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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by shyone

  1. HI! I am April from Ohio. I am still in pre-op phase. I have finished my blood work, EKG, and Pulse Ox tests. I have been to the seminar and the all day evaluation. I am just awaiting approval. I was just wondering who else on here is having surgery or had surgery with Dr. Stephan Myers at Riverside Methadist Hospital? I was just curious and wondered if you had any stories about your experience.biggrin.gif

  2. I was wondering that since I am a pre-op person and I take alot of medicine if it was hard to swallow pills after surgery. Do you think I should ask for liquid or chewable forms if they are available? I asked the psychologist at my consult with her and she said you should be able to swallow all your pills no problem but I wondered if this was true since she is not one who has WLS done. Any suggestions or advise would be greatly appreciated. I am trying to get all of this in order before I have my surgery so It can be less stress on me and anyone who is helping me during my recovery..

  3. When I was at my appointment today I asked what size boughie my Dr. uses and his answer was about the diameter of your thumb or index finger. Does this sound right? What size do you think that equals? Any advise. Is this good or bad or do I really want to know? ( just wondering because I really like my Dr).

  4. Thank you guys I found the greek yogurt at Wal-mart. But the sugar content was 8 or 9 g which is not too bad compared to the 12g in the yougurt I was buying ( yoplait light). Also, i did find a blender and food processer at wal-mart it came all in one so I was happy about that. Now all I need is to get my EKG and my pulse ox done and hopefully I will get approved and have an exact date soon. I can not wait!!! One yougurt was called yo plus it has 9g of sugar and the other is greek yougurt vanilla and it has 8g of sugar. I did not see any with lower grams of sugar but then again I was in a rush because i had to go pick up my daughter. I meet a person today that had the RNY done and she had lost 100 lbs in 6 months. She also stated that she had a relative that had the sleeve and she had the same results. She went from a size 22 to a size 4. WOW that is amazing. I can not wait until I can say that I have lost 160lbs or more and in a size 4. Sorry I am rambling on but the more people I meet that have this done the more excited that I get for my surgery to be done. I am so glad that I found this forum because all of you have been a great support and I haven't even had the surgery yet. You all are greatly appreciated!!!

  5. Where is everyone finding light yogurt and fruit that have 5g or under of sugar? I went to Wal-mart but only found yogurt that had 12g of sugar. Any Advise?

    Orgeondaisy is the Wal-mart brand of the magic bullet called a different name. I thought I would go today and look at them.


  6. Thank you thinoneday. I am glad to hear that blender works just as well. By the way I love the name you picked it is great!!!! hopefully we are all thin one day after our weight loss journeys. Right now not so sure 2nd week on pre-op diet and I lost 2lbs the first week but now the scale keeps going back up and up. It is so depressing. I see the dietician again on MArch 5th. Hopefully by then I will loose something again.


  7. Yes Ishary, I keep hearing about the Magic Bullet too, so I went to the mall and found out it is 50 some dollars was wondering if it was worth the investment or if it would be just a disappointment. I probably should buy some smaller plates and silverware too. Being pre-op I am still having trouble making a meal last 30 minutes. Any suggestions?

  8. Not sure if this is where I should post this question or not but here it goes I was wondering what type of food processer to buy that will chop meat into mush? Also, are there any other suggestions on what equipment I may need post-op?

  9. Boy, the things I want to be able to do are buy some sexy outflts and look cute in them, be more confident with my husband, be able to buy regular sized clothes, be able to play with my daughter without getting out of breath, to be able to go off some of my medications, to be happier and heathier and to gain a better self image because right now I really hate the way I look. Yuck.. I wonder how I could let myself get this heavy. I guess it is called love for food..

    April (shyone)

  10. Thank you for the great advise. You are right because right now I am pre-op and what I like or eat now I may not be able to eat after surgery. I sure don't want to waist money on a ton of tubs of Protein that I will end up throwing away or giving away. Again thank you for the adivse.

  11. Thank you tiffykins for the information and the boost I needed to stay with my decision of having the sleeve. My surgery isn't until April but the more I read the more doubts I had about my choice. Then I found this site. It is wonderful!! The people have great advise. Thank you again. I will keep you posted....

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