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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Stacie

  1. I was sleeved 12/24. I was supposed to get my period this upcoming Friday. This past Friday (1 week early) I started having very very dark brown discharge. And a fair amount of it. It is still here, but now I notice more red (sorry again for the TMI!) Is this normal? Has anyone had anything like this happen?
  2. Stacie

    Protein Bars

    So, since I am still throwing up with the Protein drinks, I was thinking maybe the bars are the way to go. I think I am ready to try them, but what are good ones? What do I need to watch for? A certain kind of protein? Is that marked on the label? protein isolate, like in the drinks? What are your faves?
  3. gotcha. I figured it was one. I imagine it would take me an entire day to eat two! I am so nervous to eat any bread, tortillas, rice, etc. Not sure why. I bet I could handle a small piece toasted. I need to figure out what to eat peanut butter on. I miss it and it would be a great protein for me.
  4. 1. My gurgles stopped around 3 months. I remember how bad they were at night, it was a funny joke between my husband and me. But recently noticed that I really don't have those weird noises anymore. 2. I was sore about a week and a half, like how you are talking about wanting to hold you stomach. I had that too. In hindsight, I would have gotten an abdominal binder because it was a big discomfort for me at the time. But it doesn't last too long. take care!
  5. Thanks Tiffy, I bought these last week, but I am not ready to eat them yet. They look great though and I keep trying to get my husband to eat them, because I so want them! When you talk about a slice (or that you ate "1"), do you mean half a bagel/thin (1 piece) , or both sides of the bagel? I just was curious. Thanks for all your great recipes, etc.
  6. Can I eat pistachios? Cuz I got some today and they have teh crunch and protein and I am tolerating them. But are they okay for the tiny stomach?
  7. Stacie

    Youtube Videos and your photos

    Wow, that is a weird response. Very condescending and not a sincere apology at all. But thanks for sharing! I am also going to make my album private.
  8. Thanks everyone! I am overall doing really well. I have lost 63 pounds and am over half way to my goal. So that is wonderful. I am so happy to have the feeding tube and drain out and be able to shower normally. I am going through clothes so quickly, it is really fun to fit into things so nicely. It is just the eating thing. I try not to let it bother me, but then I realize the day is over and I haven't eaten anything and I don't want anything either! Which is fine if it weren't for that darn Protein issue! So thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and your food suggestions. I really appreciate it.
  9. I am not sure what to do. I never feel like eating. Nothing sounds good or tempting or even satiable. I can eat two to three spoonfuls and get full (and I am using baby spoons). I worry that my sleeve really shrunk during the time I was on the feeding tube. Essentially I had nothing in my mouth/stomach for 3 full months. And now that I can eat I am really struggling. My biggest concern is that I am not getting more than 20 g Protein in a day. I know this is horrible. I am not looking for a lecture. I am unable to get anything in. I have tried every Protein Drink. I literally throw up, walk around the house gagging and trying with all my willpower to keep one sip down. I have tried holding my nose, a straw, anything. I mix with Water, or milk, both make me sick. Surprisingly my labs last week were all fine. I was shocked by that, I wondered if my body is just really good! or if that is just still from the tube feedings. My nut says I can have any thing with protein, not to worry about carbs, etc. But even the premixed drinks (carnation, etc) make me really ill and nauseous. I just want to have something crunchy, when can I eat a chip and salsa? Or a tiny chicken wing? Ir a taco shell? please don't flame me! I haven't eaten in 4 months and I just can hardly take it anymore! But I am so scared to even try anything!!! Sorry this is going a few different directions, any suggestions are welcome. I was on full liquids for two weeks and now am doing mushies and trying to advance to more. My husband tries to get me to eat, you can have anything, just small amounts, but I am scared, why? I have no idea!!
  10. Stacie

    Tiffany has Surgery!

    Saying a prayer right this minute!!
  11. Stacie

    No appetite at all.....

    I wanted to let you know that you are not alone, I just posted a similar concern and I am out from initial surgery about the same as you. I have zero appetite and no desire to eat, ever. I am unable to force myself with protein shakes. Today I ate a babybel cheese and that is it. And it is 3:40 pm. It is awful. I have no energy and really would like to work out...but it is just not happening. I am hoping it gets better soon!!!
  12. Stacie

    After 15 weeks post-op...

    Wow - this is great MG!! Congrats to you!! And I really know what you mean about liking clothes and before you know it they are too big! I am so used to trying to squeeze into pants, it is so weird!! You are doing so great - keep up the amazing work!
  13. Thanks MidwestGirl! What are you eating now? Can you eat a taco? We should be in the same place now =(
  14. Just curious what you have found/been told is safe to take for a headache. Thanks! Stacie
  15. Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking about you. I am so sorry that you have to deal with this complication. I hope that everything is resolved quickly.
  16. Hey Lan2K! Thanks for the well wishes. Did they tell you to take a liquid only? I cannot drink that stuff. I bought that and used it in my feeding tube. I must be the pickiest taster ever. That should have tipped me off that this surgery wasn't for me in the first place. oh well. I like pills over liquid, but I don't want to do the wrong thing....
  17. Hey Mary! Thanks for thinking of me! I am doing much better. Two weeks ago my leak was healed and I got my drain tube out. Today I got my feeding tube out! And I am eating my first mushies today! I had some FF refried Beans for lunch and I am trying a little pureed egg salad now. YUM!! This is the first decent food I have eaten since DEC 16th! It is so weird to think that!! I am excited to sleep tonight with no tubes to adjust, etc. So things are finally moving along, though I am still struggling with Protein drinks, and getting much of anything in. I think the surgery combined with 3 months of no food really shrunk my stomach something fierce. I can eat about 3 baby spoonfuls and I am full. But overall much better. Thanks so much for asking! I have had a headache today, but I hate to take anything. I can take most any size pills, got used to that early with all the antibiotics. So that shouldn't be a concern. I just don't want to upset my little tummy. Thanks!
  18. Stacie

    5 days post-op & have questions...

    My stomach stopped making those crazy noises about 2.5 months out, but it got less and less and now is fine. I am 3 months out and still feel some pain if I drink too much or too fast. No idea on the dizziness, make sure you are getting enough liquids and rest. Every month I have stopped losing the week before and the week of my period. Just quick answers, but I wish you all the best! Take care!
  19. You both look great! Do you live near pigeon forge? My husband is from Louisville and Pigeon Forge is a popular vacation spot.
  20. I am wondering if there is a good lotion I should be using to help with loose skin...Do you use one you recommend? I have a recollection that someone said they used something that worked well, but now I can't remember the details. I lost so much muscle mass with two weeks in the hospital. And I am already really sagging. I figure lotion might not work, but it doesn't hurt to try!!
  21. It looks like my leak is healed!! I had surgery on 12/24, but since I haven't eaten in 3 months, I assume I will start back up like I am a new post-op surgery. I will have to wait to hear from my surgeon and dietitian for more details. I am just still in shock right now. In all honesty, I have no desire to eat at all...that is pretty scary and kinda worries me. I will just take it slow and hope for the best!! Many thanks to all the people who having been praying for me. I really appreciate your concern. =) Stacie
  22. Hi ladies, another WI girl here! Hope all is going well for both of you!! We should all get together and go shopping when we get to goal!!
  23. I am freaking out a bit because there is a staple in my drain. This happened in the hospital too. Everyone dismissed it. But it freaked my DH out a lot. Friday my surgeon pulled my drain back quite a bit (6 inches). He thinks that the drain was close and keeping the leak open. Now we are concerned about an abscess forming, but that is just a risk I guess. I am back on antibiotics now (took off for a while due to the c diff) Could me entire staple line be coming undone? Still? I am well over 2 months out of surgery. Could it just be a staple that was sitting there and just happened to get sucked out now? I just found it and am so nervous. I am off to church and for a long day. Things have been going all right, but now I am a bunch of nerves. I know that I am not always positive here, but that is because I am working so hard to stay positive and upbeat at home. I appreciate you all for being a place I canb vent. I will call my doctor in the am, but I couldn't find anything related to what happens to the staples after surgery when I googled. Thanks.
  24. Stacie

    Low blood pressure issues

    I am sorry you are having trouble. Can I ask what your BP is? I am just curious, how low is low. But I think that the more serious issue is episodes, what are your symptoms for an episode? I hope they figure it out soon, it is so great that you are being proactive! ...and what are cheese poofs? =)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
