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About erika9498

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  • Birthday 12/19/1973

About Me

  • Biography
    Married with 2 beautiful daughters
  • Interests
    My hobbies seem to include work and chasing kids!
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    san angelo
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  1. Hey Erika,


    I had to get the referral from my PCM, attend the bariatric seminar, and then consult with the surgeon. I also had to have a psych eval, and nutritional consult. I did not have to do anything for 6 months. If a civilian is doing the surgery, they may require a 6 month nutritional consult, but our base here does not require that. I had to meet with a nutrtionist right before surgery again just to go back over the post-op diet.


    I am not sure what the requirements are for Goodfellow. But, the first step is to get a referral.


    Are you going to use a civilian surgeon or going to use the base surgeon?


    Do you have Tricare Prime or Standard? Plus, I heard the requirements may be changing here in 2010, but I am not sure what the new requirements might be. Also, you BMI, and co-morbidities will be assessed to determine if you are eligible for surgery. If I can be of any assistance, feel free to contact me.



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