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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by NOPATIENCE

  1. Hi TRISH4. I'm having my surgery on 4/5 and I too had a very difficult time over the VSG vs gastric bypass. I have acid reflux as it is and I'm hoping that with the med I currently take I can keep it in check after surgery. My HMO will not pay for a revision if I find that I do not loose enough weight from VSG, so that was also a consideration for me. But after thinking about it for several months, I've decided that I will do just as good with the VSG without the malabsortion problems. It is a very difficult decision to make, isn't it? However, I am at peace with my decision. Keep us posted.

  2. I finally have my surgery date: 4/05/10. I can't wait, but a little nervous. I asked my surgeon what size bougie he uses and he told me a 40. I was hoping for smaller, but he's not willing to go any lower. So, from all the reading of posts on this site, I guess a 40 is ok. I go for my pre-op next Tuesday 3/23 -- my birthday. I think I'm getting the nicest birthday present of my life!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

  3. OK, so I'm still waiting for a surgery date (I've been waiting 3+ weeks/Kaiser is slow) and guess what happens to me this weekend? I end up in the ER early Sat. morning with chest pains (never had them before). They keep me in for a couple of days, do all these different tests and find that I am some blockage in arteries to my heart!! So now I'm off work until I can see the cardiologist on March 1st and that has put a stop to my surgery until this can get taken care of. My daughter said it was kind of a blessing in disguise because I could have died in surgery. In all of my pre-surgery tests, nothing showed up. Of course, they didn't do a stress test, CAT scan or anything like that. I am so bummed!! I have been so looking forward to have my sleeve in March. Hopefully, this blockage is something that can be taken care of quickly. Of course, right now I can't exercise until I see the cardiologist and I hope I won't put on weight. I did put on 4 lbs in the hospital, but I was given "tons" of liquids. Thanks all for listening. I just had to vent but didn't mean for it to be so long. lol:sad0:

    Lee, how was your surgery? I know you had it on 2/17. How did you do? Did you have a lot of pain. I know that you're also with Kaiser, but even though we don't go to the same city facility, they do everything the same. I just hope everything went splendidly. Please keep me advised.

  4. Thanks, Tiffykins, you once again helped me in my decision to go with VSG. When I started this process almost a year ago (Kaiser makes you jump thru hoops which isn't necessarily bad), I was going with the RNY as Kaiser did not offer the VSG at that time. They now do offer it and I spent many a night awake trying to figure out which way I wanted to go, but I eventually decided to go with the VSG. I'm still waiting for my surgery date, and I still question myself sometime, but after reading these posts (especially yours as they are always well thought out and specific) I know the VSG is the way to go. YEAH!!

    P.S. I have 80 lbs. to loose.

  5. Ok, let me try this again. I hit the wrong button before and sent a very incomplete message. I am awaiting my surgery date, but I still have 5 lbs. to loose. (Actually, I've put on 3 lbs.):sad0: Doesn't sound like much, or so I thought. I have been unable to take off ANY weight now for a week. I have a Protein Shake for Breakfast and again for dinner. My shake is made with frozen mango chunks (from Trader Joe's), 1 spoonful of low fat yogurt, whey Protein and non-fat milk. I usually have an orange mid-morning and I eat a Lean Cuisine for lunch. I exercise daily. 0 lbs off for a whole week. On the day of surgery, if I show up and weigh any more than 200 lbs., my HMO will postpone my surgery. No leeway whatsoever. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? I'm at my wits end. Thank you.:sad0:

  6. Yes, I'm with Kaiser in Fremont. I am waiting for the surgery scheduler to call me and when she does, if it's going to be later than March, I did wonder if I could ask for another surgeon. Sounds from what you said they're letting you do this, so it sounds hopeful. Please keep me posted after you have had your surgery. Best of luck and I'll say a prayer for you.

  7. Thanks to both of you for the encouraging words. I am following multiple forums. The inspiring words keep me motivated. This site really gives you the feeling that you are a member of a large family. Also lets me know I am not alone in all these strange feelings I'm having. I've waiting this long, what's another 8 weeks or so, right? You all have a nice day.

  8. Ok, I was told last week that my chart is on my surgeon's desk. He needs to check to see if I've had all the tests required before surgery (they are done!). My chart then goes back to the surgery scheduler and she will then call me with a date. She told me to expect that it will be in about 6 to 8 weeks. Now that I have done all I was supposed to, I want it to happen NOW. I'm sure other people have been as impatient as I, right????????????

  9. Thank you for your posts. I think that creatinglee answered carolyn24seven's question about why Kaiser makes us lose 10% of our weight before they will schedule the surgery. It's tough, but it'll all be worth it in the long run. I was a sugar addict but I've been off the sugar for a few weeks now, so I won't go thru withdrawals after surgery. I AM also learning patience (I think)! Good luck creatinglee. Fremont is a little different. I had my pschyc appt last week and as soon as I've lost my last 5 lbs or so, I just call the surgery scheduler, she then sends my chart to my surgeon and then they call me with the surgery date. That's it. No caseworker involved. Strange, isn't it, that it's the same company (Kaiser No. Cal.) but they work in different ways from one location to the next. Keep my posted, please. I'll do the same.:001_tongue:

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