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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by joon

  1. Thanks folks, I appreciate everyones support. I needed this push not to be so afraid to get on at all! I think I will try to do once every two weeks after the first month. So! That means waiting until Dec 23rd which is also when I can start to eat normal food. After that I'll do every two weeks. I just read someones post who said they developed a leak after feeling great the first 2-3 wks! That worried me a little as I have been feeling fairly invincible with things as I seemed to be having such an easy recovery time. I havent been eating anything crazy just maybe not being so concerned about COMPLETELY pureed cream Soups etc. If there are tiny bits that cause me to have to use my teeth a couple times before swallowing I dont worry about it BUT..now I'm wondering if I should worry. It seems like there are so many diverse opinions by surgeons on how to eat after this surgery. I am almost 14 days out now and I just dont think that if in my full liquids there is a tiny bit of broccoli that isnt completely pureed or a bit of egg in hot and sour Soup that that is going to really harm me. Is that naive?

  2. Hey everyone, So believe it or not I have not weighed myself since getting the surgery. People are noticing that I have lost weight and my husband says he definitely notices now and I think I do also. I am just afraid that I will get on the scale and see a number and it will be disappointing to me. So many people have such dramatic numbers in the beginning and I am pretty sure I wont lose that way. I know it is everyones individual journey and not to compare etc etc, but...such is life. We dont always think the way we want to think. So, do you think I should weigh at the end of the month? Maybe have a once a month weighing thing? Maybe every two weeks? Is there any reason I should need to weigh more often than that? Anyone have suggestions?

  3. Hey DeeDee, I use a prep kitchen occasionally ( like right before surgery) and I really like it. The only problems I have with it are that we eat mostly organic and local and the food there is not guaranteed to be organic and local. Second, the meals are not always terribly healthy. I do wish she would make the meals a little lower in fat and calories. I just try to choose the things that are going to be lower in calories and healthier. We also split the meals into two because we are just a small family of three ( one is small) and with addition of a salad and vegetable it is usually just the right amount. As far as cost, I think it comes out to 13-15 dollars a meal and I think thats pretty good for the convenience. I also do order prepared foods from local places or people I know who do cooking for families. I really like it because there are so many times when I get home from work and just cant bring myself to go through the motions of making dinner and if I do it ends up being late, my daughter gets to sleep late and we end up eating right before bed. Having these options makes our quality of life better.

  4. Lisann,

    Glad the Trazadone is working for you, I thought it might. I dont know why anyone would suggest Wellbutrin though and I'm not surprised it didnt have a good effect. It is an activating anti depressant which is hardly what you need right now. I have to mention though that the effect of Reglan is usually very short lived and should be well out of your system by now ( unless there is something about when you have been on it for as long as you have that would change that, I dont know) I am just wondering, did you have a history of depression or anxiety before surgery? I think it is really good you are working with professionals. Things will improve, it sounds like they already are.

    In general,something for us all to keep in mind is the fact that serotonin which is one of our main feel good neurotransmitters, is mainly produced in the stomach not the brain. I never see much literature on it but I am sure that the removal of a major portion of the belly must wreck some havoc on that system of the body until things adjust and the body compensates. Anyone have any further info on this? I just put it out there because I think its important we all recognize that some depression, anxiety, whack feelings in general are going to happen and that it is perfectly normal and expected. It wont make it better in the moment, but at least it can help us get through the moment knowing it will pass.

  5. Thanks for posting this again.... I copied it to my files- but can't get to my files since my computer died!! :tongue_smilie:


    The "sipping" does get better- I can take big drinks now- can't guzzle- don't think I'll ever guzzle again- but drink muccccch better now.

    I ALWAYS have a bottle of Water in my hand- I like the crystle light raspberry green tea- my fav at the moment. I keep packs in my purse at all times, and when I travel always have two bottles of Water with me. Sometimes room temp is ok and other times it's gotta be real cold. Don't know why this changes- but am ok with it!

    Sounds like things are going good for you! Keep up the good work!

    Thanks Chancie! I think I am deciding not to weigh at all right now. I dont know when I will but I am just too nervous about getting hung up on the scale and any negatives that may cause. I know I have lost, people are noticing and I am too so I will just stay happy with that. Who knows I may make it all the way to the three month check up with Dr. Aceves without weighing! But...probably not. :001_smile:

  6. Carolyn and Vegas,

    Thanks for the advice, I will have to try that. I usually dont like flavored drinks as both of you mentioned you didnt really eaither but if it is going to satisfy the thirst better, I'll try. I did buy some Propel when I got home from the hospital and I didnt really like that very much. I will revert to really small sips and maybe try the lemonade which sounds pretty good. Have to go shopping tomorrow. Its crazy cause I already feel like I am barely taking anything in my sips but I guess they are still too big.

    P.S. Havent forgotten to post that carmelized Thai pork recipe for you! working a short day tomorrow so I will be able to do it then.

  7. HeHE, that is so true. I do believe that after time as you are happier and more comfortable, the ache or urge to make more and more changes would start to diminish. Thanks for this reminder. I could have easily been swept away in running out to the PS in March! You know, its funny, even being a therapist, it is usually difficult to analyze your own reactions....at least for me anyway. :-)

  8. I like big.....Boobs and I can not lie....but to this man, I like nipples better.

    That being said....I have not noticed any difference in Vegas, she is still as full as she was before. The roundness has gone down --- 44 to a 40, but that is because she has shrank... :):thumbup::001_tt1:

    However, like she said she is going to do a TT and a boob lift after she is at goal....Man she is going to be soooo much hotter!!

    I love her so!

    You are crazy man!!!!!! and I like it!

    No seriously that is funny. So are you saying that as long as there is fullness, the direction of nipple pointing is not as much of an issue? I mean if your choice is the effects of gravity and age or a few scars and perkiness which would you choose, as a bearded Italian man? I have actually asked a few of my guy friends around here ( in totally hypothetical terms not with reference to myself) what they would prefer and they are unanimously saying natural. I dont know if that is just a crunchy SF kind of attitude or if they think that is what they are supposed to say....husband is of course impossible to trust because he thinks I am beautiful and perfect already....which just goes to show his complete lack of judgement. ;-)

  9. oh goodie! I was just going to go on a search for the much mentioned ricotta bake. Thanks Angel. The dessert looks good too. Of course everything in the world looks and sounds good to me right now. The idea of chewing something is just so extraordinary. Meanwhile, I really miss being able to drink Water in gulps. That may sound strange but I just love water and I cant seem to get enough this way and am feeling thirsty even though I am sure I am getting a total of at least 50-60 ounces of liquid a day. I think I am taking small sips but I get the same pain you described right between the sha shans and then feel like I have to burp. any ideas? THank you!

  10. I've been stuck at a 50 lb wt loss from my highest weight, (30 lbs since surgery) for two weeks, but am obviously shrinking. Two weeks ago I tried on some new jeans but could not fit into a smaller size...today, I tried again and have jumped down two sizes. That does not seem possible...maybe it's the brand or something, but what ever, I bought some! :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    The moral of the story is, don't worry about stalls...things are still moving along as long as we keep to the program!!![/quote

    That is so awesome! I love it! I am still scared to weigh myself, havent weighed since surgery. I am afraid to see the number and be disappointed. Husband says to wait two weeks. I did ask him if he noticed anything but he ( very carefully) said no. Cant tell if anything fits differently because I was wearing 4 things all the time as I had grown out of my clothes and they were all elastic or tie.

  11. OK, so knock on wood, other than feeling burpy when I try to drink and that pain it causes between the sha shans, so far I think I am doing fairly well. I did start wondering though, in the event of a leak or some kind of complication, does anyone know if kaiser would deny coverage for the care? I did not qualify for their WLS program but isnt just like another elcetive surgery? If I had complications from a breast lift they would pay for that right?

  12. Carolyn, yeaaaa! I'm so glad you liked it! I wish I could have some right this moment. Yesterday I was reading my huge full color photographs on every page Thai cookbook and vowing to make regular use of the huge Asian Market right next to my place as soon as possible. I'm going to make chicken Satay and massaman curry, and carmelized pork and crispy beef with basil and.....aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!

  13. Mona,

    My name is Chandra and I'm 9 days out and I have some "what ifs" too.. I guess we won't know these things until we cross those bridges but I do take into consideration all the people here that have already been through it and the fact that I'm feeling full on the liquids I'm drinking so I'm sure we will with food as well. The challenge for me will be in always making the best food choices and not giving in to eating something that really doesn't benefit me too often.

    I have some drink recipes from my surgeon that are really good.. the one I'm drinking now has pumpkin pure in it, and sugar free maple Syrup and cinnamon so it's like I'm drinking pumpkin pie.. let me know if you need any..... :001_rolleyes:

    Hang in there.. try to take it one day at a time.


    ohhh, can I have some of those recipes?

  14. Newmom here - definitely getting better each day! Yesterday was a relief and today I am just happy to be out of the hospital and amongst people. The food smells in the airport are getting to me a bit, but I also remember reading about that with someone else so I have hooked up my laptop near the wall and I'm just surfing. :001_rolleyes:

    I really can't wait to get home and get started on this new life!!!

    Joon is such a nurturing person, I wish you all had a Joon to travel with.


    Ditto Fair and Lovely! :-)

    It was so great to have you with me newmom, it made everything feel easier safer, more homey. I cant wait to see your sexy self in your photographs that you will be posting! Of course the staff and facility was wonderful as well and I couldn't have asked for a better experience. Things freaking me out right now: the open wound on my stomach that is just supposed to be washed and then covered with gauze every day. It looks OK I guess it just freaks me out to have my insides exposed and I am hoping that closes up soon. Also my belly is so bruised looking! I know that will all get better but it is strange. I was actually at Thanksgiving last night believe it or not and OH MY GOODNESS, that was an acomplishment of monumental heights. The food looked and smelled sooo good. my husband wanted me to be there so much though that I just couldnt miss it.

    So, I am starving, oh yes, I want to eat my Williams and Sonoma catalogue. Just waiting for tomorrow to be able to have slightly less clear ( thin) liquids and wondering what they will be. The thing I am finding most disgusting right now is the swallowing of my crushed medicines. It is so bitter and awful it makes me want to puke! I if I could just swallow it down with a spoon of yogurt that might be less offensive but I honestly dont know how I am going to do it.

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