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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SnowDaisy

  1. SnowDaisy

    Struggling...is it too late?

    There was a study done that proves lack of sleep and or stress will make you retain fat...until the stress is addressed it will be tough to lose the weight. Xx
  2. SnowDaisy

    my first problem

    So far I have no problem with liquids at all...and can drink them normally, fast like pre op. Mushy is not so bad...
  3. I don't see why you can't continue with this then....good luck xx
  4. Hold on to them. After the surgery you might be sensitive to taste and smells and if you don't like your Protein drinks or can't manage anything else, the Ensure drinks just might be your best friend. Did you get the high protein Ensure? Xx
  5. SnowDaisy

    Sleep Apnea

    I always believed that sleep apnea is one of the co-morbidities listed for WLS. Good luck xx
  6. SnowDaisy

    PICC line question

    Hiya I had to have a Pic Line. I was given this because my veins are flat and thin and hard to get to. My Pic line went on the underside of the top of my arm...best thing ever...it saved me from constantly being stuck...I ended up having a low potassium level and had 4 bags of it via the pic line. Once it's in, you won't know it's there. Good luck on your surgery x
  7. SnowDaisy


    Just wanted to wish you good luck... I am hypothyroid and have felt better taking Armor. Xx
  8. Mine was how much I loved my husband and kids...not forgetting my dog, to which I made my husband make me all sorts of promises regarding how to care for her...and to tell the kids how much I loved them. Then I thought if I do die, please let it be under aesthetic....lol....I'm a coward and I don't like pain or suffering. Of course none of the above was necessary....
  9. SnowDaisy


    I developed 4 hernias after the sleeve I had....well to be honest I already had a small one prior to that but they got significantly bigger. I had to have them repaired during my Bypass. I heard or read somewhere that you can develop a hernia after any surgery, especially open surgery. Xx
  10. SnowDaisy

    Just Curious

    Because the sleeve failed for me. X
  11. SnowDaisy

    my first problem

    Ironically my doc told me to have the occasional teaspoon of peanut butter and so I did. It hurt. But it was regular but smooth peanut butter, (I really misunderstood) not the powdered type. I think because it was sticky, it kind of got stuck. Maybe some of your peanut butter remained in the pouch, then when you had the shake it kind of filled up. Xx
  12. SnowDaisy

    Introduction -- my story

    I think your journey is like most of us; before you know it the weight has piled on and then we go through all the diets on the planet to get rid of the weight only to have come back threefold. Well done on your journey so far.. Xx
  13. I don't think the bypass is any quicker in the beginning, but overall I think you will lose more. I don't want to put you off of anything, but I will tell you my sleeve 4 years ago failed. At first it was great but by 6 months I had zero restriction and it made my reflux worse and I ended up with 4 hernias. Plus my surgeon does not have any faith in the sleeve at all, and judging by the amount of revisions that he does from sleeve to bypass, I think he might be right. I should add that when he did an fluoroscope prior to my bypass, my sleeve was huge, bell shaped and twisted...so I had the bypass two weeks ago. But all that is just my experience...some sleepers are still doing ok after a couple of years. I think the thing to ask your self and of course your surgeon is about the longevity of your tool and would you be prepared to go for a revision if the sleeve failed? Once again, really not trying to change your mind, just giving you my experience. All the best Xx
  14. SnowDaisy

    2 weeks post op weight loss

    Wow...3 months out..that does surprise me..I bet I can expect the same then. Xxx
  15. SnowDaisy

    my first problem

    Wow....hope you are ok now. If you hadn't said it was unjury I would have thought you had drank something with sugar. Xx
  16. SnowDaisy

    2 weeks post op weight loss

    I wish I had the words to help you feel better. I can only try and empathize your dilemma. I will ask you though if you are taking account that it might be that other peoples stats are different to yours...the more weight someone has to lose the more they'll lose in the first few weeks. I would have liked to have lost more than 12 lbs in my first two weeks, but I have been on a pre-op diet for at least six weeks prior to surgery, now I know that counts, so I just sucked that up. I checked others who had surgery the same time as me and the "big loses" were definitely heavier than me. I'm not medical or an expert, just struggling along with the rest of us. But, I do know that physiologically and biologically with the operation we have just had and the tiny amounts of food we eat, it is impossible not to lose weight. It will happen. My check up is next week and I sure hope they do blood work on me...so I do think your aftercare was a bit lacking...did you get to tell them your fears about your loss? If so, what did they say? Like I say, I'm no expert but if you need someone to sound off to, you just sound off whenever you need to. Xxx
  17. SnowDaisy

    Having chest pains.

    It could be absolutely nothing, it could be reflux...but if you are worried a visit to your PCM might be a good idea...they'll give you an ECG and rule out anything worrying. I had this before surgery and for me it was part of my gastritis/reflux. Good luck Xx
  18. SnowDaisy

    5 months out, nauseous for over a week

    Someone with more experience than me might correct me but I think going back to the pouch test might be a good option for you. Biotin has got a great reputation for helping those who fear losing their hair...I started mine prior to my surgery and take it last thing at night. Good luck X
  19. SnowDaisy

    Alice in Wonderland

    With a little smile I have to say I did exactly the same as you...then it all got a little overwhelming. I constantly worried if I were doing the right thing. You should have seen what I took to the hospital, lol...I used very little of it. You'll be fine...good luck and well done thus far. Xx
  20. SnowDaisy


    It's no good, yogurts are definitely going to be out of the question...I'm definitely lactose intolerant. Oh well, another food bites the dust...lol
  21. SnowDaisy

    C Difficilw and chronic pain :'(

    You say your pain is predominantly on the right hand side. Is there a possibility that it's your gall bladder? Your symptoms sure sound like it could be. Hope you feel better soon. Xx
  22. SnowDaisy

    2 weeks post op weight loss

    12lbs exactly (6lbs each week) X
  23. 202lbs on day of surgery

  24. SnowDaisy

    7 Bites Season 2 Is Underway!

    All that talk of butchering and hunting....I'm out
  25. Hi guys It's probably my taste buds changed but omg...all the Protein shakes and even the chewable Vitamins are just too sweet for me...what happened?...I used to have such a sweet tooth and I'm not even a week out yet. But, on a serious note...sweets things are what got a lot of us here in the first place. Don't you think these companies should be marketing their products to suit all tastes or at least give us the WLS post op patient the choice to add sweet if we want to or need to. I said to my husband tonight...I know before I would not have turned down a sweet treat before, but that last shake is so sweet I'd rather go without...I would have been happier if it had tasted like Mac and cheese or just plain old Soup. Xxx

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
