I have a question for someone more knowledgable than I. I have been working on getting approved for the vsg for 6 months. UHC is the company, and I've talked to them 5 or 6 times over the phone. Went to the Dr., had the psych eval, sleep studies. Have a 38 bmi and diagnosed sleep apnea. Well, when all of the paperwork was submitted, they denied. The reason is that you need to be above 40bmi, and no other requirements. Apparently they don't approve on the 35-39.9 with a co-morbidity diagnosis. Haven't done an appeal. When an account supervisor returned my call, she advised that their tool that they use was wrong, and that's why for 6 months their customer service people were giving bad advice. I have requested a policy back in order to read for myself, but if it's true, is there any chance for an appeal? Bummed out about this, as in addition to the severe sleep apnea, have Plantar Fasciitis on both feet. Been getting treatments for 2 years, and last hope is surgery. Podiatrist says that it's from weight, so vsg could have solved weight, apnea, feet, etc. Please advise if you have any suggestions or experience like this. Thanks.