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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About CoachKK

  • Rank
    Expert Member
  • Birthday 02/06/1970

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  1. How have you been? Update!

  2. CoachKK

    my big day is tomorrow

    Congratulations. Like everybody days it really does get better. Just hang on and you will be at one week before you know it!
  3. CoachKK

    Found a great WLS gourmet cookbook

    I checked it out and it looks great! The rest of my family might even it. Thanks!
  4. CoachKK

    Whiney....need advice

    Thank you so much. I hadn't heard yet of the nectar drinks so I will try them. I just tried the unflavored in grape Crystal Light but I could still taste it and it smelled awful.....maybe it's all in my head, so I'll try again with a different flavor.
  5. CoachKK

    Whiney....need advice

    Wannalise - I just wanted to thank you so much for your reply. You are the only one who seemed to have any advice and I really appreciate it!!
  6. CoachKK

    So, tomorrow...

    Yea....that's great. You will do great!
  7. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and went back the following Monday. I was sore and got tired towards the end of the day. But is was definitely doable.
  8. Okay, I know I'm being whiney and frustrated.... but I need some advice from those ahead of me. I had my one week follow up 2 days ago and my Protein and Fluid intake was increased to 60 grams and 60 oz. I can't fathom how to get it, since I could barely get in 40. I can have cream Soup but if I'm only having 2-4 oz a few times a day how do you figure the protein? I'm drinking Isopure (which makes me thirsty) and trying to get the 40 grams( which takes all day) from that because the milky Protein drinks I just can't get down. Since I'm still fatigued in the afternoon they said to make sure I get it all in. I'm sipping constantly but get the hiccups all the time. Doesn't that mean I'm doing it too fast or too much? All in all, I'm whiney, crabby and frustrated. Help?!
  9. CoachKK

    Yeah, ouch! first day post-op

    I was sore for a couple of days and took my pain meds. I don't think there is any shame in taking them. I know I kind of felt like I shouldn't need them because I read others didn't need them. We are all different so if you need them for a few days take it. It does get better!
  10. I am so sorry and can imagine your frustration. But how awesome you have 100% coverage! Hang in there.
  11. CoachKK

    New and have questions

    I'm only a week out and still tired in the afternoon evening. Otherwise I feel great. I had my surgery on a Tuesday and was back at work on the following Monday.
  12. CoachKK

    Got my date!!

    That's so exciting! Congratulations!
  13. CoachKK

    Got a Date

    Yea! It's amazing how fast it comes up.
  14. CoachKK

    Potato soup for full liquids

    I start full liquids tomorrow and can't wait. This sounds great. How much did you all eat? 2 oz-4 oz?
  15. I felt the same way. Sometimes I still feel that way and I have been sleeved for a week. I'm sure it will seem real for both of us real soon!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
