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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by SElaine

  1. Interesting question. Unfortunately, I'm one of the few that have had problems with my band. I've had to have several surgeries, I've had infections, and in the end I lost my band due to erosion. I was also a cash pay patient and have since accumulated thousands in additional medical bills. I'm angry at the way things turned out and I wished they would have turned out differently. However, I still do not regret making the decision to get a lap-band. Regret? Nope. Not at all. In the short time I had it, it helped me change my life and I am happy with my progress. Good luck to you.
  2. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    Hi KayBee! Good luck w/ the insurance process. We met every 2nd Saturday of the month in room 208 of the medical office building. Our next meeting is April 12 at 1pm. Hope to see you there!
  3. SElaine

    any other az bandster's?

    Congrats on your date and your insurance approval! Good luck!
  4. SElaine

    any other az bandster's?

    Scorpio-- Congrats on making it this far through the pre-op diet. You can do it! Good luck with your surgery. Will you keep us updated?
  5. SElaine

    any other az bandster's?

    Hi Boston! I got your PM and answered you before I saw this post. I, too, met with a few docs before deciding where to go. This is a big decision and you need to be comforatable you've made the right one. I had my lap-band surgery with them and they have been great. Good luck on your journey! Looking forward to meeting you!
  6. SElaine

    My Story - very long - cross posted

    V- I'm so sorry for everything you've been through. (((Hugs))) I wish there was something I could do. We were in the hospital together the day we got banded and you were there with me through all of my complications and you were there with me when they took the band out. I appreciate and love you so much for everything you've done. You have no idea what a strength and support you've been for me. I hope this new path you have chosen is the right one for you and that you are pain free and successful. No matter what, though, you'll always be my #1 band buddy. ETA: I hear ya on the port pain. I'm still quite sore, too. It's been four weeks for me, and I'm surprised and how sore I am. Dang, if I move wrong or sit in the same position for a long period of time it's even painful. Go figure. At any rate, it was definately easier going in than coming out.
  7. SElaine

    I need some advice

    Wow, Nina, that sounds awful. ((((Hugs)))) I am so sorry. I wish I had some advice to offer, but unfortunately, I don't. I never experienced that problem! You will be in my thoughts. Please do come back and give us an update. Good luck to you on your journey.
  8. Thank you for your post, Wheetsin. Although it's only been a month since my erosion and lap-band removal, I've been struggling with the decision of whether or not to have another band put in, if and when it becomes a possibility to do so. I certainly don't want to go through all of this again. I also don't want to gain weight and become the person I used to be. It's a difficult decision and risky either way.
  9. Hi Marion, Thank you so much for your response. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. I can sympathize with the hunger and will power. I'm there myself and really struggling. My band was taken out the same day they found the erosion. It was taken out on 2-13-08. Unfortunately, I didn't have any time to do research and figure out a plan of action. Anyway, from what I understand, the band has been sent back to Allergan for investigation. I have been in touch with them, but so far have not heard anything. Anyway, it seems hard for me to believe that they would voluntarily admit a defective product. Yes, I am still in contact w/ my surgeon. They have been more than wonderful to me through this horrible process. My doctor also has a lap-band, and was banded only a few days after I was. I think that helps. I'm happy to have found someone who understands the frustration I've been through. To have gone through three surgeries, lots of complications, and spent all of this money, you'd think we'd have something to show for it, right? I'm greatful for the weight I've lost, but feel like I'm back where I started. I've really worked hard this past month-- I've been working out every day and (for the most part) really watching what I eat. (Which is difficult when you are so hungry all of the time). I've barely been able to maintain my weight, much less lose anything. And I know if I screw up even a little bit, it will all come back. Thanks again and please keep in touch and let me know your progress. I really hope the sleeve works out for you. Indigo-ocean, How are you doing now? I'm also happy they found your unlocked band before you experienced more complications.
  10. SElaine

    Az Surgeon Questions

    Hi high hopes, Here's the doctor in Flagstaff that does lap-band: Dr. Robert Berger 77 W Forest Ave # 201 Flagstaff, AZ 86001 (928) 773-2222 I know of someone who is having their surgery their soon and have been pleased w/ him so far. Good luck to you.
  11. SElaine

    Az Surgeon Questions

    Turtledove, Where do you live? To answer your questions: 1. No, my surgeon does not REQUIRE (but still recommends) attending post-op support group meetings. We also have an on-line support community so you can ask questions and stay in contact that way. 2. Are you paying cash for your pych eval or is it covered by insurance? I don't know that it's better one way or the other. You are probably more likely to get a psych clearance from the psychologist they recommend, but it may cost more, too.
  12. SElaine

    any other az bandster's?

    ShirleyBee, I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I have to say, though, that I think your instincts are usually right in these cases and it's always better to err on the side of caution. I agree with WABB that you should see a doc, whether you make the trip down to Mexico or see someone locally. Good luck and I hope everything goes well for you.
  13. Marion, I am so happy to have found your post. Yes, the same thing happened to me. Your story is very familiar. I have had two abscesses that required surgery, and two infections. Recently, when I was in the hospital because of the most recent abcsess and infection, they discovered erosion AND the latch was unbuckled on my band! How did your recovery go and how are you feeling now? I see it's been several months for you. Are you considering other surgical options? One of the difficult parts of this for me is that I paid cash. I think I'm out of options at this point.
  14. SElaine

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks to all of you for your encouragement! I really do appreciate you all.:smile2: Mini, So sorry for your loss. ((Hugs)) Good luck with the wedding and the surgery. Be sure to get lots of rest while you are off of work. Sue, Thanks for sharing the story of your son. He really sounds like an inspiration. Manatee, Have they decided yet whether or not you need surgery for your gallbladder? Take it easy, guy. You are still recovering!
  15. SElaine

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Congrats! :smile2: You'll do great! You'll be sore for a couple of days but back to business in no time. I was doing (slow) laps around the block the day after I came home. Losingjusme had some good advice! Be sure to get your Water and Protein in-- and be careful to sip in the beginning. Good luck to you!
  16. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    KayBee, Thinking of you and wishing you a quick insurance approval! :biggrin2:
  17. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    Let me get this right: You had surgery on 3-6-08 and already met with the exercise guy! Wow! I am impressed.:smile2: If you ever need a walking buddy, let me know. I'm in Gilbert. We also have groups of people all around the valley, so I'm sure you'll fit in perfectly somewhere! If possible, try to meet up with us at one of the Saturday support groups. I hope your first day back at work goes smoothly. Those can be tough! Take care!
  18. You know.... skimming through this forum, I see a lot of posts where people have regretting getting their band and have (or are contemplating) getting it out. My case is completely the opposite. I had my band put in May 2007. I have done fairly well with the weight loss. I lost 94 pounds-- not extravagant, but I have been happy. I have never had a problem with food coming up, PBing, or being uncomforatable. Unfortunately, though, I've had other problems. After my first fill I had a stitch rip through, or at least this is what we think happened. It caused an abscess near my band that became infected. The infection leaked into my abdominal cavity and spread to my liver. I ended up in the hospital for 12 days, I had surgery for the abscess, and had a portion of my liver removed. I also had two blood transfusions in the process. OK... this was horrible but as far as I knew and from what the docs could tell, this was a fluke. We kept my band in, and I was excited for that. Going into surgery, I was fairy convinced it would need to come out. Well, several months later I began having a similar abdominal pain. Into the ER I went. Sure enough, I had another stomach abscess and infection. Therefore, another surgery. This time, however, they also discovered erosion of the band.... as if everything else wasn't enough. Of course, this time there was no question my band was coming out. It's been two weeks since I've been home from the hospital this time. It's all starting to sink in and I'm not sure I'm handling it well at all. I paid cash for my lap-band. Myself and my family had to make a lot of sacrifices to be able to get it. We even had to move to a smaller home, further away from my childrens school, in order to pay for it. And now, with all of the complications, there have more and more medical bills piling up. I'm very frustrated. I feel like I've been cheated. I had so many hopes that this was the answer.... and short-term it was. I feel like I've been stripped of something that was a part of me. What were all of these sacrifices for? I've gained 7 pounds since I've been home from the hospital. I've been making an effort to try to eat the way I should, and honestly, I'm working out more now (2 weeks from being out of the hospital) than I did most of the time I had the band. I'm scared of gaining all the weight back.... and I can see it happening, it is happening, and I'm not sure what I can do about it. Those around me (of course, none have been banded) tell me to not to worry, to eat better and that I'll be fine. Well, you know what? I'm trying, but come on. If I could eat to lose weight, wouldn't I have done that in the first place? I don't want to become the person I used to be. I feel like I have no control. Physically I am hungry all the time. Who can live on Protein shakes? I'm trying, but it's not working. Thanks for listening to my story. If anyone has been in a similar situation or can offer any advice, I'd love to hear it.
  19. SElaine

    May 2007 Banders

    Manatee, Thanks band buddy! When I went to the ER this last trip w/ my band complications, the ER doc automatically assumed it was my gallbladder, also. (Not this time!) Apparently, it's fairly common. That doesn't matter much when it's you going through it, though, does it? By the way.... You are looking good.:tongue:
  20. SElaine

    May 2007 Banders

    Thanks to all of you who responded to my story. I think the hardest part of this all has been feeling so alone. In a way, I feel cheated. I mean, we go into this thinking it's a long term commitment, right? **sigh** It's not getting me down, though. I may have lost my band, but not my determination. I'm still going to my support group meetings and I've set up a schedule to meet w/ my dietician every other week and weigh in. I need to keep this weight off and I appreciate all of your support! Sandra-- Congrats on your new little miracle! :tongue:
  21. SElaine

    I've lost my band....

    Thank you all so much for your support. :biggrin2: It feels better just getting it out of my system, KWIM? I do have health insurance, but it doesn't cover WLS. Bypass isn't an option right now, financially. And then again, I haven't checked into it, but I've lost enough weight I probably wouldn't qualify for it, anyway. This was a big shock to me. I feel like I've lost a friend. I know that sounds silly..... But really, don't we go into this with a long-term commitment in mind? I don't know many people that have it done thinking they will just have it for a few months and get it out. So, in a way, I do feel cheated. BUT.... I'm not letting it get me down. I've seen my dietician and I'm keeping food logs and weighing in every two weeks. I'm working out more, and I've considered joining WW. And I'm still going to my support group meetings. I figure I need all the support I can get and I'm going to take advantage of it. Thanks again. I appreciate you all.
  22. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    Panda, Congrats on getting banded! It looks like it's only been a few days. How are you recovering?
  23. SElaine

    May 2007 Banders

    Hi all. It's been a while since I've posted in this forum, but I still lurk and I've been reading about all of your successes and struggles. I posted some of this in another forum. I hope no one is offended that I c&p some of it. I haven't talked about my experience much. I haven't wanted to focus on the negative, I've been trying to stay focused on the positive. In addition, I haven't wanted to scare away any newbies. I know my situation is not the norm. But, right now, I'm really feeling isolated and feel the need to reach out. I was banded May 21, 2007. After my first fill I had a stitch rip through, or at least this is what we think happened. It caused an abscess near my band that became infected. The infection leaked into my abdominal cavity and spread to my liver. I ended up in the hospital for 12 days, I had surgery for the abscess, and had a portion of my liver removed. I also had two blood transfusions in the process. OK... this was horrible but as far as I knew and from what the docs could tell, this was a fluke. We kept my band in, and I was excited for that. Going into surgery, I was fairy convinced it would need to come out. Well, several months later I began having a similar abdominal pain. Into the ER I went. Sure enough, I had another stomach abscess and infection. Therefore, another surgery. This time, however, they also discovered erosion of the band.... as if everything else wasn't enough. Of course, this time there was no question my band was coming out. This time I spent another 9 days in the hospital. It's been two weeks since I've been home from the hospital this time. It's all starting to sink in and I'm not sure I'm handling it well at all. I paid cash for my lap-band. Myself and my family had to make a lot of sacrifices to be able to get it. We even had to move to a smaller home, further away from my childrens school, in order to pay for it. And now, with all of the complications, there have more and more medical bills piling up. I'm very frustrated. I feel like I've been cheated. I had so many hopes that this was the answer.... and short-term it was. I feel like I've been stripped of something that was a part of me. What were all of these sacrifices for? I've gained 7 pounds since I've been home from the hospital. I've been making an effort to try to eat the way I should, and honestly, I'm working out more now (2 weeks from being out of the hospital) than I did most of the time I had the band. I'm scared of gaining all the weight back.... and I can see it happening, it is happening, and I'm not sure what I can do about it. Those around me (of course, none have been banded) tell me to not to worry, to eat better and that I'll be fine. Well, you know what? I'm trying, but come on. If I could eat to lose weight, wouldn't I have done that in the first place? I don't want to become the person I used to be. I feel like I have no control. Physically I am hungry all the time. Who can live on protein shakes? I'm trying, but it's not working. Thanks for listening to my story. If anyone has been in a similar situation or can offer any advice, I'd love to hear it. I really appreciate you all.
  24. SElaine

    New and welcome suggestions

    KayBee, How was your appt? Did you get any good news regarding your insurance?
  25. I felt better within a couple of days, but I certainly didn't feel "good" or like I was back to myself until about day 10. Hang in there. Hopefully after the initial recovery, this will be the best decision you could have made for yourself. Good luck to you and congrats on being banded.

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