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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Status Updates posted by ladybashful

  1. n exerizize. o how many classes did u take

  2. o i knw its hard and iam stressin i have three more classes to go i do belive as long as u try u can still get it but i thnk they really want ur food logs u drinkin water n keepin up with ur protein ur fine cuz thats really important

  3. o me too brole my laptop so i finally got a new one ne way did u loose the requried weight im stressed i wnt lose it n they wnt give me the surgry

  4. im also a kieser member let me know how long u have been n ur classes im also n west covina that.would b funny if we were n the same class

  5. im also a kieser meber when did u start u class n its weird im n w.covina to can we talk

  6. this is the weird.thing there both i thnk the same type i weight my self b 4 my class started i was five.pounds more i went cus i was sick i went back agian i lost five lbs i go to the.class n it said i.was.20lbs more then the other one n a week b4 i went to the dr it said i lost this.one said.i.gained five idk cuz they go by this.weight scale its just confusin cuz.i belive ive been eattin less cuz im.takin protein drinks but mayb thats whats makin me gain im just stressed now im really.cuttin out the junk food n sweets

  7. hey how r u i havent been on cuz my laptop broke n i just started the classes. i have a question what u have to do to get the surgrey

  8. hi i have question did u have to diet b for u got the surgrey if yes was it hard n what did u do

  9. my mom did the carb diet n looks great but theres a possibly u can gain it back if u go off the carb diet and she did and is gaining. I know alot about the bypass but not intrested in it iam however becoming vary interested in the sleeve especially comin on here u people are really helping me make my decion. and i do have support just need sum from ppl who has been though it

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