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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ladybashful

  1. so i met some 1 who has the surgery and she poped her staples so im freaked out i dnt like the idea of having staples i have 2 things to do an i think i haven't been doing them cuz im scared. n my mom waz in the hospital so i had no transportation. im basically here for support and success stories im also afraid u starve after surgery appreciate all comments
  2. im kinda worried im not goin to be pefect u know after the surgry i dnt want to mess up on the protein im a late sleeper n my dietrian is just worried i understand they want the best. i just wana talk if you are a long time sleever pls email me at mzbashful05@yahoo.com
  3. wow it seems like forever since i started this process im gettin frustrated cuz ppl n my fam kinda is the reason i couldnt get these stupied thngs done i have blood work a sleep apena class which i thnk is crap gosh they r bustin my chops just to get this surgry its overwhelmin and feels im never go to get it help i need sum one to talk to
  4. wow it seems like forever since i started this process im gettin frustrated cuz ppl n my fam kinda is the reason i couldnt get these stupied thngs done i have blood work a sleep apena class which i thnk is crap gosh they r bustin my chops just to get this surgry its overwhelmin and feels im never go to get it help i need sum one to talk to
  5. ladybashful


    I DNT KNOW IF THE SLEEVE IS FOR ME OR YOU CAN EVEN LOOSE ALOT OF WEIGHT ALL YOU PEOPLE ARE NOT THAT MUCH OVER WEIGHT WHEN YOU STARTED. im so worried the surgeon wnt approve my surgery. Ive been workin hard i gained weight n lost lbs of it i cnt belive the calorie diet actually works so im sure if i just keep it up i loose more.it sucks cuz im on a emotional roller coaster. I fished my last class ya im so happy but i have a cuple other things to do that will take less then a month then they will refure me lets see what else o ya my mom is a total bitch an vary selfish i think she is jealous cus she did the carb diet n lost like 150 lbs n now she gaining. SHE IS SO UNSUPPORTAIVE I DNT KNOW IF SHE IS JELOUS IT SEEMS LIKE IT WELL THATS MY NEW STORY
  6. n exerizize. o how many classes did u take

  7. o i knw its hard and iam stressin i have three more classes to go i do belive as long as u try u can still get it but i thnk they really want ur food logs u drinkin water n keepin up with ur protein ur fine cuz thats really important

  8. o me too brole my laptop so i finally got a new one ne way did u loose the requried weight im stressed i wnt lose it n they wnt give me the surgry

  9. it seems that i have no energy they want us to exersize i guess they want to b sure u continue after surgery
  10. im also a kieser member let me know how long u have been n ur classes im also n west covina that.would b funny if we were n the same class

  11. im also a kieser meber when did u start u class n its weird im n w.covina to can we talk

  12. u weigh ur self at the dr or sumwhere and then u weigh ur self sumwhere else and its like way higher n how do u know which one is right
  13. this is the weird.thing there both i thnk the same type i weight my self b 4 my class started i was five.pounds more i went cus i was sick i went back agian i lost five lbs i go to the.class n it said i.was.20lbs more then the other one n a week b4 i went to the dr it said i lost this.one said.i.gained five idk cuz they go by this.weight scale its just confusin cuz.i belive ive been eattin less cuz im.takin protein drinks but mayb thats whats makin me gain im just stressed now im really.cuttin out the junk food n sweets

  14. ladybashful


    worried bout not been able to loose the weight b 4 surgrey im stressed but its 37 lbs i thnk i can do it i am the kind of person of person who wont give
  15. hey how r u i havent been on cuz my laptop broke n i just started the classes. i have a question what u have to do to get the surgrey

  16. hi i have question did u have to diet b for u got the surgrey if yes was it hard n what did u do

  17. i know the bypass you can stretch it but not for awhile. but i heard right after surgery with the sleeve u can which is pretty impossible im sure cus we are so use to are old stomach now it's smaller and u get full faster i can never really get full until i started drinkin protein drinks . i was suppose to already been doing classes so i dnt know anything and haven't been able too ask questions i am so excited this month is almost over i should start my classes at kaiser :001_tongue:
  18. ladybashful


  19. ladybashful

    photoalbum 55052079 user5241363

    From the album: me

  20. ladybashful


    From the album: me

  21. ladybashful


    From the album: me

  22. my mom did the carb diet n looks great but theres a possibly u can gain it back if u go off the carb diet and she did and is gaining. I know alot about the bypass but not intrested in it iam however becoming vary interested in the sleeve especially comin on here u people are really helping me make my decion. and i do have support just need sum from ppl who has been though it

  23. ladybashful

    Speak now PLEASE

    ok i do have yahoo mzbashful05@YAHOO.COM
  24. I have been over weight all my life. I was 16 when i was in a abusive mental and psychically also emotionally relationship so when we broke up i went in a deep depression in gained about100 lbs then i had a 10 lb baby girl and gained a bout 80 now she is 4 and i probably have gained 50 more. i wanted to get it after i had my daughter because i hit 300 i couldn't belive that was my highest weight the doctor wouldn't do the referral cause she thought i could lose weight on my own since i was weighing in every week and kept loosing weight i guess back then u had to be able to prove you couldn't lose weight. so it's been 3 years and im not losing weigh just gaining i feel i have a medical problem but all my test came back fine. for those three years i have just been scared to do the surgery. i don't know what to expect im afriad i won't be able to take care of my 4 year old:crying:that is my biggest fear. and i can't rest i heard you have to rest i mean i do and will have help from my grandma she the only person but i don't want to stress her out. i need sum support bad from you people please if you want to email me i have yahoo it's mzbashful05@yahoo.com

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