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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by tomswifemer

  1. tomswifemer

    I ate oatmeal!

    mmm, I love corn beef hash, I hadn't even thought about that at the mushies stage! I am going to be SO all over that! In three weeks anyway....
  2. Hi All, new to the board. Ran across it today when looking for ideas other than broth, Jello and Water. I had my surgery on Tuesday and came home yesterday. I am already so over this liquid diet. I have found it interesting to see different phases from different doctors. My doctor hasn't said anything at all about Protein for the first week. Just Clear liquids. I'm not supposed to start protein until Phase II when I move to pureed foods. My DH has made so many runs to the grocery store already trying to find different things that may suit my taste buds. SF popsicles leave a horrible aftertaste, SF apple cider was way too sweet. JELLO has been good, but there's only so much JELLO a person can handle, y'know? Water has really been the only think I have preferred to have. I think I may try a small amount of thinned out full liquids and see how that goes. I'm looking forward to sharing and learning from all of you.
  3. tomswifemer

    Surgery was on 11/10/2009

    Wow, 17 days?! That's crazy. Makes me thankful for the 5-7 days I have to do. DH just came home and blended me some cottage cheese and peaches and a touch of milk. Made it very thin, so it might as well been a clear liquid. I didn't have too much of it, and its not like it tasted amazing (could have used more peaches), but at least it was something other than artificial sweeteners. They are really turning my stomach.:biggrin0:

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