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Everything posted by bkind

  1. bkind

    Depressed and hungry

    I hear ya, cokes are my downfall... I'm a true coca-cola addict! I can do a six pack a day easy!!! Weening myself off is hell and I know my head will mess with me on this one.. To be honest coke is the worst thing I worry about because the consequences are huge if I have one! Hang in there... My surgery is mid feb I'll be joining u soon!
  2. bkind

    Is Broth a Protein Source?

    I was doing a google search for bariatric post op food and came across a website that had different flavors of Soup that had 12-15g protein in them. I don't remember the name brand...sounds good though! Y'all keep up the good work ...your journey is beginning!!! Mine will be mid feb... I can't wait!
  3. Dear Lan, My heart breaks for u... I pray this new med is what u need! Ur story gives me pause because my surgery is mid feb. I'm curious to know your background with weight...u are definately right about the rapid weight loss and hormonal changes taking place and my thought is u will be lots better when ur weight has stabilized. Our hormones are major!!! Have u thought of a full scale hormone panel .. Ur doc should at least do this for u... And ins should pay for it... I truly feel u would benefit from it greatly as well! Also... I wanted to tell u that accupuncture works too.. I'm truly not a new age anti drug promoter... U must do what works for u... But thru my 15 yrs of trial and error he'll I wish I had known about accupuncture! Also masssages help with relaxation. If low on money treat urself good by taking hot baths and this sounds corny but hum when very anxious!!! Believe me it works!! Kind of like meditation but the actual humming sound brings you down immediately... U can feel the tension dissipate right then! I drink Chamomile tea and I add lemon and honey for flavor this tea promotes well being and relaxation... Plz try it... And it's not great on it's own.. But if u drink it daily u will feel a difference. Also vitamin e is a natural anti depressant make sure ur on 5000 ie daily of that. Ur b vitamins b6 &12 are major important...I do 2000 mcg daily sublingual of vit b12. When ur really down...can't get out of bed down... Try watching, reading, listening to uplifting positve things... Our mind is so powerful... I literally have to talk myself into being functional some days.. And honestly it works 95% of the time but, the other times I just feel it and there's nothing I can do but get thru it. I am a very faithful person and I don't know about u and definately don't want to offend u in any way... But God truly pulls me thru along w my family!!! My friend believe me when I say... Tomarrow is a better day... I know hopelessness, despair, sadness and desperation and when ur in it... It feels all consuming!!! Be good to yourself Lan!! Be ur best friend and treat urself the way u would treat the person u love most in the world! Remember u can only do what u can do... And that's good enough my friend!!! I wish u all the best.. In the meantime take it easy...God love you! Ttyl
  4. I was diagnosed with bipolar in 1995 have been hospitalized twice been on every medication I can think of... Lithium, valproic acid, Prozac, zoloft, paxil, welbutrin,seroquil, celexa, geodon, u name it.... The last two worked really well for me with the least side affects... With the others I would literally wake up clawing at the sheets because of anxiety... With that said coming off of all medications they must be tapered off... I feel for u going thru drs. I feel ur pain because my list is tremendous... So much money the least they can do is their job. The mental health system will make someone mental if they aren't already. Please keep trying to find a dr. That will listen and work with you.! I will tell you geodon is about 240 per mo. :-( yep, it sux! I ended up having to stop my meds due to financial probs but, I started exercising, taking Vitamins, herbal teas as well as melatonin to sleep well and I've done well. My prob was more depression... My mania is few and far between now. I pray for strength for u... I still go thru rough times but I started wondering about the long term affects of the meds I was taking! Kinda damned if u do, damned if u don't huh? God bless u!
  5. Hey all, Sarah bless ur heart...I know & understand just how u feel... I think we're all going thru it. I told my husband if it were happening tomarrow I'd b good... Alot less anxiety...some advice... Chamomile tea... Works for me and my nerves...lol...plus I take melatonin 3 mg to sleep well... I've been a bundle of nerves!!! I'm getting a lil' better tho. Bella, ur on ur way lady and I'm so proud for u... For all of us..my husband has told me everday how beautiful I am and u know for once I would love to feel that way for myself! He doesn't understand... He's 6'4 built well without having to exercise himself to death and can eat whatever he wants....it drives me insane! Lol...but now I have hope and I'm lovin it! I'm the type of person that I will do the work... Just show me some results... I swear I can diet for weeks and lose 9 lbs then gain 10 if I eat over a weekend. Im not sure if I want people to know yet... My mom and sis know but that's it. I just don't want all the questions and judgements. I really am grateful for the inspirational stories on here... At least y'all know what I'm going thru. That is sooo comforting. Bella... I'm not sure about pics yet... I'll have to give that some thought... That's nothing new for me though, when I was going thru pics .. It was almost impossible to find some of me because the bigger I get the less I take... It's so sad for my son too... I can barely find any of him and I together, because of my issues w weight. I'm just soo done!! Sarah, if I couldve done this in my twenties girl I wouldve... I'm jealous.. Lol... Ur so young and have sooo many great yrs ahead of u and just think of how great you'll feel...& look!!! I can't wait.. My life is finally starting!!! Yaaaa!!!
  6. Hey Bella, I'll definately keep in touch...I'm 39...and lots like you...I've steadily gained 87lbs over the past 11yrs...my highest was 237... I was 202 when I had a tummy tuck/lipo and convinced it was what I needed to begin a weight loss journey... I lost to 196...looked ok ... Then it started coming on...I had a complete hysterectomy 3 yrs before and my weight had been stable so I thought I would b alot better. About a yr later plus about 15 lbs... My gallbladder had to be removed. It was downhill from there... They were All painful surgeries so I know what it's like to be in tons of pain so that's not my concern here. I'm an emotional eater... And I'm hoping this is my answer. I once had a class with a girl who had her teeth wired shut and I can honestly say Ive never even considered that...lol even though she lost 60lbs in 3 mos... I've researched this alot and sooo glad I found this forum. I'm feel I've finally found the answer to my prayers. I'll be rooting for y'all and soon after will be following your lead!!! Keep in touch!
  7. bkind

    VSG at "low" BMI?

    Hey, since y'all were low bmi what were your weight losses?? How long has it taken y'all? Were there lots of stalls? Who did u go to? Keep up the good work!
  8. Thank you for your comments on Tj... I'm self pay and will be going mid feb. I can ease my mind now andits a huge load off believe me! I wish you great success and a speedy recovery! Keep us posted!!!
  9. bkind

    Feeling down....

    I understand completely what you're feeling.. You are not alone it gets overwhelming sometimes... Just know this will be a great journey of strength and endurance!!! At least we're making the decision for health and happiness and I don't know about y'all but it's been dang hard being fat and unhealthy! It's our time...and each day draws us closer to self acceptance and self love...I've been missing that for a very long time!!!
  10. Congrats!!!! I'm so proud for u...and everyone else that's been thru it! I'll b there soon! Keep up the good work!
  11. Hey Bella, I'm so jealous... You'll b about a week before me. My taxes don't come in until feb 12 so my surgery won't b until about 17th. It sounds like we'll b around the same starting weigh except I'm going to do the shake fast for about a week. I'm at 229 right now and I'm 5'6. My goal is 145...I'm excited/anxious right now so I can only imagine how you are feeling so close to the day. I'm having trouble with the "what if's" going thru my head too. I pray I'm doing the right thing. My son is 11 and so far I've told him I'm having surgery on my stomach like my gallbladder surgery. I'm self pay and going to Tj, my sis might be going with otherwise I'll b going alone. I'm exhausted all the time and lok forward to having energy again... Not to mention bye bye back pain... There are so many pros and for alot of people it's been great...I just hope it's the same for me. I cleaned ou my closet too and it's the same for me..clothes too small even from a yr ago...I pulled out old pics as well just to remind myself of what I used to look like.. I've been overwieght now for 11 yrs and I'm done with it... Been on every diet, even had a tummy tuck only to gain 30 lbs after...lol. Even w/ my doubts I know I have to do this! Good luck to you!!!
  12. Hey susan,

    I'm new and need info on Dr. Almanza...as I've read quite a bit and am confused as u can imagine...any insight is greatly appreciated..I'm wanting surgery mid Feb...thanks, Teresa

  13. Hey,

    I'm new and need info on Dr. Almanza....ready to go as of yesterday...lol...plz tell me what u wanted to know when u started out? Thanks, Teresa

  14. Hey Vegas,

    I'm new and have tons of questions about vsg...i too am thinking of going with Dr.'s in Mexico...need help plz...suggestions? Bring it all...thanks ....Teresa

  15. Hey Tracy, I'm new and have no idea what I'm doing but I saw a post that u were wondering about carecredit...what concerned u about them? Did it turn out ok? Plz contact me and let me know how it all turned out...ty :-)

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