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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Marci

  1. I had my surgery done on Jan. 14th with Dr. Jayaseelan in Dallas but I went through TLC Edge. Here's their website http://www.tlcedgesurgicalweightloss.com/. I could not have asked for better service. I paid $10,990, Dr. Jay was wonderful, and the nurses at the facility were AWESOME! They pampered me so much that I thought I was in a resort. We financed through Carecredit. You should check it out. I couldn't have asked for a better doctor.
  2. I am doing okay. Hanging in there. I'm having problems getting down the 42 oz of liquids they want me to get down & can't even think about getting protein down right now. I'm going back to work tomorrow....we'll see how that goes. Walking became my bestfriend. I had some gas stuck in my back so I walked & my hubby massaged it so I finally managed to get rid of it. Other than that I'm doing good. We've been walking outside & enjoying the nice weather.


    How are you?

  3. I've read a lot that the first 48 hours are the worst. Well I'll be the first to say that is SO true. This is my 3rd day out & yesterday was bad but today I feel like a new person. I have more energy, I am ready to sip more & walk more. I haven't had to use the pain meds expect last night right before I went to bed. I'm super excited about feeling better & ready to move forward. :smile:
  4. Well I'm home. Things were not good yesterday but seems to be better today. I am walking every 45 minutes like the doc says & sipping Water too. I think they gave me some hardcore meds for the 3 hour drive home yesterday so it took it awhile to wear off. All is well though. I can feel the gas inside me but nothing to bad. Yesterday my lefter shoulder blade was killing me but now it's a lot better this morning. It's hard to sip because you feel all that gas swirling around but I'm getting it down. I'm just excited to get past this week & feel a lot better. Welcome to the loser bench!!! :thumbup1:
  5. Well, I?m scheduled to be at the hospital at 7:30 tomorrow morning for my surgery. I thought I would be freaking out right now but actually I'm ready to go to bed so we can get going. :ohmy: I can't wait to meet you all on the 'loser bench'. Prayers are ALWAYS excepted!! :001_tongue: ~Marci
  6. Thanks for all the support guys!! It's 5:13am here & I'm showered & ready to rock 'n roll. I can't wait to start my new life. I'm jumping out of my skin waiting for the time to arrive so we can LEAVE!! Lets go, lets go, lets go!!! I'll update you all as soon as I can!! Thanks again for all the prayers. ~Marci
  7. Marci


    Welcome & congrats on your surgery date!! I have been on my clear liquid preop diet since last Thursday. Just keep in mind that after the 2nd days it gets better. Did you go directly through the doctor's office to get scheduled? The reason I ask is because I went through TLC Edge and I haven't met my surgeon yet either & I'm scheduled for surgery this Thursday. I meet him tomorrow. (of course I have been obsessive about researching him) Dr. Nicholson was an option for me to us as my surgeon also. Anyway, good luck with your preop diet & your surgery. You are doing the right thing!! You'll be healthier than ever.....hang in there girl.
  8. Could someone PLEASE help me find the nectar sample packs? I want to try the different flavors and I've heard you can get 11 flavors to try. I can't seem to find the website that I can order these!! Any help??
  9. Marci

    Nectar samples

    AWESOME......Thank you for your help. I found them on both of these sites!!
  10. I'm right there with you! I have my surgery on Thursday & I have the jitters BUT I am also super exicted to start my new life. I am so ready to have this done. I was talking to my friends today & talked to them about how I can't wait until I can fly on an airplane & put the tray down in front of me. The little things people take for granted. I'm so ready. I will keep you in my thoughts for Wednesday. Just remember, it's going to be a new life. Good luck & keep us posted! ~Marci
  11. Marci

    Pre Op Day 4: Small Cheats...

    I'm with you on the preop diet. At least you get to eat something. I have to be on clear liquids for a WEEK. Today is day 2 & I'm seriously dying!! (Not seriously but you know what I mean.) I feel like my head is going to EXPLODE & if I take any more Tylenol I'm going to overdose. This is the worst thing I've EVER had to do. I really hope it does get better each day because I don't know how much more I can take of this. It's like taking cigarettes away from a hard core smoker that smokes the maximum amount of cigarettes a day & giving them Ultra Lights & telling them they can only have 5 a day!! It's just not right!! BUT I understand why they do it & I will bite my husband's head off before I eat before my surgery. I've wanted this for way too long to cheat now!! The doctor says no then the doctor says no!! I just keep telling myself that I only have 5 more days left & then tomorrow I can say I only have 4 more days left. This too shall pass......
  12. Marci

    NSV shout outs

    I'm scheduled for surgery next Thursday & this thread makes me want to do this more than ever now!! You all are awesome. I love getting on here every day & reading what you all have to say. All of you are such an inspiration. I cannot wait until I can share something like this!! Congrats to ALL of you for such a great job!!
  13. Marci

    Cravings & Hunger

    I start my preop diet tomorrow and not sure how I'm going to pull this off. I'm already hungry thinking about it...lol....I'm glad that I start it on a Thursday. At least most of it's over the weekend.
  14. Lets live it up!!

  15. Why can I NOT get my profile pic to show? :thumbup: I've tried resetting it & we posting it. It says that everyone can see if but I can't. Any suggestions? Thanks, Marci
  16. Yeah, I'm on an all clear liquid diet for 7 days. I found out that my surgery date has been moved up to the 14th instead of the 21st. I am SUPER excited and cannot wait. I'm kind of freaking out but I'm ready!!


    I have seen your sister's pictures and she looks AWESOME.


    Good luck on your trip. I cannot wait to hear all about it.

  17. OMG Guess what?? So there was a mix up on my surgery date. I thought they had me down for Jan 21st. The acutally have me down for Jan 14th. Thank goodness I called today. I have to start my preop diet on Thursday. I have to say that I'm FREAKING out!! I thought I had a week to get things in order but apparently not. I just need to take a breath.

  18. Congrats on your surgery date. So are you on a preop diet right now? How's that working out for you? Where are you having your surgery?


    Thanks for sending me a message. I would love to keep in touch to see how everything goes. I can't wait to hear all about it!!



  19. So instead of lurking around the forum, I thought I should introduce myself and get to know all of you better. My name is Marci and I'm 29. I have a 2-year-old very handsome baby boy. I am married to the most supportive, caring and sweetest husband ever. (Maybe a little over exaggeration but you get the point ) I have been overweight my WHOLE life. I remember going to the doctor when I was in middle school to get a physical for sports and they told me I weighed 200lbs. I thought, "Oh wow! The scale cannot be right." I remember that day my mom talking to the doctor about my weight and him telling my mom that it runs in my genes. I also remember when I was 16 my uncle telling my mom that I would never get married or have kids because I was "fat". (I hate that word!) I still hear those words everyday and that's been 14 years ago. My Aunt and her daughter both have had the gastric bypass done. I was leaning toward the bypass but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I see how many supplements they have to take and how they can't eat ice cream (oh no!!) and many other foods. I didn't want to go through that. I was also signed up to do the Lapband last year at this time but backed out. I had a friend that did the Lapband and she said she hated it. Thank goodness I didn't go through with it. My husband came home one day from work and told me one of his co-workers had the gastric sleeve done. Of course I knew nothing about this procedure but obsessively started researching it. Fell in love!! A week later my husband walked in the door from work and I said, "I'm having the gastric sleeve done." If you all could have seen his face, priceless. He said why? I explained to him that I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for me. I also told him that I'm not asking for his permission, I'm just letting him know in case he wants to come with me to surgery. From that day forward he has been SUPER supportive and I could not ask for a better husband right now to help with this. The day before I went to my preop appointment, I decided to tell my parents. I told them the same thing, I'm not doing this for yall but for me. My mom is very excited for me but my dad is just worried and doesn't want me to have it done. (Too bad!) My husband I want another kid. I kept going back and forth, should I wait another 2 years or should I do it now before we have a kid? Tons a questions. I went to the doctor and asked him about what he thought. He said go for it but just remember that you could reverse this once you have a baby. So of course, I was going to wait again but something clicked. I woke up the next morning and decided NO, I'm doing it! I keep thinking, "What if". What if I don't do this and then get pregnant, I'll never know if that was the right decision? Wow....long story I know. So I'm scheduled on January 21st for my surgery and of course I'm still having a lot of what if's but I know I'm doing the right thing. I cannot wait for this day. I know it's going to be a journey but I'm up for the adventure. Thanks for listening and I can't wait to start talking with all of you when I'm on the "loser bench". Marci
  20. Marci

    New Here

    Thank you all for the words of encouragment. I cannot wait for this whole process to start. Only 18 more days to go. (Wow, it's weird to say 18 days to a new me!!) I am so ready!!
  21. CONGRATS!! This makes me want to do it even more. You're truly an inspiration to us that are just beginning out journey!!
  22. Marci


    Thanks guys for all the feedback. I guess I'll bring it up when I meet with my surgeon one last time on Jan 13th. Everyday it gets closer and closer!!
  23. Marci

    December Sleevers

    Judy, thanks for the info. Thank goodness I have been fortunate enough that I've never had blood pressure problems. I plan to cut it off on Monday. Hopefully all will go well. At least I'm not eating until I can't breathe, just eating the "fun stuff". Thanks for the info. I appreciate any input from those that have been through this experience.
  24. Marci

    December Sleevers

    I'm with you!! I have been eating everything I can find. I know I should stop eating so much but I see something & think, "I better get in while I can." I figured I have a couple of more weeks to enjoy the goods.
  25. Marci

    Profile Pic

    I know....thank you for your help. I can't wait until I get to change it to a newer pic!! One day soon!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
