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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SElaine

  1. No. I do not and have never regretted the decision to have the lap-band.
  2. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    Hi KayBee! I think I know how you feel. My insurance didn't cover WLS at all. What a frustration! Nonetheless, I went to Dr. DeBarros and he has been wonderful. They have a good team there. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck at your appt. I have my fingers crossed for you that your insurance will cover your lap-band. It truly is a life changing experience.
  3. Hey, azcat! (Are you in AZ? I'm in Gilbert) This is a very important decision and certainly not one to be taken lightly. Some people just want to lose weight and aren't concerned with how their life will change until after... and then have trouble dealing with it. For me, I eat pretty normally. Yes, I eat less, but I still eat out, I still go to parties, and I still eat with my family. The difference-- for me-- is that I don't have the cravings or desire to overeat like I used to. I still eat the things I like, but after having some I am done. Does that make sense? I still eat popcorn, on occassion. I've never had a problem. The difference is, I eat a large handful and I'm satisfied. I don't have the desire to eat the rest of the bowl. I don't have a problem with turkey or whole wheat bread, either. (Although, personally, I found some whole wheat tortilla's that I like better and make wraps with them... but, to each their own.) The sucky part is you don't know if you'll have problems until you've gone through it and you experience for yourself which foods go down, etc. For me, I've NEVER once PB'd or slimed or had food come back up. Of course, that's no guarantee it won't happen in the future, or that it wouldn't happen to you. But, keep in mind, that if you are doing what you are supposed to do, you will minimize your chances of having complications, too. Feel free to PM me anytime.
  4. SElaine


    Ditto that. :biggrin: You are doing great. You should be proud. I certainly haven't lost 14 pounds since December! Everyone's pain tolerance is different, but I can say from my own experience and from what I hear from MOST people, it's not much to worry about. It's more like being uncomforatable for a few days.... and then life goes on.... and you continue to lose weight and feel better about yourself all around. Good luck!
  5. SElaine

    Lunch again-East Valley??

    Hello to you both! I also live in Gilbert. I'd certainly be open to meeting ya'll and getting together from time to time. I'm a mom, and I work outside the home a few days a week, but generally my schedule is pretty flexible. I also get together with some other Banders from time to time. I'll let you know if I hear of anythhing coming up. In the meanwhile, we can plan our own thing. Tammy, what is your schedule like?
  6. SElaine

    starting the journey in Mesa, AZ

    Hi Tammy! Congrats and keep us posted on your progress. You'll be banded before you know it!
  7. SElaine

    I'm Scared Now!

    Hello Heidisue! Being scared before surgery and questioning your decision is normal. This is a huge decision to make and it shouldn't be taken lightly. I, too, was scared to take the leap at first and actually postponed my surgery. Now I can't imagine not having had it. The truth of the matter is that MOST people do not have complications. You don't always hear those stories, though. I happen to know a lot of banded people (some from this forum) that don't post unless they have a problem or a question. People don't normally go looking for forums like this unless they have a problem they need assistance with or they are looking for information. It has been eight months since I had my lap band surgery. I have never once had a PB, vomited, or been dehydrated. If you learn your body signals and follow your doctors instructions, it's less likely any of these will happen. Other complications are out of your hands, but they are rare. Good luck to you.
  8. SElaine

    any other az bandster's?

    Hi Christal! It looks like you're making great progress! Congrats! I live in the east valley, but I know there are several on this site from the west valley, too. I'm sure we'll chat again! :wink2:
  9. SElaine

    Lots Of Gas And Back Pain

    I'm so sorry, V. This sounds terrible. I wish I could offer some breakthrough advice, but I don't have it. I just wanted to say I'm here for you ALWAYS. I hope Dr. O is able to help you feel better.
  10. SElaine

    Pre-Lap Band

    Hi Kathy, Welcome to LBT and congrats on your date! Tuesday will be here before you know it! Are you on a pre-op diet now? My recovery was fairly easy. I was up walking within a few hours. Within a couple of days I felt good, but it took about 10 days or so to feel completely back to normal. It was difficult to sleep in a bed the first few nights, as my port area was very sore it it hurt to twist or to lay on. I ended up sleeping in the recliner the first few nights. All in all, pretty easy. Much easier than the two c-sections I had. As far as the foods you can eat, I'm sure your doctor and/or dietician will cover that with you. Every doctor has different requirements. As for myself, I started on a liquid diet, progressed to soft or "mushy" foods, and solid foods a couple of weeks out. Where are you being banded? Wishing you good luck on Tuesday and through your journey!
  11. SElaine

    Need help finding Phoenix Dr.

    Laurie, Thinking of you and wishing you well. I hope the scope went well. Have you found out yet about your port and band?
  12. SElaine

    Need help finding Phoenix Dr.

    Laurie, Thanks for the update. I'm glad you were able to get in and I'm happy Dr. Orris treated you well. Good luck with your scope tomorrow. I hope all goes well. You'll be in my thoughts.
  13. SElaine

    Need help finding Phoenix Dr.

    I second that. He's awesome! You are in good hands. Let us know how it goes. I sure hope he's able to help. Good luck with your appt. today. My fingers are crossed for you.
  14. SElaine

    The Lapband and my journey...

    Wow! Congrats on your success thus far! For what it's worth, I don't think you need to leave. Most of us on this board have one thing in common: A struggle with weight. Some of us have been banded a while, some not, some have been unbanded, and some are here researching their options. It sounds like you found an option that works for you!
  15. SElaine

    Is anyone stuck?

    Yup, pretty much stuck juggling the same 5 pounds up and down since October. What am I doing about it? Well... had a fill this week, for starters. And now I'm back to way I was doing things as a newbie: Counting calories and Protein, eating when I should, etc. (Oh, and trying to get that exercise in.... Yeah... that one's a bit tougher. I'm doing better but not as much as I should.) Now that I've made it through the holidays and have re-looked at my "system", I'm hoping I'll be back on the losing track soon. I'll check back and let you know.
  16. SElaine

    Newbie in Sunny AZ!

    Hello Kittenqutie! Welcome to LBT! I am also in sunny AZ. Where are you and who's doing your band? Good luck to you. I'm looking forward to chatting with you more!
  17. SElaine

    Need help finding Phoenix Dr.

    laurieu, I'm so sorry to hear you are having complications. If there is anything I can do, please let me know. My docs were great. I would recommend them highly. I went to WLIAZ in Tempe. Here is a link to the website: Weight loss institute of Arizona The phone number is 480-829-6100. Good luck. I hope you can find someone locally to help.
  18. SElaine

    scared for my son

    Map, Honey, you and your son are in my prayers. Here is a link to my story. It may or may not be similar; I don't have enough details about your son to know. It's post #19 http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f11/danger-wife-nearly-died-surgery-46365/index2.html I was in the hospital for two weeks and ran a fever for a good portion of that time. I will PM you my contact info. Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions. ((((Hugs))))
  19. SElaine

    Lapband And Pcos

    I, too, have PCOS and insulin resistance. I was diagnosed 10 years ago. I was on Metformin for 9 years-- from the day I was diagnosed until the day I had my lap-band surgery. My first post on this board was something similar to the OP of this thread. I wanted to know if the lap-band could really help someone w/ PCOS lose weight. I was skeptical, as some of you are, because nothing else has worked. I was banded 7 1/2 months ago and I've lost 88 pounds. I lost a lot at first, and it's becoming increasingly harder-- but it's working! Even though I still have to make the decision to eat the right things, it's easier to do so when you are not hungry all the time. Plus, I've noticed that I don't get the cravings for sweets and carbs like I used to. Also, for those of you wondering, I've had regular cycles since the 2nd month out of surgery. I haven't had a regular period cycle in probably 15 years. Although I'm not actively trying to conceive, it seems miraculous to me that I'm ovulating and menstrating like a "regular" woman. It's an amazing feeling. Good luck to all of us that are struggling with weight and PCOS. It's not an easy journey, no matter which path we take.
  20. SElaine


    neveragain, It's good to hear you are feeling better. Take care and I'm wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery.
  21. SElaine

    How this works ???

    Well, I guess this is the place for me, too! I've lost about 88 pounds so far. A lot in the beginning.... and not much through the holidays! I had a fill on Saturday, though, and I'm charged up for the new year. I'd like to lose another 30-40 pounds to be at my goal weight.
  22. SElaine

    How this works ???

    Wow, LKM. Good luck with your banding tomorrow. Be sure to check back and let us know how it goes! :Banane42:
  23. Kbug, Please don't be sorry you posted. I'm so sorry for the loss of your mom. It is indeed a tragedy. (((Hugs))) I know it doesn't "fix" anything, but if you read my previous post you will see I had complications similar to your mom. I will admit that I was scared--really really scared for a period of time. The thought that I could have died... and that people have died from the same complications I had.... is terrifying. Even through everything I've been through, I would do it again. It was a chance I needed to take and I can only imagine your mom felt the same way. There comes a point where you just decide you can't live this way anymore. Period. (((More hugs))) Please feel free to PM me anytime you want to talk.
  24. SElaine

    getting ready

    First of all, congrats on being approved for surgery. I went through a cycle of emotions before I had my surgery and I wasn't sure I could go through with it, either. I even cancelled once and rescheduled. Was it worth it? Absolutely. It's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I've got myself back; I've got my life back.
  25. Tallywag, If you do come back and read the responses, I'd like you to know that I am sorry for what your wife went through, and yes, I did go through it. I had a suture pop causing a tear in my stomach. It became infected and leaked into my abdominal cavity. I had an emergency surgery to remove as much of the infection as possible. I had to have part of my liver removed as well because the infection spread to my liver. I had several blood transfusions and I spent two weeks in the hospital on IV antiobiotics and even after I left the hospital I still had a drain tube in my abdomen and continued to take more antiobiotics orally for several weeks. I was very sick for several months. It was awful and I wouldn't wish it on anybody. However, after everything is said and done I still believe that it was a surgical complication and not necessarily a band complication. There is a risk with any suregery. I was fortunate enough to be able to keep my band, and I'm not entirely certain how removing the band would have helped the infection. However, each case is unique and I'm sure that was what was in the best interest of your wife. I also don't think it matters who the surgeon was or where it happened. It could happen to anyone and I know it happened to me. My surgeon is posted in my signature line. However, I would like to specify that I have complete confidence in my surgeons and in no way do I feel they are at fault.

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