I had the sleeve done 11/4/2009. I left the hospital with nausea. Everyone kept saying that it would go away. But I was having a hard consuming anything, Water, juice, yogurt, p.shakes the only thing that would go down was popscicles.
2wks out, first post op appointment - Dr said nausea would start to go away... well it never did. It actually got worse. I started dry heaving just brushing my teeth, couldn't consume anymore than 2Tbsp of any Fluid.
On Dec 3rd, I had a EGD with dilation done. What a relief!!! The nausea is GONE!!! I can eat... I mean Drink, back to strictly liquids. I feel slight discomfort as things go down, but was told this is normal after the dilation.
During an Upper GI, they noticed the bottom of my stomach had narrowed substantially and it was causing the upper portion of my stomach to dilate because as I tried to drink/eat it was just shooting up.
What I learned as of today is that no one has the same experience and in all honesty we have to be our biggest advocates. My friend convinced me to call my Dr. and complain and so I did and two days later I was better. I was simply waiting for it to go away as it does for most, but it wasn't happening.
I say get checked out... that is how I got it resolved.