid myself from him, wouldn't really let him touch me, wouldn't let him watch me undress, no more hot steamy showers together (lol), just lights off, under the covers, no real "intimacy" if you know what I mean. But becuase he supported me during my WLS and never looked down on me, during the recovery after surgery I decided to fully open up and talk about my TRUE weight and actually let him examine me naked to show him how much I truly had gained. He was shocked to learn I had been up to 240, he said he thought I was only at 200. It was like a breathe of fresh air to fully open up to somebody because I just closed myself off to everything and everyone being at that weight; it felt like I was trapped. Anyways, I know it's totally embarrasing but it might make you feel more at ease instead of hiding all the time to let your husband know your stats. Afterall, you surely won't be there long!!!!
  25. 5150sleeve

    Worried stomach is to BIG

    Did the staff tell u what the "fix" would be if u did have to have one? I will b 2 months out on April 4 and I haven't tried bread yet so I don't know how much of a sandwich I can eat but I assume it would be about half because when I eat 2 slices of thin deli turkey and some cheese and I'm stuffed. I tried three slices once and couldn't do it. What all was on ur sandwich?

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