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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About kbl

  • Rank
    Guru in Training
  • Birthday 08/26/1966

About Me

  • Biography
    after 13 years of infertility, i am a blessed new mom. life is GOOD. VSG to help life be GREAT
  • Interests
    being a new mom takes up most of my time. mommy hobbies. working on getting my girl to roll over
  • Occupation
    registered nurse
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  1. Hey Kelly, to help you with the technical stuff here. Go to USER CP(control panel) at the top of the forum. Hit edit avatar on the side of the page. Upload a photo from your PC or a photo hosting website like photobucket.com


    You will find all the edit options in the USER CP. Profile colors, font text color etc etc.


    For the ticker in your signature, open another window or tab, and go to www.tickerfactory.com


    Select a PIN, and then set up the ticker to your liking. Once it gets to the code page, Highlight and Copy the bbCode.


    Come back here to your USER CP, and hit Edit Signature. You will Paste that code into the signature box, then HIT preview signature, make sure it shows up how you like it, then you'll hit SAVE SIGNATURE.

    To update your signature, you'll just click your ticker in any of your posts on the main forum, it'll open a new window, you'll type in your PIN, and then hit Edit/update weight loss.


    Hope this helps.

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