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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by swanssl

  1. It seems so far out....Any other January surgery dates out there?
  2. I had the band put in about 2 years ago. I have lost 30 pounds...nothing too significant. I have been very disappointed ever since I got it. I have been throwing up, had it filled, and unfilled until the cows come home nothing works. So My surgeon decided to give me the sleeve. I am not too excited since the band did not work. I think that the sleeve will not work too. I have my band taken out on Nov 30th and I am sleeved on jan. 20th. Anyone else have these issues? How long was everyone off when they were sleeved? Does anyone think that the sleeve will work for me since I failed at the band? I feel like I am going through another surgery for nothing....but I cant not do ANYTHING.... Is the recovery similar for the band and the sleeve? Hope someone has some time to answer my questions.... Susie :party4:
  3. swanssl

    band coming out Sleeve going IN

    I had the Band 2 years ago....I HATE it, I have thrown up everyday since I had it put in my body....now, I am having the band taken out on Nov. 30th and the Sleeve done on January 20th! Why do I have to wait 8 weeks in between surgeries? Did anyone else have to do this? I only lost around 30 pounds with the lapband. Now I am afraid that the sleeve will not work for me. Anyone elese switch to the sleeve that has the same fears? Scared, Susie :ohmy:
  4. I am so scared the sleeve surgery is not going to work, just like the band did not work....

  5. swanssl

    My Journey

  6. swanssl

    My Journey

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
