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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SElaine

  1. Hi Ihadenuf...... I don't mean to alarm you, but I would definately call your doctor and tell them about your pain. I had the same pain that you are describing. It was on my left side, around my rib cage. It hurt terribly; Sometimes it hurt just to breathe. I asked about it on this board, but really didn't have much luck with answers. The pain lessened for a while but kept coming back again. Long story short I had an abcess (puncture) in my stomach from the banding. The abcess became infected. The infection spread to my liver. I had to have an emergency surgery, two blood transfusions, and spent 11 days in the hospital. I certainly don't mean to imply that you are in the same situation. However, I do wish I had done something about my pain earlier and saved myself a lot of trouble. Call your doc. And keep us updated.
  2. SElaine

    Newbie here

    Hey, Iluvcarbs! How nice you found us over here. Actually, I haven't logged in for quite a while. I'm surprised by how quiet it is. Where did everybody go? Well, no matter. You are here! As for the hospital stay, I think a lot of it depends on your insurance, what time of day you have your surgery, etc. I was a cash-pay patient and stayed overnight. I think all of the others that had their surgery on the same day I did ended up staying overnight, as well. A lot of it may be personal opinion. If you have the option to stay overnight, I would recommend it. But, that's just me. It certainly wasn't a peaceful night's sleep; The silly IV machine kept beeping all night long. They couldn't get it to stop, even though they changed machines and changed my IV twice. Then there were the respiratory therapy people that came in every few hours to make you breathe. Hmmm...... on second thought...... just kidding. OK. The swallow test. I have a lot of experience with that one, since I have had 4 of them. I did overhear a nurse recently say that they were no longer going to do those routinely on every patient, just if they think it's needed. I don't know if that's true, but wouldn't it be nice! Anyway, my first swallow test I had just come out of surgery. Well, at any rate I was still trying to wake up. It was an awful experience. I was so asleep I couldn't stand on the machine and almost rolled off. They kept yelling at me to wake up and had to get some guy to come hold me on so I didn't fall off. My first time around, they had the machine upright so you had to stand on it and then they moved you down to a laying down position. Yeah, that didn't go over very well with someone who was still trying to wake up. Then they kept yelling at me to drink.... drink.... drink...... and there was the straw. And all I kept thinking about was "I'm not supposed to use a straw". It was nuts. But, hey, got through it. The subsequent tests went much better, mostly because I was actually awake. And on the subsequent tests, they had you climb up on the table which was already in a flat position, so there wasn't as much moving around. The stuff you drink tastes terrible, though. Have some mouthwash in your room to rinse with afterwards. The recovery from surgery wasn't that bad. I know a lot of people say they were themselves again in a day or two. Well, realistically for me I'd say it was about day 10 or so before I felt "normal" again. But, it went by quickly. Finally, let me just say that I think you made a great decision going with Dr. DeBarros. He's the best and he'll take care of you. Good luck to you and keep in touch!
  3. SElaine

    Support Group

    Kristin, Yay! So glad you found us! :confused: See you Monday! P.S. What are you going to wear?
  4. SElaine

    PCOS and lap band

    Hello, everyone! I apologize if there is already a PCOS thread, but I couldn't find one. I am wondering if any PCOS women out there have had the band and if it's helped them loose weight. I am getting conflicting information on whether or not it will work in PCOS women. Any feedback would be great. Thanks!
  5. SElaine

    May 2007 Banders

    Tami, I think you need to go get an unfill. It's not healthy to be vomiting. Yes, I had a similar problem. 3 1/2 weeks after surgery I had to go in for an unfill. I could barely get liquids down, much less move on to mushies or solids. It was a relief. After the unfill, I felt better and could eat normally. It has not slowed my weight loss. I was banded 5-21 and have lost around 56 pounds.
  6. SElaine

    Arizona lap-band surgeons

    Karen, Congrats! You are getting so close! I was on a two week liquid Protein diet prior to surgery. Different surgeons have different requirements, though, so I would definately check w/ your doctor's office.
  7. SElaine

    Hey Everyone

    Julie, Thanks for the encouragement. Isn't it exciting you already lost 13 pounds so quickly? I lost 15 pounds during my pre-op diet; most of that was during the first week. My recovery went well. I have to say, though, that I was a little surprised at how long the initial recovery took. I had read so many stories about how people went back to work within a day, left the hospital after an hour, etc. etc. etc. that I thought it was going to be a cake-walk. Don't get me wrong-- I suppose in the grand scheme of things it probably is a fairly easy surgery. It's just that I wasn't doing cartwheels on day 2. it took me about 2 full weeks to be able to sleep in my bed comforatably. It also took about two weeks to be able to sit upright at a computer screen for more than just a few minutes at a time. The area where my port is was really sore for those first few weeks. But now, nine weeks out, I feel like a completely new person and no pain whatsoever. Thank goodness. Oh, here's one I didn't expect: Don't be surprised if you come home from the hospital looking 8 months pregnant and weighing 10 pounds more than when you went in. I was bloated and swollen for quite a while. Suggestions: *Buy some liquid tylenol and have it on hand before you get home from the hospital. After the first day or two, you probably won't need the strong pain killer but will probably want something. At least, that is how I felt. *A heating pad could help w/ soreness and gas pains *Keep a pillow in the car for the drive home and keep one near the first few days after surgery. If you have to cough or sneeze, it really helps to hold it against your abdomen. *Some slip-on shoes or slippers for the hospital. You need to get up and walk but probably will be unable to bend over to tie shoes or put on socks. I hope this helps. If I think of anything else, I'll keep you posted.
  8. SElaine

    Arizona lap-band surgeons

    So, here's my story.... I went to seminars w/ Dr. Simpson, Dr. Blackstone, and Dr. DeBarros (WLIAZ). For me, there wasn't a question about who I felt most comforatable with and who I felt knew my needs the best. I went w/ the team of Dr. DeBarros and Dr. Orris at WLIAZ. I am a cash pay patient. I'll be honest; they were not the cheapest. However, I firmly believe you get what you pay for so finding the best deal was a concern, but not my biggest priority. My biggest priority was, of course, my safety and well-being. Anyway, it has been a little more than two months since banding and I couldn't be happier. I have made good progress (52 pounds so far!), and I am pleased w/ the support I have gotten. Mike (the dietician) is the best. There have been several times when I needed questions answered and one time in particular I just needed to reach somebody. He has always replied right away and gone out of his way to help. He's awesome. Dr. DeBarros has a great bedside manor. I appreciate that he spends time with you when you are in and does the fills himself. It's a relief to know your surgeon is not going to hand you over to a NP or someone else after surgery. I hear that his partner, Dr. Orris, is great, too, although I don't have any personal experience w/ him. I do like the fact that there are the two of them, though. There is always somebody on call that can be reached, if needed. So, that in a nutshell is my experience. Anyone else?
  9. SElaine

    Hey Everyone

    Hey, guys! It's been a while. I figured it was time for an update. How is everyone? (and where did everybody go?) Nichole, So glad to hear you are doing well! Isn't that exciting about the seatbelt? I can totally relate. I haven't flown yet since my surgery, but I can't wait just so I can prove to myself I can get the seatbelt on! Do you have a date for your fill yet? Julie, Congrats on your date! It is going to go by quickly. You are so close! How's the pre-op diet coming along? I'm hoping you are not still sick! OK everybody. I had my first fill today. Yay! I have to say I was a little nervous but it went great. Dr. DeBarros is GREAT and I really appreciate that he actually spends time with you at your appointmements. (And, by the way, he's looking really good, too!) And, here's the best part..... 52 pounds gone since my first weigh-in. :biggrin1:
  10. SElaine

    Support Group

    Yes, and yes. I had to go in for an unfill at about 4 weeks out. I was too constricted and too much restriction without even having my first fill. Dr. Orris said at the support group meeting last night that many people find perfect restriction without a fill or on the first fill. Dr. DeBarros said last night that he has never had a fill, either.
  11. SElaine

    Support Group

    Hi Diane! Yes, I have the new band. So does Virginia (Virginiann), Nichole (forgve70x7), and LilMonkey. (Are you still around LilMonkey? Haven't heard from you in a while.) Oh, and yes, Dr. DeBarros has the new band as well. My surgery was done by Dr. DeBarros, but Dr. Orris seems awesome. I have seen him many times in the office. I think you are in good hands! Welcome to our group! Hopefully we can meet up sometime after you get here.
  12. SElaine

    Another Newby! Self Payer

    Hi Paragirl! Welcome to LBT! I, too, am a self-pay bander. My insurance doesn't cover any weight related procedures. Frustrating, isn't it? I was banded on May 21 of this year. It has been less than two months and I am feeling great. I am down 50 pounds from what I weighed in at on my first appt. I would do it again in a heartbeat. It's not easy, but seeing the progress I've made this far keeps me motivated. Good luck to you! I hope all goes well for you today!
  13. SElaine

    Support Group

    Any new info on the Saturday support group?
  14. SElaine

    Hey Everyone

    OK, I'm back from my vacation. Where did everybody go? V.... Sorry to hear about the emergency in your family. I hope everyone is safe and well. Did you get your fill on Thursday? How is your restriction now? How cool you and Karen got to have breakfast together. I am so jealous. I would have loved to have been there. Nichole.... How are you doing? Did the surgery go well? It's been a week, how are you feeling? I remembered you last Monday! I am down another 8 pounds after my two week vacation. Isn't that exciting? Who would have thought I could go on vacation and actually lose weight, instead of gaining? Here's the cool part..... I am now down 50 pounds since my first weight-in. Woo-hoo! :clap2: I think it may be time for a fill. I am starving all of the time. I'm still good about eating only small amounts, but then I'm sooo hungry an hour or two later. And when I get hungry, I tend to want to eat the naughty stuff, you know? I'm a sucker for sweets. I'm going to wait and see how I do this week now that I'm back home and back to my regular routine. In some respects, I think it may have been a little easier on vacation because I had all of the extended family microscoping everything I ate plus I was just busy and on the go all of the time. Does that make sense to anyone? Anyway, I'll just see how I do this week and if I need to, I'll call next Monday for a fill appt. I know one thing, though. It sucks being too restricted. I don't want to go through that again. Please give an update and let me know how ya'll are doing!
  15. SElaine

    Dr Simpson

    Hi Betty! I looked into Dr. Simpson. I had a first appt. and went to the seminar with him. I also looked into two other places before deciding where to have the surgery. Are you a cash pay patient? This is a major decision. Before you decide on a surgeon, I would suggest checking out several. There is a difference in quality. Good luck with your search. If you have any other questions, please ask! Shauna
  16. SElaine

    Hey Everyone

    Hey gang! This is the first time I've had to check-in since I've been on vacation. So far, things are going pretty well. I am actually proud I've been eating pretty well. (Except for the 4th. Well, one bad day can be expected, right? I had some fruit salad that I know was full of sugar and a little piece of cake. Oh, and today I had a margarita! ) I can tell that my swelling has gone down. I don't feel like I have much restriction. I do find that I have to eat every few hours or I am starving! V, how's your restriction after your fill? Did I read somewhere you ate steak and corn on the cob? Seriously? Goodness, girl, I'm still shying away from hamburger meat! I don't think I'd even attempt a steak! I had a salad the other day from Subway that had sliced roast beef on it and I had to pick off the roast beef. It was too chewy and tough. The chicken, ham, and turkey went down fine, though. Oh.... I have a happy story. I went to one of my favorite stores (that we don't have in AZ) to buy some clothes. I bought some shorts in a size smaller than I thought I needed in hopes they would be motivation to keep doing well. (Three sizes smaller than when I started this process.) Guess what? When I got back I tried them on and they fit! I couldn't believe it! I was soooo excited! I have no idea what my weight is doing. I haven't weighed myself since being on vacation. V... when are you leaving for vacation? I hope you have a great time in San Diego. I'm going to the lake all next week so I won't be able to check in. I hope everyone is doing well. I should be able to check in again tonight or tomorrow. I hope everyone is doing well!
  17. SElaine

    Support Group

    Did you see Mike today? Is it normal to see him on every visit? I'm proud of you for getting us Saturday meetings. Way to go, girl. By the way, I think we are invited to bring a guest with us to the support meetings. If any of you non-WLIAZ banders want to go, let me know and you can be my guest.
  18. SElaine

    Post-Op Visit

    Hey, V! Congratulations! Woo-hoo! I'm glad all went well. So, you are really feeling the restriction, huh? That's cool. I am really starting to feel hungry-- some days worse than others. I'm sure I will need a fill one of these days. I'm just going to get through my vacation and see how it goes. As long as I'm losing at least 2 pounds a week I'm OK with that. Being too restricted was miserable. I can see how easy it would be to become dehydrated. Since I can't drink with my meals, I have to make it a point to drink otherwise. It can become all consuming. Did the fill hurt? Of course the shots themselves really don't hurt but my port site was still quite a bit tender and all of that poking around made it sore for a while. You? I only have 1cc in my band now. I had 2 cc but had 1cc taken out. To anyone that may have a little more experience with the band in this area than I do-- I read that menstruation causes some women to become more restricted. Anyone experience that? I am curious now because I have had the period from hell now for the past two weeks. Now I'm wondering if my sudden restriction had anything to do with that. Who knows. OK.... I'll check in tomorrow but then I'm outta here! I will try to check in while on vacation. When will you be back, V? I'll be gone for two weeks.
  19. SElaine

    Post-Op Visit

    Hey, V, how'd it go? How are you feeling?
  20. SElaine

    Support Group

    Hey, V! You did it! Mike is on the WLIAZ site asking who wants Saturday support groups! We need to log in and let him know so we can get them started! Woo-hoo!
  21. SElaine

    Post-Op Visit

    Hey, V! Where are you tonight? Good luck with your fill tomorrow! Be sure to check in and let us know how it goes!
  22. SElaine

    Hey Everyone

    Hey Everyone! I hear ya. At first my plan wasn't to tell anyone but immediate family, either. Of course my husband knew, but besides that I only told my parents. Well, found out later that my siblings knew.... and if they knew.... well, soon everyone would know. So, now I'm just open about it because I figure most people know anyway. Most people have been supportive. A lot of people asking a lot of questions. But there have also been a few less than helpful comments along the way. One person made the comment to me that starving myself wasn't a healthy way to lose weight. Of course, I made the comment that I wasn't starving and that the point was I wouldn't get hungry and I could eat less. Then that person said in their opinion that it was starving yourself and just disguising the body's natural desire to eat. So, in essence she was saying I was starving myself but just didn't know it. Told my mother-in-law last week. We are going on vacation to visit her in a few days and I knew at this point I knew I couldn't hide it from her. I figured it best to come clean so I don't offend her when I don't eat her cooking! She said, "Oh, I've heard of that. What happens when they blow you up so tight you burst?" , and then started laughing. Never once did she ask how the surgery went. Oh, well. You can't live your life by what others think or how they behave. I know this was the best decision for me. Nichole, The two week pre-op diet was tough. Hang in there, it does get better. Mike told me I could have boiled egg whites or skinless chicken breast if I needed something to eat. However, I found if I ate anything, it made it more difficult and I just wanted to eat more. After about 3-4 days it became pretty much routine. Some days were better than others, that's for sure. Just remember to keep you eye on the prize (a healthier you!) We've all been through it. I know I can sympathize! JMS, Are you able to eat OK now after your fill? Do you seem to be having any issues? Do you feel restricted enough? Phoenixwife, I am lucky in that my husband has always been completely supportive of me and the lap-band. However, I still don't think he has much comprehension of how difficult a process this really has been (and continues to be). He's the kind of guy who cuts out Coke for a couple of weeks and loses 40 pounds. He's also never had a surgery. I love him and I am so proud he is my husband, but it does help to have this community of people to turn to for support. Those who don't struggle with weight issues or who are not familiar with the lap-band just don't have the same perspective. And, frankly, this has been a difficult decision to make. Surgery has been emotionally, physically, and financially draining, and everyday is a major life change for me. It's comforting to know I can talk to others who are (or have been) in my situation and can understand what I'm going through.
  23. SElaine

    Post-Op Visit

    Hi Janie! Glad you are here! :welcome2:
  24. SElaine

    New Here, Lots Of Questions

    Hi JMS, Welcome! I was also self-pay. Yikes! I didn't realize the fills were that expensive. I thought I heard somewhere they were $250. Goodness, that's good to know. My insurance hasn't paid a single dime and they let me know they won't, either. I had 2cc. in my band and went in and had 1cc. taken out. I was too restricted; I was having trouble getting water down. I had difficulty getting answers from anyone for a couple of days and getting in was another story. Luckily, Dr. DeBarros told me he wouldn't charge me for that visit. Thank goodness. I'm nervous enough about ever getting another fill after what I went through. Now another $370 is like another stab in the gut. Oh, well. You can't put a cost on being healthy, right?
  25. SElaine

    Surgery Date - July 9

    Hey, Nichole! Welcome! I also had my surgery done by Dr. DeBarros. There are several of us on this board. If you get a chance, stop by the AZ board once in a while and check-in. We are going to try and have a get together once a month. If you are able to make it down, we would love to have you! The two week pre-op diet is tough. Hang in there! It will all be worth it in the end. July 9 is just around the corner! Good luck! Shauna

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