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Posts posted by amerigirl

  1. I had my surgery Jan 21st. Maybe the 22nd. Gees I can't remember. It says on my signature. I've lost about 40 pounds. I'm excited. I keep my carbs down under 30 and loose something everyday. food....well....I could take it or leave it. My stomach hurts every time I eat. No matter what it is. I'm hoping that dies down. I'm never hungry. If I get busy I completely forget. I miss drinking (chugging) Water though. Sometimes I just wish I could down a glass of cold Water.

    Lately I've been missing my diet coke. I haven't craved it until now. I think with the weather change makes me want a cold diet coke. yummmm! Probably would hurt my stomach though. ;-)

    Congrats everyone!

  2. I was wondering what you guys are doing for energy or what you have done for energy. I'm 6 weeks out and I just have no energy. I am exercising. Walking 4 times a week. My babies take all my energy. Did you take something just to get you through your work out? Like 5 hour Energy?


  3. I'm six weeks out. This week I have lost all interest in food. I could careless if I eat and when I do eat it just doesn't taste good. I know I need to be getting my calories in so I force myself to eat. But really I wouldn't if I didn't have to.

    Did anyone else feel this way and what did you do? Did it last? I just don't know how I could get more calories without having to many carbs.


  4. I was wondering if anyone else experienced this. I am having trouble with Breakfast. In the morning when it's time to eat breakfast or even drink some Water I find myself being very nauseous. I can barely eat anything in the morning with out it coming back up. I can drink water but feel sick when I do. After lunch I don't have this problem. By dinner time I can eat really good and drink also.

    If you had this problem and found a solution please let me know.


  5. I was in the same boat. I am a month and 4 days. The scale had not moved in 2 weeks. I cut down my carbs to less than 30 and I have lost 3 pounds since Monday. This is what I have been eating this week.

    Egg Beaters w cheese, I did Peanut Butter on a piece of 45 calorie toast. (Peanut butter can be high in fat.) But it is oooohhh so good.

    today I had tuna fish salad on one slice of toasted 45 calorie bread

    dinner was tilapia with steamed broccoli.

    Last night was the first night I ate chicken breast but I chewed it really good! One thing I really like and is really easy to eat is the deli turkey with laughing cow cheese. It is really good and filling.

    Its hard when you think that this isn't working for you. I know. I was thinking the same thing 3 days ago. I even cried. Thinking that I couldn't eat what I wanted and I'm still going to be fat!. Well......I'm just going to have to do the carb thing until I hit goal and then I'll be able to add in more carbs.

    COOPERSMAMA...glad to here that the scale moved!

  6. Cooper, I had my surgery on Jan 21. Yesterday was my month. I started out at 334 and today I only weight 311. According to everyone else I should be loosing fast. I haven't lost anything in 12 days. I'm very frustrated. Today I had a break down and thought this surgery hasn't worked for me and I am always going to be fat. So today I decided I'm cutting out all carbs. I can have meat now. So long carbs and hopefully the weight will start moving!

  7. Norma, How encouraging. I'm 10 days out and I started at 334. I've lost 18 pounds so far I just started a thread about how hungry I am. I'm 10 days out. But your post was so encouraging it brought my spirits up! I can't believe that I could even remotely have the same results as you. Just the prospect that it could be possible makes me soooooo excited! Thanks for your post.

  8. I've been reading a lot about people stalling a few weeks after their surgery. Some stalling for a month. I am curious how many of you did this? How many of you weigh every day versus every week? Did you try anything the first time you noticed your weight not moving?

    I'm a week out and I'm not looking forward to having a stall.

  9. Loser, I am 4 days out and I'm dealing with my head hunger. I'm counting down the days to full liquids. I just need some texture in my mouth. I know I can't be hungry because it takes me the whole morning to drink 32 ounces of Water. But when I made my husband chicken on the grill tonight my mouth watered. I'm sticking it out though! I'm having dreams too. Last night I dreamed I ate a biscuit with roast beef and potatoes. (not even my favorite food) After one bite I started freaking out cause I knew I wasn't suppose to be eating any solid food. I'm sure it will go away if I press through! Good luck on the will power!

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