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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Bee

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 02/10/1957

About Me

  • City
    Northumberland UK
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  • Zip Code
    NE66 3AD
  1. I'm going back to work on thursday 6 weeks post op and I will be lifting up to 44lbs my surgeon said I would be fine no problems with the lifting 6 weeks out.
  2. Thanks and great to hear from another UK sleever I am originally from Sunderland so I know your part of the world quite well, continued success


  3. Hi good luck with your surgery, I had mine done 5 weeks ago in Newcastle and I am doing great, will be thinking about you on Monday.


  4. I took a small pillow to protect my wounds from the seatbelt on the way home from the hospital. I also found my Ipod really soothing when I couldn't sleep I had loaded an audio book I just love being read to sleep. Good luck with the surgery keep us posted.
  5. Thanks ladies for all the possitive words it really made me feel so much better to hear from you all, I really think that having the support here does more for me than anything my medical team does they don't seam that interested now that the surgery is done! I will pick myself up and go and do something nice tomorrow ! thanks again
  6. Hi Everyone, I have been feeling really down for the last couple of days nothing physically wrong but just feel miserable, I am 5 weeks post op and haven't really had any problems since my op, perhaps that is partly what is wrong now I am worried that eating is too easy, yesterday I had a very bad day and I ate 3 small bars or chocolate during the course of the day and it didn't make me feel ill at all, this just made me more down.I had hoped that being sleeved would make eating things like chocolate more difficult, but it doesn't have that affect on me. Does anyone else feel like this ? :lol0:
  7. Hi I feel hungry every few hours it really dissapoints me that I feel this way but I am hoping that it will settle down once I am back on solid food, I also take PPI meds but have to stop them at 6 weeks after surgery, 1 more week to go, I don;t have any acid issues.
  8. Hi, I wasn't told not to have coffee, in fact I was given a cup of coffee on the ward the day after my surgery, and I have been having at least 3 cups per day since with no ill effects, I am 5 weeks out now, and managing quite a few normal foods in small quantities. Bren
  9. Hi, I'm doing ok I think, just started on more solid food and I am finding it a little uncomfortable, but I suppose I will get used to it eventually, had a little scare a week ago ended up in A & E but it was a bad reaction to some pain meds that I was given.

    How about you how are you doing ? ok I hope

  10. LAN2k

    Just a quick hello to see how your life is doing over there in the UK?

  11. Bee


    Hi I live in the uk and we don't use protein drinks at all, I an 4 weeks out and up untill now I have been eating liquidised food now I can have food that can be mashed with a fork, like fish, ground beef, chicken or pork. I always add plenty of gravey to make it easier to eat I usually have about 2oz of protein with a tablespoon of mashed potato & the same of veg.. I try to have fruit between meals or fat free yoghurt, sugar free jello is good also, I'm really not good at drinking my water, but my dietitian says coffee tea & squash are ok to get my fluids up. If you are losing weight well with what you are doing, and you are staying healthy, then it must be good for you. Keep up the good work.....
  12. Hi, I only had to do 3 weeks, pre-op diet and I'm sure there will be plenty you could eat safely, just go and enjoy your holiday, relaxing before your op is important too. Good luck with everything let us know how you get on
  13. Hi I've been told that I have to take an antacid (Lanzaprazole) 1 a day for the first 6 weeks. then I shouldn't ever need to take then again they say.
  14. Angela, I had my surgery done in the UK and here we are only on clear liquid for 1 day after surgery then we go on to liquidised food like mashed potato fish and some sort of sauce whizzed in the blender, really soft egg mushed up and yes smooth yoghurt, thin oatmeal, custard, and things like that , we don't do the protein shakes at all. I am now 3 weeks out and I am moving on to mashed food gradually that is any kind of food that can be mashed down with a fork, fish, omelette, minced meat and again add some sauce or gravey to make it go down easily if you have any problems. Hope this helps, I find it really helpfull reading other peoples posts on here it has answered all my questions and worries, so glad I found it !
  15. Well done you ! I can't wait to feel normal, keep up the good work

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