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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by rcarter76

  1. I am self pay and went to Texas Bariatric Specialists and my surgeon was Nilesh Patel. He has done over 1000 WLS and I got the sleeve. I paid $14,000 out of pocket through Care Credit. It was all inclusive for my pre-ops and all post-op appointments and the hospital was Innova in San Antonio that has a 4 to 1 nurse ratio and you have a private suite to recover in with your own bathroom etc. It was wonderful. It was really helpful to recover in a specialty hospital where all they do is weight loss surgery. You should google them and check it out. I am sure they would work with you as well from out of state! Good luck!
  2. I got instructions to not drink before OR after my meals for 30 minutes. The 30/30 rule. Can anyone explain why? Did anyone's surgeon tell them this same thing? Will it be bad, or is it just so we feel full and get nutrients instead of flushing them? I just can't remember and was wondering if anyone had an explanation for me for now? Thanks!
  3. Just recently I started having this sort of "side stitch" pain. It is not super painful, I don't have a fever etc. But when I sit up, bend over, or use my tummy muscles, it hurts, almost like an internal bruise. It kind of reminds me of a side stitch you would get when you run? Has anyone experienced this, is it something to be alarmed about? Or is this normal internal healing? It is on my right hand side literally between my front and back, and just doesn't seem to go away. It is a new pain, or at least since I have been healing I have noticed it more in the last few days. Let me know if anyone else has experienced anything like this, this far out from surgery. Thanks! R
  4. Yes! I don't even know what that is. Maybe I have a gallstone? Hmmmm I will call my doctor on Monday. Hopefully that is not it! It is not searing pain, but noticable. Isn't gallstone pain much much worse, or could this just be the beginning?
  5. rcarter76


    I have had this pain too, for me, I have determined it is from eating too much too fast. It almost feels like it is stuck in my chest and I can't breathe. I have to train myself to slow down, smaller bites, more chewing, take time in between each bite. This is a big lesson to learn for me since I was a binge eater and could throw down TONS of food in minutes. I have to sit bite, chew, breathe, and take a break and repeat. Just my 2 cents. I am 3.5 weeks out now... R
  6. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    I really appreciate everyone sharing. The newbies understanding, the encouragement from the veterans. I really am glad we have this site, or else i am not sure what I would do. I am down another pound today! I am also going to start heading back to the gym consistently today, (it's had bad hours and been closed for the holidays). So I think adding walking and more Water like everyone has said will help. I noticed yesterday when I added more water intentionally that I felt SUPER full and couldn't have even tried to eat. I think I am just scared since I haven't gotten sick, vomited, or had any issues internally. I also moved to soft foods (doc doesn't believe in mushies, wanted to "train" me to chew everything up on my own), and so moving directly from liquids to soft foods, and not feeling entirely full is scary. But people around me remind me I am not eating nearly what I used to. I need to keep the faith and keep going. I guess I am also scared since my sleeve is still healing and I am only 4 weeks tomorrow, that adding something or eating too much will cause a leak and I am just hoping to get to the point where I know I am all ok inside and keep on keepin on. Also, what caloric intake is everyone on? My doc didn't give me anything but guidelines for 80 g Protein and 64 oz water per day, and each day differs. I am toggling between 600 and sometimes 1200 per day. Thanks again everyone and Happy New Year!
  7. Both you gals are golden, the tough part is over! Just remember to hydrate and walk, those are really important! Welcome back to Austin! Austin Losers in 2010! Hope to see you soon! Rachel
  8. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    Tracy, What do you mean the band? I have a sleeve, do you just mean the stomach? THX for tips, but I have been able to eat more than a 1/4 cup at this time, is that bad? R
  9. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    You're welcome! I figure if we can't be honest on this forum, where can we be? I would just be back to my old habits and lying to myself! Congrats for being a new sleever! It is really exciting, isn't it?
  10. rcarter76

    Stretching your sleeve

    Also, has anyone had issues or trouble "training" yourself to not drink while you eat? I get thirsty and have slipped up then and again, so I get nervous my stomach won't stay small! I would love to get together with a few of you and come up with a "plan" for what to eat, what portions and how often etc. This would help me make sure I use my "tool" to help me continue to lose!
  11. rcarter76

    I made it.

    Barbara! CONGRATULATIONS! I know you feel crummy now, but it goes away quickly, I am only three weeks out and barely remember it. The abdominal belt is a good idea for the car, remember what I told you about a pillow on the tummy under the seatbelt? You are actually lucky you are burbing, I couldn't get any gas out for the first 3-4 days and it was awful, so the more you burb (etc) the better! Keep moving around and sipping! Hope to hear from you soon!
  12. rcarter76

    Is anybody sorry?

    I am 15 days post op, 31 lbs lighter, and feel so much better. I don't feel stuffed and swollen. I feel happier each day. The pre-op diet was the hardest for me, since I was still hungry, but each day gets easier and better. In 3 weeks I will be getting back into regular foods and getting excited. Good luck in whatever decision you make! R
  13. rcarter76

    Running on empty

    Lucygoose, I am too 15 days out, and have been feeling the same way. It is because our bodies are working hard to metabolize the fat while working off minimal caloric intake. My doc put me on B12 tablets that melt under your tongue. It seems to help a lot. Take your Vitamins and it helps you feel better. Until your body completely adjusts you will need more rest than usual. Great loss. I have lost 32 lbs in a month (pre-op included!) and I am super happy with that. Can't wait to see the clothes sizes start to drop! Keep up the good work!
  14. I want to pose a true grit question here. Has anyone been hungry just a week and a half out after surgery? I was just sleeved last Monday and people all over the board have raved about their sleeves and the loss of hunger, and filling up on half a cup or less etc. I know head hunger is different than real hunger, but I am not sure what I am experiencing. I truly wasn't hungry the first 3-4 days since I was so many meds, and hurting, so it went by fast, but now, after 10 days, I am feeling hungrier. I can have my Protein shake, then Soup and a popsicle and still wish I could have a cracker or something. I am on the liquid post op diet for another week and wondering when I eat real solid food or even mushies if this will change. In other words, do you think I am hungry since liquids move through quicker than other food so I don't feel my sleeve fill up? I have yet to feel "FULL" since surgery, but since I haven't had solid food in almost a month, I am not sure what I am feeling. Does this make sense to anyone? I just want to know what I am experiencing is normal and that I am on the right track! Thanks!
  15. rcarter76

    Hair Loss post-op

    The following is a research article that might help with your understanding... A common fear and complaint of bariatric surgery patients is postoperative hair loss. While for most of us as people, our hair is important as part of our self-image and body image, it is not very important to our bodies. For this reason, nutrition can have a great impact on hair health because when forced to make a choice, the body will shift nutritional stores to vital organs like the brain and heart and away from hair. Hair loss has many causes. The most common type of hair loss after weight loss surgery is a diffuse loss known medically as telogen effluvium, which can have both nutritional and non-nutritional causes. Whether you are aware of it or not, for most of your life you are always in the process of both growing and losing hair. Human hair follicles have two states: anagen, a growth phase, and telogen, a dormant or resting stage. All hairs begin their life in the anagen phase, grow for some period of time, and then shift into the telogen phase,which lasts for approximately 100 to 120 days. Following this, the hair will fall out. Typically, about 90 percent of hairs are anagen and 10 percent are telogen at any give time—meaning that we are usually losing a lot less hair than we are growing, so the hair loss is not noticeable. But sometimes this can change. Specific types of stress can result in a shift of a much greater percentage of hairs into the telogen phase. The stressors known to result in this shift, or telogen effluvium, include the following: high fever, severe infection, major surgery, acute physical trauma, chronic debilitating illness (such as cancer or end-stage liver disease), hormonal disruption (such as pregnancy, childbirth, or discontinuation of estrogen therapy), acute weight loss, crash dieting, anorexia, low Protein intake, Iron or zinc deficiency, heavy metal toxicity, and some medications (such as beta-blockers, anticoagulants, retinoids, and immunizations). Nutritional issues aside, bariatric surgery patients already have two major risks of major surgery and rapid weight loss. These alone are likely to account for much of the hair loss seen after surgery. In the absence of a nutritional issue, hair loss will continue until all hairs that have shifted into telogen phase have fallen out. There is no way of switching them back to the anagen phase. Hair loss will rarely last for more than six months in the absence of a dietary cause. Because hair follicles are not damaged in telogen effluvium, hair should then regrow. For this reason, most doctors can assure their weight loss surgery patients that with time and patience, and keeping up good nutritional intake, their hair will grow back.
  16. I just spoke with my nutritionist about my next phase diet and she confirmed what all of us have been thinking. At first you think of your stomach like a drain, and liquid just drains out, but once we start adding more thick and solid foods, it slows down. She said then I will realize how small my new stomach is! I can't wait. I start next week!!!
  17. Olivia, You are going to love it! I have been on a liquid diet for 2 weeks now (post op) and it was hard at first, but I think easier since I did it for 2 weeks pre-op too! So you can do a week easy! I wish you the best of luck and let us know how you are doing! I know you are excited to start losing! I have lost 30 lbs in a month! I am pumped! Good luck, Rachel
  18. Do not stress about your pain level. I was on the liquid pain delite for almost a week since my insides and incisions were sore. Everyone is different, use what the doc gave you and feel better soon! Take it easy and remember to walk and sip! R
  19. LOL THat's so funny! I bet honestly, that wouldn't help us either! I think the healing time is huge and once we can eat more substantial foods, we will feel better! HANG IN THERE! We can do this, I am focusing on some new hot skinny jeans to wear whenever I think of bad food! xoxo Rachel
  20. Well ladies! This is so helpful. I think it is important for us to all tell our "stories" since so many seem easy, not hungry, and losing fast. I think each of our bodies are different, but it is important for me to feel "normal". What some of you have described as the empty feeling and not being able to put a finger on it really describes my feeling. I think the comment on obesity help about nerve endings could have some real truth to it so i am ready for the day I feel satisfied again. Also, lauramomof3, I have soreness in my lower right hand side, not upper left, but that is where my largest incision is and the surgeon said this was normal. Is your left side the longest incision, I know it takes longer to heal where our stomachs were actually removed from. Thanks to everyone for posting, keep them coming, just knowing everyone else is as sick of the Protein shakes as I am makes me laugh a little, we are really in the same boat. I get to start mushies in another week or so, and am looking forward to some different tastes! It has been Protein Shakes, strained 98% fat free soups, broths and Water only for me (crystal lite). And I can have popsicles and sf Jello, but got tired of those on my pre-op so I only have my 2-3 items a day. Good luck to everyone. The good news is: I am still losing! We can do this, congrats to everyone on their sleeve! Stay in touch! Rachel
  21. rcarter76

    Abnormal EKG

    You got it! I actually had my surgery in San Antonio with Dr. Patel at Innova Hospital, it went well and he is awesome! I think being near someone to help out the first week or so is ideal, you will need it just since you will be sore. And I needed help getting up and out of bed and around the house. Remember to WALK often it helps get the gases out. Much luck! Keep in touch we are both in Austin! Rachel
  22. rcarter76

    Abnormal EKG

    This exact same thing happened to me the Friday before my surgery. Apparently it can read abnormal on some level even if your heart rate is ok. I don't know the technical terms, but I had this information explained to me since I was panicking. They told me the same thing as you, and the nurse said she'd have to show it to the anesthesiologist. She didn't know if I would have to reschedule my surgery and I was very worried. Turns out, it may have even been the machine, but even with the "abnormal" ekg my heart was fine (never had any issues and am 33 years old), both the surgeon and med dr went ahead with scheduled surgery and I have been fine with no complications afterwards. I am from Austin too, where are you having surgery, maybe it is the same "broken" machine as mine! Good luck, don't worry and it is always better safe than sorry! R
  23. LOL, can't wait to wear JEANS instead of black pants and leggings! Whoo hoo
  24. Also, just wanted to add, I have never had foamies or an upset stomach and have held everything down since day one. Never been sick. Hate the taste of antacid liquid meds etc, but never thrown up! Many have said they eat too quick or too much and get sick....

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